My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 46 Denatus.

Chapter 46 Denatus.

'Honestly if it wasn't for the main attraction of the Dentatus being the naming ceremony and being so entertaining to tell our fellow gods about the children in question who leveled up we would probably only meet once every few years rather than every three months.' Hestia thought idly trying to keep a composed face as one of the eastern gods described there new level and she could already see the cruel lights in her fellow deity's eyes as they competed to make up the most embarrassing title for the poor mortal.

It didnt even take five minutes for a buzzer to go off cutting off the frantic god tried to give his fellow deity's reason not to insult his child but sadly it was a lost cause. "Thus, forth till the child named Samura Sadako levels up again her title henceforth shall be-" Hermes paused for a moment of suspense to build as the eastern god frantically prayed towards his brethren for mercy but it was for naught... "Heaven Swallowing Python!"

Yeah... for most mortals that would be a fine and dandy name but for the people connected to her and knew of events happening in her life recently. Would know she was assaulted in the redlight district, to be found drugged and orally pleasuring a man by her fellow members later on.

Even Freya shook her head at the casual cruelty of her fellow gods but then again, it's not all that surprising with how long Evilus was around and the motives of the gods leading the organization were just to cause suffering and make their own brand of entertainment.

Hermes had a wry smile on his face as he shrugged helplessly at the god of the girl as the vote was passed.

"Well now that her title has passed, Now Hestia do you have any Level ups to report?" Hermes asked Hestia trying to move attention off the god who was clearly dreading having to go home to tell the girl her new title.

Hestia proudly stood with a wide grin and spoke. "Yes, out of my three adventurers all have leveled up!" The rooms muttering and whispers went dead as all the gods in the room had to mentally reset.

Before the room could explode in shock Hestia threw even more gas on the flame as she smugly grinned. "The best part is two out of my three broke Ais Wallenstein's record for the fastest level up!" She couldn't explain anymore as the room exploded into anarchy as some of the more childish deity's even threw wine bottles at Hestia but she was able to skillfully hide under the table as the bottle's smashed into the back wall behind her showing how she expected such a reaction.

Now this room itself was enchanted by Ouranos himself to force people to speak only the truth to the point that only a deity with an unsealed Arcanum could match his power so none, not even Loki could lie or even mislead through its effects.

Ishtar raised a hand bringing silence to the room and caseation of the genral anarchy. "Oh, Hestia well done with those children, but I imagine we are all dying to know to what extent they broke her record." The current Queen of the redlight district prodded at Loki making her frown at being pointed out.

But her status after losing both her level five and four has made her iron tight hold of the redlight district became tenuous at best with Aphrodite starting to poke holes into her rule and has already taken some territory of her own.

"My child Bell Cranel has been an adventurer for one month and three days to this day now." She said making the whole room hiss in disbelief as it took Ais Wallenstein just under a year to do the same. Hestia couldn't help her evil grin coming up as she then broke there spirits. "And most importantly the new Captain of my Familia, Jake Barris has only been an adventurer for a bit less than three weeks..."

"Thud!" More than dozen gods slammed there heads into there table clearly bemoaning there children's lack of talent in comparison as they were just a lump of tofu in comparison to the sun that Jake's shadow hanging over him.

"That's impossible!" More than one deity screamed but the insanity was closed momentarily as what was once a major centerpiece to these meeting threw open the padded door to the room.

Freya didnt walk into the room. No, she strutted into the room wearing a completely different style than her usual style as even though her dress hugged her body it was tasteful in only showing the smooth skin of her back.

But no one could deny the glow she was carrying, and it was Ishtar who smiled viciously trying to throw her off her game as the goddess of beauty quietly sat beside Hestia called out to her. "Oh, look who decided to join us, but I thought this gathering was for gods with Familia's?" Ishtar hissed who she considered her rival.

Freya simple smiled and lightly shook her head speaking. "Granted my Familia situation is a bit complicated, but I am here to coach Hestia as I am teaching her how to grow her Familia and frankly how to deal with you children..."

More than one god simply nodded to her calling them children but then again no one would call gods mentally stable or responsible for the most part.

"Thud!" The whole room jerked and looked at the busty, yet diminutive woman known as Hecate pointed at Freya in pure shocked silence as she choked on something, and it was only when one of the gods neighboring her who thought she was choking to death on something and punched her in the back to make her cough up a grape which made his fellow deity's glare at him for punching one another.

But the words Hecate spoke after gaining her breath back made the room seem to trip over itself in confusion. "Freya your pregnant!"

Ishtar who was taking a drink to wet her throat and prepare to spend the whole night lambasting Freya almost drowned as she lost the grip of her wine bottle and it slipped into her well trained throat...

Finally, after the room stopped screaming Freya opened up her eyes and all the deity's related to life, death, or souls in general could finally register the glow covering Freya as the soul forming within her.

It was surprising Demeter who managed to stare the rest of the deities in attendance into silence as she stood up and she stared deeply into Freya's eyes as she asked the question eating so deeply into the minds of the room's occupants.

"Freya please just tell us how this was done." She asked solemnly and there was more than one motherly goddess in attendance who were no doubt going to declare a war game should she deny them an answer regardless of how it would go not that it would accomplish anything truthfully as Freya didnt really have a Familia at the moment.

Freya gave a blinding smile that spoke of infinite love as she caressed her stomach and before the rooms attendants could starting yelling as the mutters built back up, she silenced them with a fact that sent back into stunned silence. "Jake Barris fucked me better than anyone has ever before throughout the countless millennia and is the father of our daughter."

Now the room was convinced it was the divine dicking the mortal Hestia just mentioned setting the new record and not a medium used to create the pregnancy. josei

More than one Goddess gave Hestia speculative eyes, and it was Loki who finally voiced their thoughts as she threw out a mischievous question while grinning. "Wow Hestia, such a great catch huh? Did you even give him a ride?"

Hestia couldn't deny it as that would be a lie and would go against the enchantments so she could only helplessly nod making the room just shrug at the already too many surprises but more than a few were extremely surprised at her news.


The buzzer stating for the deities to move onto the next mortal/god's Familia went off but was quickly slapped silent by Hermes and the rest of the gods nodded in assent as this was far more entertaining.

The meeting seemed to go nowhere as everyone kept arguing at what should be done and some even argued Jake and Bell should be moved to a more prominent Familia so they could be nurtured better and not be held back by Hestia but seeing Hestia's hair raise and gain a light pink hint as the Arcanum slipped slightly out of the bonds shut them up quickly.

She stated with a cold smile a simple fact all the gods that weren't primordial in power had no choice but to obey. "You shall not steal him from me..." This wasn't a goddess throwing her weight around by the power of her Familia. No this was the Goddess of Flame/Salvation telling them if they cross the line, she will burn them and will not let them go even as they are dragged back to heaven.

"Jake shall live and die within my embrace whether he dies or becomes immortal, makes no difference as his eternal soul is mine." More than one deity got her hint that so long as the falna on his back stayed the same she wouldn't stop anyone from approaching him and with his speed at leveling who knows how high he would go within a decade. Which was merely a blink of an eye for beings of millennia.

Finally, after the buzzer went off again, they had no choice but to wrap up there confusion if they wanted to keep up the schedule so after a quick vote the names were decided with Hestia input as they simply didnt even have time to hear there stories.

Hermes cleared his throat as he read from the tallied votes. "Ahem so the supporter named Liliruca Arde, will be titled Loli Atlas." More than one person in the room sniggered at the title but Hermes gamely kept a straight face as he continued. "Bell Cranel the prior captain of the Hestia Familia and second place record holder for fastest level up is to be titled, Rabbit of Caerbannog." Hestia couldn't help but face palm at this one, but she blushed at the following one.

"Now for the name we all been waiting for... Jake Barris a man who seems to have exceeded the most talented man of all time Albert Wallenstein the man who took the eye of the now named One Eye Black Dragon, in doing something he was famous for..." Hermes grandly pointed at the duo of Goddess's sitting beside one another as they nervously sat up straighter at how tense the room is.

"His title shall hence forth be Orion!"

Now the reason they came up with that name was a bit complicated as few if anyone could receive Freya's attentions and then adding on how he was able to entrance a virgin goddess was reminiscent of the sprit blessed by Artemis who fell for a man and sadly both fell soon after to a wave of monsters, dying together to save a city. But the biggest reason other than the attraction he brought to women was his skill at hunting monster's which looking at Jake's speed at leveling was a given....

Hermes took a drink of his water as he wetted his parched throat and as he went to start up the clock on the next gods titled children a voice rang out through the room. "Heh a half goddess daughter of Freya, I wonder how she will taste..." A disgusting sniggering rang out of the now dead silent room as Freya's dead emotionless eyes stared at the figure of Deimos the god Fear and Terror as he stared at her belly with perverted intentions.

'Deimos was one of the Gods who managed to escape Ryuu's purge of Evilus.' Hestia thought thinking back to the insane things the god would do back in Tenkai and was surprised when she heard he was acquitted of being part of Evilus.

Freya didnt bother threatening him or making a grand statement. No, she steadily stood up and a heavy pressure crushed the deities within the room as Freya's silver hair became as bright as the moon, her eyes burned golden as though made of molten gold and before Deimos could react, Freya clapped her dainty hands and as they pulled apart large magic circles formed, and chains sprang out of the ground to hold Deimos in the air spread-eagle.

The room was paralyzed in fear as the psychotic Goddess flipped her shit and it was even worse when she daintily walked into the middle of the atrium and as Deimos was pulled close to her, she stabbed an ominously glowing black dagger through his pants and into his manhood.

More than one God simply crawled under there table and hid as Deimos screamed in agony as Freya candidly spoke. "Oranous gave me explicit permission to use my Arcanum as I see fit to protect my child so, please threaten my darling again, I dare any of you..." Loki's mouth closed with an audible click before she could even say anything.

"Now using my domain of Death, I have made sure this dagger will curse that pathetic worm of a manhood to never touch another child again." She said brightly and then the chains swung around and sent the fainted god like unwanted trash through the doors of the room.

"Hestia dear I am ready to go home." Freya smiled wryly and nodded at the freaked-out room. "Will you please join me, so I have company to your home." She pretty blankly told the room she was staying with Hestia as no one would dare to attack a clearly unhinged and unleashed goddess, because she knew more than one deity would be willing to simply off Hestia to try to get Jake.

Hestia smiled and knew Jake himself was going to be freaking out at how crazy this meeting went but oh well we are safe at home and worse comes to worst we can just teleport to the dungeon and not worry about walking through Orario.

Little did she know I was busy accidentally burning down the Redlight district and brought home a pet and her minder...

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