My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 47 Rabbit Season!" "No, Duck Season Fire!" The truth is that it was Fox season all along...

Chapter 47 Rabbit Season!" "No, Duck Season Fire!" The truth is that it was Fox season all along...

As I sneaked into the Red-Light District, I was already glad I made a budget invisibility cloak as even the roofs were full of couples/groups participating in the different angles of the tango.

I honestly didnt have too many ideas as to where I could find the Fox Girl, but I did remember that she was often 'advertised by sitting in front of a brothels front window' So I had the choices of either going to Ishtar's tower and checking there or prowling the streets and checking the fronts of every brothel in hopes that she just happens to be sitting there at the time.

'Ugh either option isn't really that viable... Wait I am literally in the red-light district I just have to ask where I can find some fox tail, so to speak.' I face palmed and after walking into an unoccupied alleyway I threw off the cloak and stuffed it into my bag.

After walking towards Ishtar's tower so I approached some of the guards standing there. "Hey ladies I hear you girls got a Renard in!"

The Amazonian girls looked blitzed out of there fucking minds and whether it was drugs or Ishtar's charm nonsense I wanted nothing to do with it. But I had no problems coaxing the high guards to give me directions towards Haruhime and be glad it was likely they wouldn't really remember me.

"Whelp that was easy enough..." I muttered and quickly made my way to the more fetish-oriented part of the Redlight District that appealed to higher end clientele. And what do you know, it took less than ten minutes of power walking past the prostitutes that offered me fetishes I didnt even know existed for me find the sad looking fox girl sitting at a bench in an open window at the front of a brothel.

For a moment I wanted to just throw my cloak over her and just attempt to lead her out of here but I didnt like my chances at such a thing as even the most stupid person would resist someone dragging you away without a word.

Then I recalled one of Haruhime's character traits. She can't even see a naked collar of a man without fainting... josei

'Ok time to have her knock herself out and then I can bundle her up in my invisibility cloak and just carry her out.' I thought and approached the "madame of the house"

Yeah, the so-called madam looked closer to a Drag Queen, but I wasn't going to say a damn thing...

"Excuse me I was looking for more of a gentle girl to spend my night with." I ordered and basically, I just cut out more that seventy percent of her girls as amazons weren't in anyway gentle in there attentions.

"I think I have a good idea of what you need big boy. But just to be sure you don't have problems with Beast kin, correct?"

I nodded and made her smile at how simple at setting me up for the night and then she rang one of the bells lining the wall and a peculiar ringing noise emanated from it.

After looking at the other bells lining the walls, I assumed they were attuned to each of the girls working here but before I could think more about it the madam cut off my thoughts. "Alright sir you ordered one of girls for the whole night so that will be fifty thousand upfront and breakfast will be provided on your way out of this establishment."

'Huh the very definition of a bed and breakfast...' I thought wryly wondering how safe it was to eat food made here.

But I wasn't going to be staying the night here anyway.

"Alright here." I slid five coins that denoted ten thousand Valis a piece across the table so I didnt make any skin contact with the madame.

Soon enough I was led into a hallway with a number of rooms on the side and then was pointed to enter a simple bedroom with only a futon on the ground and a small lamp to provide a bit of light a few feet from the bed.

I would normally be a bit nervous sitting here for paid sex, but I was assured that nothing like that would be happening as I literally planned on basically kidnapping the fox girl.

"Pardon my intrusion." A meek voice rang out from a side door and the woman of the hour gently walked into the room not making eye contact as she kneeled beside me as I was certainly not sitting on that damn bed because God knows what has happened on it and what diseases it could be carrying...

As she loosened the kimono, she was wearing barring all her cleavage I likewise met her actions by removing my shirt and just as expected as the woman blankly stared at my bare chest, I could see her blood pressure rising as her blush started from her neck and worked her way up till her face went a pale ivory to a cherry red.

From an outsider's perspective it was fascinating to watch her lose her mind over just seeing me bare chested and as she fell backwards in a dead faint, I quickly grabbed her by her kimono so she didnt hit her head on the ground giving me a clear view of her breasts as I pulled her Kimono.

I kinda felt a little bad so I closed her clothes a bit before I wrapped her up in my invisibility cloak threw a bit of tea on my shirt and walked out of the room putting on a heavily confused face.

"Excuse me madame where is the girl I ordered?" I asked the clearly confused madam as she blinked at me.

"I just sent a girl in?"

"You mean that stupid fox girl who tripped and threw a bunch of tea on my shirt and fled the room seeing my chest...?" I deadpanned

I could literally just see the realization that cross the madams face that yes, such a situation is not only possible but almost a certainty with how shy she was. "I apologize for her actions. but would you mind going back to the room. In the meantime, we will wash your shirt and I will send another girl for free as an apology for tonight."

I just shook my head firmly. "This shirt was made by my goddess, how I could never let someone else manage it." I stated firmly and she sighed in realization and then opened the register and gamely gave me back my money.

"I hope this hasn't colored your views of my fine establishment, if you are in the neighborhood, we will happily welcome you again sir."

'Damn for a brothel this is some quality service, almost makes me bad stealing one of there girls.' I thought and then with a simple nod I left with my baggage being carried over my shoulder till I was able to leave the brothel and out of the public eye and transfer her into my arms so I didnt hurt her as I carried her.

It didnt take long for me to get back home and with me physically carrying Haruhime she didnt have any problems entering the wards.

But now the problem was trio of girls sitting on a bench tapping there feet as I carried an unconscious girl back home. The combination of Syr, Lili, and Ryuu staring me down as I gently laid the fox girl onto the couch made me get goose bumps.

"This girl was sold into slavery and is connected to the Takemikazuchi members." I explained making the girls blink and lose there disappointed glares. "Plus, don't give me those looks I am not a creep like that." Also, if I was like that, I certainly wouldn't bring the girl here...

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