My Werewolf System

Chapter 401

Chapter 401: Running out of time (part 2)

Chapter 401: Running out of time (part 2)

Just throwing out punches wasn’t working, so Gary needed to make a change. He was unsure if it would work, but it was something he wanted to test a while ago and with nothing to lose in this situation he had to.

“Stop moving!” Gary shouted, and right after a loud howl was heard.

[Skill activated Magnetic Howl]

Hearing this strange howl, it was as if something took over in the lead supervisor and he came towards Gary. After getting both of his fists ready, he began to pummel the student, hitting him over and over in the chest. Another hit came his way, but the Werewolf was ready to block this one.

“You truly are an idiot! So what if you can make me attack you? My punches are stronger than your stupid hide! Fine, if you want to die quicker, be my guest!” The supervisor shouted.

“Maybe… but at least you’re now in range for me to attack you back!” Gary growled.

[Skill activated Claw Drain]

[-15 Energy]

Gary swung his arms out, forfeiting his defence to exchange blow for blow with the adult. After all, thanks to his skill, he was also getting part of his Health back, albeit not enough to make up for the loss he was suffering. Naturally, the lead supervisor was not holding back. Blood was pouring from Gary's mouth and dripping from the several wounds that were all over his body.

“How are you still not dead?! How are you still standing with that much poison in your body?!” The supervisor was shocked. He had never seen anyone take as many hits as the student in front of him, bleed this much and still be alive.

‘He's hurt I know he's hurt…this is it… I just have to go on for a little longer.’ Gary thought as he saw his HP drop below ten points. Fortunately, there was one last trump card he had at his disposal.

[Skill activated Last Stand]

[-6 HP]

[1/100 HP]

[Last Stand is activated (59 seconds remaining)]

Even though Gary's movements were slowing down, and the supervisor was managing to hit the teenager twice for every hit he received, there was a large difference between the two. With Gary's Health, his Energy and his skills, he had become an unstoppable force.

A frightening being that could take ten hits to give out one. Covered in blood from head to toe, the Insect Altered could only continue to stare into those glowing red eyes. At that moment, another claw went right into his stomach, piercing through him, blood filling the lead supervisor's mouth.

“ARGHHH!” Gary screamed as he continued to stab the supervisor in the stomach. He stabbed and stabbed, Hit after hit, digging into the same place. Blood was now pouring from the supervisor's stomach, as the hole continued to widen.

“ARGHH!” Gary continued to scream as he felt a weight on his shoulder, but he continued to throw his claws again and again until finally, a message had appeared.

[Quest has been completed]

‘Wait…what?’ Gary thought. He could hardly see, not because of his tiredness but because his eyes were swollen, blood filling in them. His Energy was extremely low as well.

Still, the system screen was connected to his mind, so he could still see the notification before him clearly. Taking a step back, the seemingly lifeless body of the supervisor's body collapsed and fell before him.

‘He’s moving…he's really not moving.’ Gary thought to himself and fell to his knees next to the body that was by his side. His body reverted to his human form, trying to use as little energy as possible.

[Last Stand has come to an end]

[1/200 HP]

Pushing the supervisor's body over, Gary flipped him onto his front, and here he could see a lifeless face. There was no heartbeat, and the colour from his face and eyes had gone.

[Congratulations, you have now reached: Level 21]

[A stat point has been granted]

[Congratulations, Additional Quest has been completed]

[ 2 Pawn Points have been given]

‘Wait, what is this? Pawn Points, does that mean…’

Looking across the room, Gary could barely see them as the effect of the poison was still inside of his body, but he could see the two figures on the floor. If the Additional Quest was completed, it meant both Izzy and Ian weren't dead, but had just been injected with the same stuff he had inside him now.

‘Thank you… thank you for not making me mess up again… thank you.’ Gary thought to himself, he was relieved, but there was another problem. Now that the worry was out of his head, something else was taking over his natural instinct.

‘My body hurts… and I'm so hungry… so… very hungry.’ Gary thought, as he moved over to the supervisor. Gary could feel his mind blacking out, but with him being so weak, his body was moving on its own.

[Optional Quest (Waste not want not) is still in progress]

[Consume the body of the Altered for additional stat points] josei

As if he didn't need to tell his body what to do, and he felt himself pick up something and start to chew down. He continued to chew… Everything was a mist of haze as to what was going on. He only subconsciously heard the sound of dings.

It was the system message, but what the message was Gary had no clue because he was somewhere else right now, asleep but not quite at the same time.


“This is where they took them, Professors.” A supervisor said standing outside a separate training room that hadn't been used in years, away from the facility.

“I reported back to you as soon as possible, and I tried getting inside, but the lead supervisor ordered me to stay outside. Which is why I decided to call the three of you.”

The three professors from the assessment had arrived, but they took a while, having to come from the main academy. Seeing this, one walked up to the metal door, and slid it to the side, breaking the lock on it and slamming it open.

The three professors and the supervisor who had informed them entered the room immediately, and stopped the moment they saw what awaited inside.

“What on earth has happened here?” Professor Wood had to cover his mouth, almost feeling sick, while Professor Humfree was shaking his head, a churning feeling in his stomach.

Standing in the middle of the room, his whole body covered in blood, was Gary. He was unmoving, and his face pointed towards the corner of the room, where two lone silhouettes were lying down. It was as if he was sleeping on his two feet.

However, the surrounding scene was something they had never expected, the injured students, and as for the supervisors, there was hardly a body left for them to bury.


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