My Werewolf System

Chapter 402

Chapter 402: Evolving

Chapter 402: Evolving

Slowly opening his heavy eyelids, Gary found himself starting into a bright white light. There was nothing else in view, and his hearing appeared to still be muffled, making everything sound as if he was underwater.

‘Am I dead? … Is this what death feels like?’ Gary wondered. ‘What happened to that supervisor? I remember him threatening to kill me once his poison works… so I just kept hitting and hitting… and hitting… I guess in the end…’

Soon his blurry white vision was becoming clearer and he realised that he was just staring at the ceiling light. Similarly, his hearing was also coming back, followed by the sense of touch, allowing him to feel the soft cotton sheets on his arms.

[Body is back to 100% functionality]

Then hearing the system message had confirmed it, Gary really hadn’t died. He was still alive.

‘So that damn poison is finally out of my system. Is that what kept me asleep, and made me feel so weak!’ The teenager reasoned.

Looking around the room, and gathering his bearings, he noticed that he was in a medical room. What’s more, this was a private one as there was only a single bed, and Gary was hooked up to several machines surrounding his bed. However, there were no physical wounds, no punctures, no anything in terms of wounds on his body. His clothes had been changed into a light blue robe, but that was it.

‘Well, I guess whoever put me in here doesn’t want me dead… at least not yet.’ The Werewolf thought. ‘But at the end, I completed the Quest. The other two should be alright. Maybe they’re somewhere closeby?’

Just to make sure he hadn’t been dreaming the part about the completion of the additional Quest, the teenager decided to open up his system and check over his last notification.

Things looked good so far, he had levelled up after defeating the two of them, and he now had two unspent Pawn Points, which was a relief. If he was in a hospital then they would be as well, but when looking at the start, Gary’s eyes widened, staring in disbelief.

‘How… how could this have happened… how could this much have changed, unless.’

A quick flash went into Gary's mind, of feeling something in his mouth, but there were no clear images or memories of it, but the system was there to confirm what Gary thought had occurred.

[Name: Gary Dem]

[Class: Warrior]

[State: Human (Alpha)]

[Grade: Bishop]

[Level 21]

[Exp 3788/6789]

[Health: 200 >>> 250]

[Energy: 78/300]

[Strength 27 >>> 35 (+2)]

[Dexterity 26 (+2)]

[Endurance 25 >>> 32 (+2)]

(Editor’s Note: The System just shows him the right number. I simply used this format since it’s the easiest way to show off how much it changed. If you dislike it, let me know.)

First of all, there was a change in his Health value. Eating Kirk had granted Gary extra stats, but Health hadn’t been one of them. The Werewolf had believed that only stat points could increase it, but he didn’t mind being proven wrong. On top of that, Strength and Endurance had both increased by leaps.

‘I guess that confirms it. ‘You are what you eat’, isn’t just a saying in my case. This body evolves based on what type of Altered I eat.’

Scrolling through the list, he noticed another notification he hadn’t expected to find there.

[A passive skill has been gained: Poison Resistance (Low)]

[Your body now has a base level of resistance against poisons]

‘This body… It's amazing! To be able to develop even such a thing… Hang on, if I have the ability to keep evolving like this based on the enemies I eat and kill… doesn’t that mean that as long as I eat enough, I’m practically invincible?

‘Am I really the only one alive?’ Gary started to wonder. ‘Were the ones before me hunted to extinction by a group like the Altered Hunters? … or maybe it was something else.’

Both possibilities were interesting to think about, and the teenager became even more interested in finding out the origins of the Werewolf System. Unfortunately, the only ones who might know were already six feet under.

Now, with Gary's head starting to clear and after reading all the notifications, and further ogling his newly gained passive skill which would have been a heaven-sent BEFORE his fights against the supervisor, it was time to face his current situation.

‘Whoever picked me up and put me here… they must have seen the bodies… or the lack thereof… Shit, what if they came in right when I was eating those two? Am I still in the facility even? If that is the case, and it was one of the other supervisors, with two of them dead, then I should expect quite the large punishment, maybe beyond just getting kicked out of the school.’ Gary gulped.

With his new-found strength and extra stats though, if that did happen, he might have a good chance of getting out of the place. Worst case scenario he was prepared to hide out in Slough before the teachers could do anything.

That's when he looked at the surrounding equipment,

‘Wait, I was definitely covered in blood. I had holes in my body. I might have healed from eating, but it wouldn't have been so bad, and for me to be in this hospital. Have they gotten a hold of my blood? If that's the case, they might have found out what I really am?!’

Immediately, the Werewolf started to pull himself out from the bed she was in. All the strange white little plasters that were on his body came off, and a flat line signal was coming out from one of the machines.

‘Shut up!’ Gary thought, as he felt a sudden breeze by his backside. josei

He realised that other than the robe, there was nothing else on him. Turning his head around, he saw white toosh. Just when he was convinced that there were no clothes in this room and he was planning to get out of this room, the handle on the door started to turn.



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