My Werewolf System

Chapter 439 The best for themselves

Chapter 439 The best for themselves

Chapter 439 The best for themselves

It was a surprise to Gary to see this person of all people, maybe he thought Crowley would be waiting or Humfree but there was no one apart from the NIRV employee. Honestly, this person was already making him nervous and the fact that he must have been standing outside for a while, waiting for something was putting him at ease even more.

“Did you get to play with the body and find what you wanted?”

It was a probing question, and Gary didn’t know how to really answer. It wasn’t like he was some scientist, Tom would be best for this.

“I did, but I still would like to do more research. So as long as you don’t want the bodies, then please send them my way after the lessons.” Gary said, and the easiest way for him to get out of the awkward situation was to walk away and head back the way he came.josei

“I have a question if you don’t mind me asking, what type of Altered are you?”

Hearing this question, Gary’s heart started to throb, and he didn't know how to answer. He had yet to turn around but had stopped walking. It was clear he had heard James, and the hesitation in his answer wasn’t the best for him.

“You see, I looked into our files, and NIRV has never given any type of Altered DNA, to the group known as the Howlers, which would suggest you got your DNA from somewhere else. Maybe an auction, another corporation or even abroad.

“Your Altered form, the way you ripped off that tail was quite impressive, so we would like to know what our competition is, that's all.”

Thinking hard, Gary wanted to answer the question in a way, so he would no longer be involved in NIRV, or at least get James' attention off his back. The answers though just weren't coming to his head. He never expected James to be there when the door opened.

“What are you doing?” A voice said down the hall, and Crowley the teacher dressed in all black could be seen coming out from the corner of the hallway.

“The students are only meant to complete tasks for you as a retriever. In the first place, they are still apprentices. They do not have to do your bidding outside of the special lesson and it is now over. Come over here, Gary.” Crowley called over.

Out of all the people to come and help him, Gary never thought he would be thankful to see the strange bird magician teacher, but he was, and soon rushed over. The two turned down the hallway and began to head back.

They walked for a good five minutes, and it seemed they were heading down the long hallway back to where they first started, taking several turns once again just like before. When they were finally in the tube-shaped hallway that Gary recognised, Crowley had stopped.

“I have a warning for you as one of our students,” Crawley stated. “NIRV are a group of people that only care about themselves. They will do anything for the sake of science. You know there are those against Altereds, well these guys are PRO Altered.

“If they could they would turn every single person into an Altered, but aren't foolish.They would do it, so in a way they are at the top. NIRV, is a corporation that supplies Altered DNA, even to tier one cities. Creating the strongest Altered the world has seen.

“Now imagine, if that's the Altered DNA they are willing to sell, then what about the ones they are keeping for themselves.”

Gary had heard similar conspiracy theories online similar to what Crowley had just said, but hearing it directly from a teacher that was connected and worked with them, gave a different feeling.

Maybe the world hadn’t seen everything Altered could do and with expanding technology there would be breakthroughs at every corner creating better Altered.

The double steel doors opened up, and Gary was back in the room where they had started with the seats and the signed sheets of paper. To his surprise, the others were there waiting as well.

When Gary's eyes met with Numba, they both smiled at each other. Happy to see that the other was okay. With Apollo with the group, he wasn’t so worried about what might occur though.

He was sure, after seeing Wu and Snow, that they would be able to deal with that beast as well.

“Everyone is to leave and enter the special lesson at the same time.” Crowley said. “These are the rules and it's true if someone is being held back to be healed or something else. But don;t worry while they were waiting for you, I gave them all their feedback as well.

“As for you Gary, they actually didn’t have much to say about your performance. Apart from, they would like to see you be more active and see more before they judge, but I would say that is for you to decide.

“For me, I think all of you when you enter the special lesson should just survive, focus on surviving no matter what.”

The special lesson was only once a week, so they would have to wait to see what their task or who they would go up against next week. In the meantime, they were to continue their lessons like normal, while not speaking a word to all of those outsides.

Now that the lesson was done, Crowley made the basket appear in his hand, and all of the mobile devices were returned. The doors were open to the outside and it was around 8 pm, and the night was out.

“Ah man, I really want to talk to you about what happened there, but rules are rules,” Numba said. “No doubt the others are going to ask, I wonder what we should say to them?”

Gary was thinking the same thing, but he was distracted because as soon as he turned on his phone, he noticed there was a missed call from Kai, and he had received a message.

[Call me as soon as you can, we need to talk.]


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