My Werewolf System

Chapter 440 A message from home

Chapter 440 A message from home

Chapter 440 A message from home

Seeing the text message had caused Gary’s heart rate to rise a little. He knew that because his system's messages were telling him that was the case. It was odd, Kai was always calm, collected and hardly anything fazed him.

On top of that, he and Olivia were now like him. Their strength and more had increased and there shouldn’t have been many in Slough that could cause them problems.

Now that Gary was being contacted, he felt like it was a serious matter.

‘Is it those people that the Underdogs worked for, or maybe something has happened to their werewolf forms.’ Gary thought.

“Hey, Gary, are you just going to stand there all day? Come on.” Numba shouted.

Putting his phone away Gary followed Numba back to their rooms, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. In the end, they had arrived in front of their rooms, but Numba headed to Ian’s room rather than his own.

“Oh, hey aren’t you going to come chill with us for a bit?” Numba asked. “I know we can’t talk about what happened, but Ian wouldn't stop texting me to come over after the special lesson ended.”

Gary had automatically gone to his own room, in fact, he noticed that he had received a text from Izzy as well, about a little get together claiming it would be nice for their first day.

“I just need to sort something out first, it might be a while, I’ll send you a message when I’m done.” Gary smiled and went inside to his room.

“Hmm, he was looking at his phone the whole way back, maybe someone from home. Come to think of it, I got a message as well.” Numba mumbled to himself as he let himself into Ian’s room.

Ian and Izzy were already playing some music and had a load of snacks out on the table. Popcorn, crisps and more.

“I mean, I know you said that we were having a party but is it really smart to be eating all of this junk on the first day?” Numba asked.

“Will you relax, it's okay to have a cheat day once in a while even if it is on the first day,” Ian replied getting up from the sofa. “Besides the food they recommend us, is a recommendation. They can’t force us to not eat this stuff.”

Although Ian did have a point, Numba wanted to take this whole thing seriously, especially after what had happened in the special lesson. He kept imagining if Apollo wasn't there and it was just him and Sty, could they have taken out the beast? Soon they would be facing bigger and stronger things than today.

Coming out of the bathroom, Izzy was sorting out her hair, and saw Numba standing by the door.

“Where’s Gary?” she asked.

“Oh great, so I guess you’re not happy to see me?” Numba replied. “Gary needed to sort something out first, he said he would text us when he’s free.”

In an instant, Numba could see the look of disappointment on Izzy’s face. And it was at that moment, that he realised the feelings she had for him. Even if she didn't know about them herself.

“So come on, what made this special lesson so special?” Ian asked, and the excitement could be seen in his eyes. “I can’t even imagine what lesson would only have you and Gary in it. Did you get personal sparring training one on one with the teachers, or maybe met some AFC athletes.”

Thinking back, Numba was thinking the same things, but the truth was far more terrifying than any of that, but he didn’t want to show this fear in front of the others, and knowing that he had something that Ian wanted, Numba folded his arms and put a smug smile on his face.

“Unfortunately I can’t tell you any details, those are the rules of the special lesson,” Numba said out loud and proud. The others weren't sure if they were imagining it but it looked like his nose had gotten larger as well.

“Look, stop playing around, just tell us what it is?” Ian asked.

“I'm serious,” Numba replied. “Gary will confirm when he comes over here, we can’t tell anyone about what is happening, but I will say one thing, Apollo, Wu and Snow were there as well.”

Hearing those names, it just caused Ian to light a fire in his belly.


“Ahhh it would have been better if you said nothing, now I'm really jealous. Maybe, I should have just waited and passed through as the top three with the next lot. This seriously sucks.”


In the other room, Gary sat down on his bed and nervously began to call Kai. The sound of beeps was heard once in a while.

‘Come on Kai, pick up, pick up…please don’t make me worry.’

Beep, and more beeps were heard, as the phone continued to ring. Gary was squinting at this point, because his worst fear was coming true, something drastic must have happened while Gary was away and he wasn’t there to save them.

“Hello,” A voice was heard from the other end. “Hey Gary, are you there? Sorry I was having a nighttime shower. Sorry about that.”

“You were taking a shower,” Gary replied. “I thought something had happened to you, are you okay, is everyone okay?”

Gary was speaking so loud, that Kai was forced to pull the phone away from his ear. He eventually placed it down and placed it on a loudspeaker while he dried himself with a towel.

“There all okay, everyone is fine, your sister is fine as well. I just wanted to talk to you, that's all.” Kai replied. “I didn't realise you would panic this much. I mean if I was well enough to send you a message then that means everything is alright, right?

“Anyway, I won't keep you for long. An up and coming electronic company that sells parts for phones wanted to expand into our city. They are looking to produce more than just small parts for phones and need to broaden their contacts.

“There are quite a few skilled but unemployed people in Slough, so it's a good place for them to set up base, hire people from ect.. At the same time, of course, they're looking to be protected by others and as the current top gang of Slough they have come to us.”

So far the news sounded good rather than bad, and everything was kind of going over Gary’s head, so he was waiting to hear why he needed to be involved in this.josei

“The company is known as Cardenez electronics, and we had a meeting set up with them. They were quite honest with us, and are also thinking of joining a tier 2 city. Of course, they needed protection there as well.

“The tier 2 city might be able to offer them more, but at the same time will take a bigger cut. I think since we are an up and coming group, they have a feeling that we will rise, and rising together is much more attractive to them, than going under another. The problem was that he could tell Gary.”

“Tell what,” Gary replied. “That you’re a werewolf?”

Although that didn't make sense it was the only thing he could think of.

“No,” Kai replied. “He could tell that I wasn't the leader of the gang. He said he will only do business after meeting the real leader. If he is putting his future on the line with us, then he wants to meet you.

“I know you're busy with the academy, but I can set up the meeting to be held in the evening, and I and Olvia will be there as well. You’ll just have to come down after one of your classes, maybe one day you finish early.”

Gary thought about it for a while, he didn’t have a problem with what Kai was suggesting but he was nervous. What would he say, what would he do and how should he act? This was something that he had never done before.

“It's okay, maybe I should take a couple of days to come to see you again anyway. A couple of days won't hurt, and it would be good to catch up.”

“That's great, we can sort out the details about the whole thing at a later time.”

With that, the call had ended, and it looked like Gary was going to go back to Slough and meet the others again. He couldn't wait to see what they had been up to, and seeing his mother and Sister was something he had to do out of respect, but there was something bothering him.

‘Cardenez electronics, I'm sure I have heard of them before? But why would I know that name?’ Gary thought.


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