My Werewolf System

Chapter 442 The second moon (Part 1)

Chapter 442 The second moon (Part 1)

Chapter 442 The second moon (Part 1)

A few days had passed since Gary had told everyone the truth, and during that time things seemed to be going well. Using Olivia, and the rest of the Howlers, they were working on a strategy to control Slough better.

There were still the mid size gangs to worry about, as well as the mayor who had yet to make a move, but the fact that the Underdogs had been dealt with, it looked like for now everyone was laying low.

On top of that, Gary had been spending more time with his sister, although he had yet to tell her he was going to be leaving the city, or anything to do with the gang. He still couldn't quite bring himself to doing any of that yet, but he knew he was delaying the inevitable.

Finally though, there was a big day ahead of them. It was the night before the full moon. The main members of the Howlers had been preparing for this for a while, and with only them knowing the truth, they were also the only ones that could help.

Currently, the whole gang was spending the night at the abandoned police station. It was one of the properties that originally belonged to the Underdogs but was now under the Howlers group that had recently been made.

It was also the place where Gary and Kai were kept for a while. Only this time, they weren’t in the cellars and were in one of the meeting rooms where the police would usually conduct their cases.

Everyone sat down, and was quite nervous for the day. Although they had all been accepting of the fact that they had three werewolves in their gang, at the same time, words and actions were two different things. They hadn’t seen Kai or Olivia transform, and only saw Gary partially transformed when he was asked to help move things.

Inside the room was Marie, Austin, Innu, Olivia, Gary, and Kai of course. Although there were more that knew about them being werewolves, Kai felt like it was too dangerous for them to be here. Although he didn’t tell those that had to come to the meeting that.

“Alright.” Kai said, clapping his hands, standing up in front of everyone to get their attention. There was also a large TV behind him with a powerpoint calling it ‘Operation Full Moon 2'.

“This is everything that we know about the full moon thanks to Gary. First if we do nothing, it all starts at midnight. All three of us will turn into these huge monsters called werewolves.”

The screen was changed showing a cartoon like image of a werewolf that didn’t look scary at all. Kai had done this so the others would be more inclined to take part.

“On this night, apparently we will lose our minds. We won't really know what we are doing and also won’t be able to control ourselves. Instead, we will eat and kill people to satisfy our hunger. Does anyone have any questions on this part.”

During his talk Kai had gone through a few more slides, this time showing cartoon characters being killed, and some pictures of food. When looking at the others the cute pictures no longer seemed to be working so well.

Innu gulped and slowly raised his hand.

“Doesn’t that mean us who are working closest to you are most likely to be… eaten by you.” Flashing images of the werewolves chasing after him for some reason were appearing in his head.

“I mean you are correct but hopefully it won't get to that point.” Kai replied. “You see, once the sun rises at 6:00 AM and the moon goes away and then the dangerous night is over.

“According to Gary, his transformation had ended earlier than that, on that night. After fighting against the Altered Hunters and the White Rose agents, he had tired himself out. According to Gary this is because he ran out of energy, and what werewolves need for energy is food.

“Both mine and Olivia’s appetites have become far larger now that we are werewolves. So it seems to be true. Gary has come up with the suggestion that we tire ourselves out, while also not eating the night before which is today.”

Although this was true, and Gary was confident of his theory, there was one problem. Gary had the system to know when he didn't have enough energy to transform, while the others didn’t.

If they were like him, then they could just transform before the full moon, and try to use up all their energy, but he wasn't too sure they wouldn't give in to their natural urges.

“And what if that doens’t work?” Austin asked with his arms folded and looking towards the corner of the room. There were a few strange weapons they could see that weren't there before.

“This is where you guys come in. The Underdogs did a good job of keeping Gary here last time. In fact, they still have some chains and more to tie us down. Each of us will be put in our own cell and tied to the ground. You are to keep watch over us in the camera room.

“When we have successfully completed the full moon. You can free us and treat us to a nice meal. Now the camera room and the cell room are quite far apart, but just in case, there are Anti-Altered weapons for you to use.

“They are for your protection and seem to work quite well against us. Even if we do turn, I imagine we will be quite weak. So after a few hits with those, you should be golden.”

“Yeah, should '' Innu said, shaking his head, not believing what he was getting himself into.

“Alright! Let’s head down to the cell, and start this long night shall we.” Kai smiled as if he was going to enjoy this.


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