My Werewolf System

Chapter 443 The Second Moon (Part 2)

Chapter 443 The Second Moon (Part 2)

Chapter 443 The Second Moon (Part 2)

Olivia, Kai, and Gary weren’t given another drop of food to eat, and they were already feeling the effects of their hunger. The closer it was to the full moon the higher alert they would be in the first place.

“Ahhh this sucks!” Olivia screamed from her cell.

The three of them had been tied up, next to each other, and could see one another through the metal bars, but due to the chain length they were unable to reach each other or the bars that were in front of them.

The order of the three went Kai, then Gary, and finally Olivia.

“You never said this was what was going to happen when you turned me!” Olivia complained.

“Will you relax?” Kai replied. “You remember all of us are in the same pain, and besides I thought you would be used to your emotions getting high strung once a month.”

“Ah, I swear if I turn into a werewolf, the first one I'm going to kill is you pretty boy.” Olivia said, licking her lips.

Gary immediately turned his head to look at her, and stared her down. It was a fierce look and his eyes had slightly transformed, appearing a little redder than they usually would look.

It was a reminder to Olivia. In the first place, turning her into a werewolf was meant to be a punishment. Gary didn't really care what happened to her, and he had made the decision that if he was unable to control her during the full moon, or at least restrain her like they were attempting to do now then he would get rid of her.

He didn't want another Billy situation, never again. However, Olvia had helped them out a lot. With her Pincer gang, protecting his sister, and even helping out in the fight with Kirk.

It still didn't forgive her for all the bad things she had done while being in the Pincers and for attempting to kill him, but she was more useful alive than dead.

Olivia remembered challenging Gary when she had first been turned, and although she had grown stronger after seeing him go up against the Underdogs, she didn't want to do so again. Besides, her life was good at the moment, she was in the top gang of Slough. Everything was going well apart from this.

There was quiet between the three of them as they focused on thier breathing. They were trying everything to forget about the pain that they could feel in their stomachs. Kai even resorted to some exercise as he began to attempt to hit the air, do push ups, and more.

After a while though, Kai was beginning to feel incredibly weak. For a werewolf just keeping one's body awake for the day took up more energy than the average human. It was why they needed to eat so much.

Gary could also see via the system that his energy was now below the required amount to transform. Since the others had been doing the same as him, they should be below the energy amount, but it was the moment of truth.

“Just one more minute right.” Innu said holding onto the spear type Anti Altered weapon. All of them were, but it didn't feel right what was about to happen.

“Yeah, it's the moment of truth, whether their plan will work or not.” Marie replied, looking behind her. The door had been bolted shut, and at the same time multiple objects were placed in front of it just in case.

Although it was a double edged sword, because if they needed to escape it would be impossible, but there was only one way in and out of the room. With their weapons they were confident they could at least control them.

“You know, there's three of them and three of us, we need to start thinking about what to do if they all will turn.” Austin said, and nodding his head it looked like Innu agreed as well.

However, Marie wasn't too sure, because Gary seemed pretty confident about him not turning, he had told her that she didn't have to worry about him but to keep an eye on the others.


The sound of an alarm set on their phones had gone off for midnight. There was also one phone left in the cell for the others to know what time it was as well. After waiting around thirty seconds, Gary let out a big sigh.

[It is the night of the full moon]

[The power of the moon is at its fullest]

[Your blood lust is at its max]

[There is not enough energy for you to transform]

Each one of them felt something in their body as soon as it hit the midnight clock, a strange twinge, but their body soon calmed down, as it realised it wasn't able to do what it wanted to do.

“It worked, your plan really worked didn’t it!” Kai said with a smile.

“It looks like it has…but it's just begun, here comes the real hard part.” Gary replied.

What Gary said was true, because they would have to survive six more hours, through a pain that was unimaginable. It was similar to someone who was being starved but rather than over a period of time, it was instant.

The pain was rushing through their heads all at once, and their stomachs. So much that they were unable to properly focus. It was hard to even tell what was around them because of the pain.

Several times, the shackles were heard being pullled and slammed onto the ground.

“We have to keep fighting!” Kai shouted.

Olivia seemed to be suffering the worst, as she would constantly let out screams.

“Let me out!! Let me out!!!:” Her wrists were bleeding from the repeated pulling of the chains.

How much time had passed it was hard to tell for them, but it felt like minutes were becoming hours, until…


“Is that?” Gary said looking up. “It's 6 AM, we did it!”

A few seconds later the others had come into the room. All three of them with a meal in their hands and their weapons by their side. They waited a couple of minutes just in case, but it was hard for them to watch.

There were a few times when they wanted to just get out of the rooms and help them but knew it was for the best. Now down here, they had quite a few raw steaks that had been bought just for this occasion beforehand.

Austin opened up the cell to Olivia's room first, and when he got close, she went and snatched the food right out of his hands.

“Whoa… I thought you were going to take my head off there!” Austin was so shocked he had taken a step back and held the spear pointing towards her. “I guess she was just hungry after all.”

The others were getting ready to open the next few cells as well, and do the same, until they heard the sound of growling.

“Guys, it's happening!” Austin shouted, and immediately went out of the cell and slammed the door shut, locking it as quickly as possible.

‘It's happening, what's happening, how can this be… it's past six, so why… why is she changing?’ Gary thought.action

Whatever the reason, Olivia had turned into her large black-furred self, and immediately, everyone pulled out their weapons pointing it toward the cage.

“What are you guys doing, run!” Kai shouted.

“Run?” Marie replied. “And leave you two with this in the room. That's not an option.”


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