My Werewolf System

Chapter 450 Tier 1 City

Chapter 450 Tier 1 City

Chapter 450 Tier 1 City

The limo ride was intense for the gang and they talked about multiple things on the way there, most of it about Gary and wondering how he was faring. Since he hadn't sent them a message yet, they only took it as a good sign that he was doing well.

Then the conversation soon steered to where they were going today.

“Why are you all nervous, you should all be exited for today!” Kai said.

“How are you not nervous, we're going into a battlefield where all the top gangs will be around us, and come on you know how they act.” Innu said. “Some of them will be worst than the Underdogs, one bad look and maybe they’ll just destroy us and take over our town.”

“You better not do anything stupid then.” Austin teased. “Oh wait, I think that’s impossible for you.”

Grinding his teeth, Innu wanted to reply back, but that's when he could see the sign saying 'Welcome to Morfran city'. Shortly after seeing the sign they had entered a tunnel, immediately the whole atmosphere of the tunnel alone was something they had never seen before.

As cars entered the city, there were long digital screens across the entire tunnel they were in, and it was seamless. The video seemed to be advertising some type of drinking beverage which had a male and female model on it.

“Hey, isn't that Lulu and Matthew? They're both in the top ten altereds!” Innu pointed out.

“Well, these cities can afford to pay them. Plus, each tier one city will have a few of the AFA stars under their belt.” Kai explained.

Soon, the car had come to a stand still as well, at the end of the tunnel there was a barrier that would scan the license plate of each car that entered and exited out of the place.

When they reached the barrier, every person in the car was also required to take a photo, and the machine at the front also took a photo of the license plate as well. After all was done, they were allowed to continue travelling through the tunnel again.

“That's quite the security system.” Marie commented.action

“A lot of the tier one cities have them. It's so whoever causes trouble, isn’t allowed to leave.” Kai replied. “It makes attacking a tier one city extremely difficult as the tunnels are the only way to normally enter them. Unless they drop out of a helicopter or something.”

The image appeared in their heads, thinking about what a war between kings would look like. If they were caught in the middle of it, it would be mayhem for them all.

Eventually, the car left the tunnel and they had finally entered a tier one city. To be honest, although Kai didn't mention it to the others, it would also be his first time seeing such a place.

“This… is not what I expected,” Tyler said as he stared through his windscreen and was unfocused on the road in front of him.

When one heard the word city, they usually expected giant skyscrapers with apartments on top of apartments, however, it wasn't like that at all. Instead, there were plenty of large green parks and giant mansions placed in areas.

There were skyscrapers, but they looked like office buildings, and were covered with advertisements all over them.

“I guess it would make sense,” Kai commented. “The tier one cities are a place where truly only the top of the top can live, the top 1 percent of the population. So they wouldn't be overcrowded like the other areas.”

Of course there were still apartment blocks here and there, for those who wished to live in a tier one city, rather than live a larger lifestyle in a tier 2, and there were many reasons for that. Just seeing the beauty of how the city was laid out, everyone could understand.

“There’s… there's just such a huge difference between their lives and ours,” Marie said, clenching her fist. Even in Slough there was inequality, but not quite like this one here.

“Who knows Marie, maybe we can change all of this one day, who knows,” Kai said with a smile, because seeing all of this, was just inspiring him even more to complete his goals.

‘Damion, I wish you were still alive to see what exactly I’m going to do to this whole world.’

Following the car's satellite navigation, they had finally reached the Auction house. It was an incredibly large building that had a unique architecture compared to the rest of the city. Most of the city was made out of glass, and fancy designs, giving the whole place a modern look.

Most of the flooring and pathways were even made of marble rather than the standard concrete or stone flooring. As for the design of the Auction house, it looked like something that belonged to the Victorian Era.

There were carved out details everywhere, and it even had large pillars at the front with a huge entrance way. In front of the large auction house, there was a gigantic garden that had a fountain display, along with hedges and flowers that had been perfectly cut and organized.

There was also plenty of green space behind the auction house. The place was quite busy, busier than they thought it was going to be with several cars pulling up to the entrance.

Directly in front, there seemed to be valet drivers who would park the car a little off sight. While waiting in the cue, they could see that the Auction house itself had yet to open its doors, and currently there were groups enjoying a nice drink outside, to the side of the Auction house, where there was a pop up bar for guests.

Some were dressed in suits, wearing expensive items that cost more than a whole house in a tier three city area. Then there were others that looked to be wearing their gang's clothing and more.

“I'm shaking man, I'm seriously shaking.” Innu said, holding out his hand, and it was certainly shaking all over the place. “Look at them all, look at all these people. I have no clue who they are, which makes it worse.”

It was true, many of these groups, although their names were known, no one knew who they belonged to. Many of the gangs behind the scenes didn’t publicly display their face, and as for the Kings that ran the gangs, there were only a couple that were quite flashy in proclaiming who they exactly were.

“Alright everyone, my best advice would be, to not talk to anyone for the time being. If someone does approach us asking us questions, then it would be best to just send them to me.” Kai claimed as he pulled out the black and gold fox mask and placed it on his face.

“Do the rest of you have your masks as well?”

Pulling them out, they all did the same, covering the top half of their face. Unlike Kai’s though, theirs didn't have a particular design and was only a solid black-like colour. That just went below their hairline.

Since they were a new small gang, and the current people in the car, minus Olivia, were the Pillars of the Howlers, Kai didn't want them to be revealed to everyone. Stepping out the vehicle, Tyler also had a mask on.

Each one of them were dressed in their black and gold gang uniform as well, and the strange masks had certainly attracted some attention.

“Who are they? I have never seen them before?” a person commented.

“Probably some up and coming group from the new cities. They do this stuff all the time in hopes of getting noticed.” another replied and turned their head away.

There was certainly some interest, but that interest had quickly faded with the higher groups. It was only the lower ones that gave them another look.

The whole group stayed together, with Kai leading the front, and went on the green grass by the side ordering a few drinks. He had done so confidently, even though he was underage, and the man didn't give it a second thought.

Never in their wildest dreams did they think that a bunch of high school students would be attending such an event.

“Hey, I feel like I’ve seen that uniform somewhere before, and those strange masks. Aren't they that gang that was on TV!”

At the time of the broadcast, many of the tier three and below cities had taken great interest in it, and their little show along with their uniforms seemed to do the trick.

However, what Kai didn't expect was to catch the attention of one of the kings, who was standing towards the back of the crowd of people with a drink in his hand.

“So, those are the Howlers, who recently took over Slough. It might be worth talking to them.” Sin, one of the King’s said as his drink had evaporated into the air.


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