My Werewolf System

Chapter 451 A world of gangs (Part 1)

Chapter 451 A world of gangs (Part 1)

Chapter 451 A world of gangs (Part 1)

Looking around, the Howlers could only guess who belonged to a gang for those people who were dressed similarly. Of course, without special knowledge, that didn’t tell them where those gangs came from. It was of the utmost importance to avoid any type of conflict with those who had established themselves in high-tier cities, especially as a new gang.

To prevent anything from occurring the group was staying together, and they were enjoying their drinks and some casual chat. Still, Marie noticed that a certain person was continually looking their way.

At first, she had decided to ignore it, wondering if she was just imagining things, but as time went on, she could see his eyes were following them.

“Have you noticed that flamboyant man over there? Ever since we came here, he’s been staring at us?” Marie whispered to Kai. The girl felt tingles running up her entire back when she looked over. The creepy thing was that the man didn’t even try to hide that fact, and even smiled and waved at one point.

“I have noticed him, but I have no clue what he wants,” Kai replied, feeling uneasy. At the stage the Howlers were as a gang, there should be nothing warranting Tier-1 gangs to bother looking at them, especially not someone as flashy as that man.

As the son of a gang leader, he knew far more about the underworld than the other members, so how could he not recognise the man with dyed red tips dressed in the large red overcoat in his white fur hood?

Practically everything about Sin screamed ‘Look at me!’, and yet everyone in the bar appeared to be actively trying to come too close to him. At the same time, there were those that chose to stay far away from him as well. After all, unlike the other Kings, Sin had seemingly made it a point to show off. His action had shown the entire country why the ‘Kings’ deserved their moniker.

In the past, a Tier-2 gang had stolen something that was meant to go to him. When Sin had learned that fact, he had offered the gang one chance to return it, no questions asked. Of course, the gang had refused to do anything of the sort, and so Sin had paid them a personal visit.

Usually, gang wars would last weeks, if not months. After all, the larger the gang size, the more territories they would control which needed to be fought over. Funds and more were tired into assets as well as businesses. A gang war would occur, when one wanted to take over the other's businesses or to expand their own. So it was important they were to do it right.

What’s more, it’s not as if other powers at work would just sit on the sidelines and watch the show. Perhaps not White Rose, but the local police force, the mayor, and other gangs would all try to intervene in some way, making it difficult to navigate such things.

And yet, one person had managed to eradicate an entire gang in the span of one day and in the process he had nearly burnt the whole city to the ground...

Rather than hide his involvement, Sin had made his actions quite public, even hiring a team of professional videographers to film it all. Their job had been to show off his vast power, and that was what they had done. The video was spread and talked about other cities for months, and the craziest thing about it all was the fact that he had suffered zero repercussions for his heinous act.

Sin had returned to his own city as if nothing had happened at all. After that, life for the Tier-1 cities got easier. Because everyone understood the possible consequences at hand if they didn’t follow their order. Now, whatever the Kings asked, not just Sin the task was completed. The lower cities were to do their bidding, whether there was large involvement with other gangs or not.

‘The Underdogs, and the Grey Elephants, both of them were working for higher groups. Could it be… don’t tell me that Sin is related to one of them? Or maybe he did business with one of them. I hope not, because even all three of us might not stand a chance against him. Even if Gary was here it wouldn’t make a difference. Kai realised as he continued to pretend not to have noticed the King staring at him.action

Unless Sin came up to them, he would continue that charade…

As they waited for the doors to open to the auction house, more and more people started to gather. It looked like there were around five hundred in the garden to the side, all here for one thing, from all over the country.

The Dark guild also had auctions that spread to other countries as well, but this was their homeland so they tended to keep the best items for themselves. Although, wars had come to somewhat a halt.

The level of Altered and how strong they were, was a type of sign of a country's strength. Some thought it was why, the government was so lenient on these gangs with powers that roamed around. It was also why there was next to no regulation on Altered solutions and DNA either.

Their mistake was somewhat realised too late, as the situation had become what it had become.

Eventually, a certain group came up to the Howlers and decided to try and make conversation. The white rose was their answer but were too small and weak to stop the power houses at the top.


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We have launched our first Kickstarter which allows access to a physical volume book with all Shrine series first chapters. Which includes a physical version of the first chapter of My Werewolf System.

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