My Werewolf System

Chapter 237 – The Howlers Take Over

Chapter 237 – The Howlers Take Over

The strange person wearing the wolf mask no longer looked like a nobody to them. The fact that this group of people knew where they were and who they were dealing with, meant that it was serious business.

On top of that, there was something intimidating about them, the fact that the group decided to stay a little ahead of the entrance and still weren’t moving. It gave a sense that these people could do what they wanted, even in enemy territory.

At the same time, the others could see that the one that Gary had initially hit, not only was his wrist broken, but it didn’t look like he was going to be getting up any time soon. The man just he laid flat, with his mouth full of blood.

“Hey, we better get out of here, it looks like a real gang fight is about to start.” One of the customers hurried his partner, who immediately stood up to leave. However, they hesitated for a bit, worried that the sudden intruders might attack them as well.

“You guys better hurry and get out of here, you only got thirty seconds left.” Kai addressed the duo, who had been the first pair to make a run for it. When he brought out his phone as if he was timing the whole thing, the two ran straight past the Howlers.

The other customers, seeing that the group hadn’t attacked them, quickly followed suit. There were some that still didn’t want to move, thinking that maybe the matter could still be dealt with. They soon changed their mind when what looked like the leader of the current group of the Pincers, who had a large scar on his chin, gave an order.

“You heard them, everyone get out. We’re closed for business for now, but don’t worry, come back in a couple of hours and everything will be sorted out.” He smirked, and those who had not been able to make up their mind, also left.

After the last customer was out the door, Gary heard it close behind them, but not only that, it sounded as if they had been locked in as well.

“They’re locking us in?” Innu noted, looking back. “Well, that’s good in a way, I guess. At least, we won’t have to worry about one of them coming back and stabbing us in the back. Besides, it wasn't like we were planning to run away anyway.”

“Time.” Kai announced placing his phone away and at the same time, rushing from the stairs at the very back of the establishment were several gang members. The sound of their shoes clacking on every step could be heard, and they didn’t seem to stop. They were pouring down the stairs like ants.

“I’m getting a little nervous with just how many people there are.” Marie confessed in a low voice, staying close to Kai. Eventually the clacking stopped and the men smiled. There were around thirty of them in total.

“This is why I decided to go straight for their base rather than take out the whole street.” Kai explained to his fellow gang members. “They may just be a small-time gang, compared to the Underdogs and Grey Elephants, but they have many people working for them.

“Someone like us, who is just a group, it would have been impossible to fight off all of them. This is the easier option… but we still will have to deal with at least this many.”

“This is the easy option?” Marie gulped.

“We saw how well you did against that boy, Marie. Come on, this is not that much different. Besides, this time, all of us are with you. Each one of us just has to take care of like six of them.” Innu smiled as he encouraged the girl.

The next second, many of them started to pull out the same weapons they had done before. Primarily, they used stun guns and knives.

“Put that sh*t away!” Gary shouted as he continued to walk towards the entire group that came towards him. Seeing this, one of the men started to charge forward, thrusting his knife at the masked teenager. Once again though, Gary moved out of the way of the knife and grabbed onto his arm just like he did with the last person.

“Using a weapon like this can kill someone.” Gary pointed out as he started to push the man’s arm back. He had used Controlled Transformation to further boost his Strength, and eventually it was pushed back in an odd angle, an unnatural way for the arm to go. So much force had been used that the elbow joint was heard popping.

The man screamed in pain, but Gary didn’t care and continued to move the arm in the other direction now with it bent like a V towards him, the knife pointing at the one holding it.

“If you sh*ts use weapons like this, then you have to be prepared to die yourself!”

The man wasn’t so sure if he was seeing correctly or not, but through the mask he believed to see strange glowing yellow eyes, ones that weren’t shaped like a human’s… those were the eyes of a beast. His human instincts were telling him that he really was going to die.

“Get them!” The leader shouted.

Gary kicked the man in the stomach, causing him to lean forward and the top of his shoulder now fell into his own blade. Next, he threw him to the side into the pool of water. Running forward, Gary didn’t hesitate, yet neither did the Pincers as they all rushed towards the masked intruder.

Joining in, Innu was the fastest out of the group. He leapt on top of one of the gang members and continually elbowed down on the top of his head. Innu didn’t let up until the man fell back and splashed into the water.

Another one came swinging a bat down towards him, and he barely rolled away, avoiding the strike. It ended up hitting nothing but water, causing it to rise up. Quickly, getting up, Innu kneed the man in the face, knocking him back, but that’s when the first man who Innu had attacked came back and punched him in his side just underneath the ribs.

The blow was surprisingly heavy, but Innu stayed firm and continued to fight back.

“For an adult, your punches sure are weaker than a high school student’s.”

The man didn’t understand what Innu was saying, but before he could attack again, a large fist hit him right in the side of his face, knocking him out cold.

“I’ve warned you, these guys are more resilient than the guys you’re used to fighting!” Austin stated. “You're a small guy in the first place, so they're going to take a few more hits than usual.”

After saying this, Innu soon saw the second guy he had kneed in the face getting up. With him only being sixteen years old and a weight disadvantage, Austin was right. This wasn’t the typical fights Innu was used to, and not just because this wasn’t really one on one.

“Still, I don’t think there is anyone that can beat us two. Not unless they have some type of Altered.” Austin let out a grin.

Not too far from where they were, Marie had her two knives out. She was a bit worried because these men were clearly more used to fighting than that delinquent. So far, though, the teenage girl was doing well, following Kai's advice who stayed next to her.

He had instructed her to not go in for the attack, and to only defend. So when one of the gang members had come in, she just watched carefully, avoiding the punches and knife attacks, and using her own knives to slash away. In the meantime, the blonde teenager would be the one to finish them off.

One person had gone to attack Marie, and turning to avoid the strike, she had slashed, cutting his arm a little. The man looked like he was about to do more, but before he could, Kai spun around and delivered a spinning side quick right into his stomach. Such a powerful kick had somewhat sent the man flying back.

Lifting his leg up again, the water was kicked up into the air, blinding the person who was charging forward. It looked like a rising water fall, but what came up was soon to come down, and hammering his leg down like an axe, Kai smashed the bottom of his heel into another member. The sound of the gang member’s shattering collar bone resonated throughout the building.

“Leader!” Kai shouted. “Your job isn't here. These guys aren’t worth your time. Leave this to us, we can handle it, I promise you that.”

Most of the men were targeting Gary at the moment, because it looked like he was heading towards the staircase. If the masked teenager were to leave this place, then it meant the others would have to deal with more, yet they couldn’t just let him pass, either.

“Trust me… I know whether we can handle it or not, and we can definitely handle this!” Kai shouted, before switching to a normal voice, so that only Marie could hear it, and hopefully Gary.

“Once they find out that we’re strong enough to take all these guys down, their leader might make a run for it. You’ll have to stop them! Just go straight for the Pincers’ leader. That’s your job!”

Turning around to look at them, Gary could see that the others had confident smiles on their faces.

“Alright.” Gary replied, looking towards the staircase. “You heard him, move!”


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