My Werewolf System

Chapter 238 – Blackmail

Chapter 238 – Blackmail

Chapter 238 - Blackmail

Regardless of how strong Gary was, it didn’t seem like the Pincer gang members were going to jump out of his way willingly. Although he could attempt to take them out, it would take up too much time and maybe too much energy.

‘This might not be the whole gang. There could be more on the upper floors. I can’t use all my energy here, not unless I plan to eat some of them on the way.’

Thinking about this, seeing the staircase in sight, Gary ran backwards a bit, giving him more room before quickly turning around and sprinting forward. He had never attempted this before, but going at full speed as fast as possible, there was a good chance that he could make it.

[Skill activated Controlled Transformation]

[Transformation has begun]

His calf muscles expanded in size, and so did his thighs. Because he was wearing his gang uniform, specially made and given by Kai. The material was able to withstand the stretching and would revert to normal. He didn’t have to worry about suddenly showing his hairy legs. Not that mattered much anyway when he wore the mask.

Before he reached the first person’s position, Gary pushed off his legs and leapt up in the air. With his speed, the height he was at was something he had never achieved before and something that seemed impossible for a human to do. His feet were a good few heads over all the gang members. Eventually, he landed on the other side, clearing them all.

‘If you keep doing crazy crap like that, how am I meant to keep your secret from everyone.’ Kai thought, smiling. “Head towards the stairs, let's make sure they can’t follow him!” Kai shouted.

Before running up the stairs, as soon as Gary had arrived at the first break of flat surface, he turned around to look at all the others. Seeing the one in front, Gary immediately grabbed him, lifting him over his head and chucked him towards the others like a barrel.

An ordinary man falling down the stairs and knocking into the others would have been painful enough, but there was the added speed and weight with Gary’s strength. When the man crashed into the group, it looked like a bowling ball hitting a set of pins.

‘Well…I guess you just made our job that much easier for us. Good luck, Gary.’ Kai said, reaching the staircase and seeing the injured Pincer Gang members.

[215/300 Energy]

[92/100 HP]

‘Am I getting stronger? I’ve used up a lot of Energy due to Controlled Transformation, but I was hardly hit in those scuffles back there. I even have a lot of health as well.’

With the increased stats, without a doubt, Gary was getting stronger, and he was able to just think about the amount of controlled transformation he wanted to use. No longer did he have to adjust the slider because he had been using it so much that Gary could control how much he wanted to transform one part of the body with just a thought.

While thinking of all this, Gary had eventually reached the second floor. He looked to his left, and he could hear the sound of plates crashing and so on. It sounded like the kitchen area was on the second floor based on the sounds.

‘There are more stairs. The leader wouldn’t be here, would they?’ Gary thought.

As he took the first step up the staircase, his sensitive ears allowed him to hear a scream.

“Stop… please stop! I don't want to do this!”

Gripping his hand, Gary didn’t hesitate to run towards the sound. It was clearly a girl's voice, and remembering the pain his sister had gone through, and the trouble that Stacy had gone through as well, he rushed to the door.

“You wanted to leave this work right, well this is all you have to do. You’ve done it a hundred times before so what’s the problem?” A man’s voice said.

It was locked, but kicking it open, Gary didn’t care. What he was now looking at though was a little worse than he had expected. In front of him stood a naked man, and a girl spread out on the bed, but what they had also set up was a camera in the room.

The girl was crying full of tears and in the room at the back there looked to be more girls as well.

Judging from what Gary could hear, the girls seemed like they wanted to leave, and in order to leave the condition was to be filmed having sex with one of the gang members. A way to blackmail them if they ever needed something from them again or to keep secrets.

“Who the f*ck are you?!” The man shouted and ran towards Gary, throwing out a fist. Quickly, the teenager kicked him on his knee strongly, causing him to fall to the ground and grabbed his head just before it touched the floor. Lifting him up, the man was now at head height.

“The more I’m learning about this damned Pincers gang, the more I’m really starting to hate you lot!” Gary shouted.

[Skill activated Controlled Transformation]

Gary’s hand turned into a claw with his long sharp fingernails. The next second, he swiped his hand down below on the naked man, a small thud was heard as it dropped on the floor and blood had splattered from that part of the body.

“You won’t be needing that anymore,” Gary said as he let go of the man. “If you want to live, go to the hospital. Everyone else, you are free to go! Get out of this place. The Howlers are taking over.”

Gary didn’t stay to see if the women were okay. He also didn’t care to watch what the women might do to the man after he had left. Whatever it was, he felt like the man had it coming to him. There seemed to be no more distractions, as the Werewolf started to ascend the final staircase.

He entered a large wide hallway, and up ahead there was a large double black door, with a picture of a crab with its two pincers on the door. If Gary needed a sign telling him that he was in the right place and the right spot, that certainly was it.

There looked to be no one guarding the door, but Gary could hear talking and sound from the other side. As he went forward, he slashed at the handle locks and pushed the heavy doors open. Finally, he had entered the main office.

Here on each side stood ten guards that all looked his way as soon as he entered, and at the very end was the Pincers' gang leader, Olivia.

“Oh… we have an unsuspected guest, I see.” Olivia said, smiling from where she was standing on her two feet. Gary didn’t know what he had expected to see, but it certainly wasn’t this Lady Boss. After all, her business involved mainly forcing women to do such things, but all gangsters came in all different shapes and sizes.

“I guess our invader isn’t really a smart one. I had heard someone had asked about us, so I was expecting an attack from one of the others, but I’ve never seen you before, and you enter this room all on your own. In front of all these people?” Olivia asked. Truly thinking, of course, there was no way that a single person could survive what was about to happen.

At that moment, all the men in the room pulled out knives. None of them had the stun guns as the others did either. Every single one of them had a weapon that would easily be able to cause death.

Looking up, Gary noticed something else, there was another woman by her side shivering and frightened in the room. Her skin was snow-white, at least from what could be seen. For there were bruises all over her body and cuts on her hand.

“I think for the first time in a while… I’ve met someone who doesn’t deserve to live.”

[Bloodlust has been detected]

[Forced Bond has been activated]

[7/8 Marks have been assigned] josei

The red mist started to form in front of Gary’s face, and it was leading straight to the Pincer’s leader. She had become a hunting target, and there was only one way to remove the Mark…

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