My Werewolf System

Chapter 291 – A Truce (Part 2)

Chapter 291 – A Truce (Part 2)

Chapter 291 - A Truce (Part 2)

Olivia recognised them as members of the Grey Elephants. Perhaps the little monsters they had created were just the initial attack. If they couldn't solve or deal with the Underdog members, then they would come in next. Either destroying their businesses, or getting rid of every Underdog member.

In a gang war between two large gangs, one would either have to take the leader submit, which was nearly impossible or completely wipe them out, and it looked like the Grey Elephants were now going for the latter.

“It's okay, though, I have my own help for this.” Olivia said.

Behind them, running not shortly after, another group of people charged at the gangsters, attacking them immediately. Olivia didn't hold back in helping them, because after all, she didn’t want to lose any of her own men.

‘I don’t usually fight humans, but I guess I owe her a favour.’ Blake thought as he charged in as well. Still, young Altered Hunter had put away his weapons, opting to incapacitate them with his fists.

The two White Rose agents, as well, were just annoyed that these random people had tried to attack them, so another fight had broken out. The Grey Elephant members must have believed that their opponents would have been tired after seeing them fighting just moments ago.

However, even if they were, their strength was enough to deal with normal humans, especially with the help of the former Pincer members. The Grey Elephants were taken care of rather quickly and were passed out on the ground.

“What are you waiting for, arrest these idiots!” Sadie shouted at the police men, who had yet to come forward from behind their barricade of cars.

“I hope you are not including my people in this?” Olivia looked the White Rose agent in the eyes before turning to the police. “After all, these guys are just concerned citizens who were protecting themselves. They did nothing wrong. However, if you feel differently, we are going to have some serious trouble between us!”

The gang members that now technically belonged to the Howlers certainly didn't look like regular citizens. Starting from the clothes they were wearing, to the weapons they had brought along, and especially the familiarity with which they used them.

“I think it’s best we just leave it for now.” Frank whispered to his partner. “There’s something going on, the police did report that the same thing is happening in other areas. We don’t have time to deal with them, and besides, we really don’t have much on them apart from them using weapons, but who could argue that it was self-defence and if they're connected to some big names you know it will be a tough battle with so little to bring them in on.”

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Frank also spotted the camera and the woman who looked to already be running towards them for a few words.

“Besides, we have a lot of eyes on us at the moment.” Knowing full well how big of a story this would be and perhaps the whole country would be watching.

It was true, not only the camera, but a lot of the public were watching, and although Sadie didn’t care for what the people thought, she couldn't deny that because of Olivia’s men, that lives might have been saved today.

What’s more, neither the woman, her men, nor the Altered Hunter had done much more than incapacitate the Grey Elephant members. It was as if they already knew that they could have been taken in for excessive force, otherwise. They really had little to bring them in on.

“Patch yourself up, and once you're healed and back at a hundred percent, we’ll move to the next area where reports are coming in. I don’t want you to die from this mess in this no name town.” Sadie sighed.

As she walked away, the female White Rose agent touched her foot a couple of times and looked at the strange woman. For some reason, the wound on her leg had been hurting ever since she had arrived.

‘This can't be a coincidence… Am I really doing the right thing, in letting her get away?’ Sadie wondered.

Just then, the sound of a telephone was heard going off. Not just one, but quite a few. They noticed that it was coming from some dead bodies. Not the dead bodies of the public or that of the Grey Elephants. josei

No, this was coming from the other gang members. The ones who lived had perished before any of the others could arrive. The Underdogs. Usually such calls wouldn't be answered, but they hadn't stopped coming. Something was clearly up.

After wearing a set of gloves, Sadie swiped the phone and answered the call.

“This is an emergency!” The man shouted on the other end of the phone. “The Cipen area is under attack. We are in serious trouble! We need help from all areas immediately. Head to Cipen, that's an order now!”

The man didn't even care to confirm who had answered the phone, clearly in distress and worried.

“Well, it looks like we know what area we need to head to next.” Sadie stated.

At the same time, the reporter had also caught wind of the phone call, and she wasn't the only one.

‘… are there even more of those crazed Altered there? Maybe even stronger ones?’ Blake thought. ‘But is it really wise to test my luck if the White Rose agents are heading there as well? … they will need to prepare before they head off, so maybe I can get a head start.’

With that, Blake was already on his way but not before taking a second look at the girl who had helped him. There were at times during the fight where he noticed her temperature rise, but just like with anyone that would be the case. Still he chose to ignore it as he was in a rush.

‘Cipen? I should report to that brat just in case he went to that area.’ Olivia thought.

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