My Werewolf System

Chapter 292 – The Red Blood Street

Chapter 292 – The Red Blood Street

Everyone knew who the Underdog’s leader was, Damion Hawk, who would always go walking around in a purple suit and spent most of his time in the nightclub called the Basement. They were such a large gang and a prominent force that they didn’t worry about this fact.

The fact that their leader was known to all in slough. Making them possibly an easy target.

They were also known to be the only gang in Slough that had an Altered. How someone like Kirk was working for Damion was anyone’s best guess and kept a secret even to those in the Underdogs. All they knew was that he was loyal till the very end.

Regardless, because of this, it made it; everyone believed that Daimon, the leader himself, wasn’t the strongest or best when it came to fighting. After all, they never saw him in action or taking the helm in a fight. They knew and had heard of his cruel nature but a fighter? Unlike those of the Grey Elephants that were known for using their fists. Because of this, although their leader wasn’t seen a lot, they felt like if anyone were to control them, the leader of the Grey Elephants would have to be a good and strong fighter to control and earn the respect of the others. This was the difference between the two gangs and why people believed that Damion was a leader because of his decision-making.

However, as his men watched him fight, Gil stayed by his side through this mess. They immediately knew that all those rumours were false; they were utterly wrong.

To allow ease of movement, Damion had taken off his purple suit.

Or more acutely, he had timed it as one of the crazed Altered came towards him; he threw the suit covering its face and then threw one of the unique axes he had been using, hitting it. The two landed on the floor, and dark blood could be seen soaking through the purple suit before Damion went to pick it up from the ground.

The buttons on his shirt were ripped, revealing his dark tan skin and his well-developed muscles underneath. On top of that, his white shirt would soon become soaked in dark blood.

It was safe to say that the ordinary gang members could not take on the Crazed Altered even though skilled in fighting. A few were skilful, but no matter how much they would hit, slash, or whack the crazed Altered with their weapons. They would get back up again.

Just then, one of the gang members side-kicked one of the crazed away, hitting him, making it fall to the floor, but the claws had stabbed his leg in the process. The gang member was worried that it would soon get back up, but before it did, Damion was there swinging down both of his axes right towards its head.

He had a smile on his face as the curve of the axe plunged into the skull, and the creature was no longer moving.

“You guys keep doing what you're doing. I’ll finish them off.” Daimon smiled.

Not too far from where they stood opposite where the nightclub would be; on top of the restaurants, there was a block of apartments. Then at the very top of this on the rooftop, Brandon and Raven were standing there watching the scene unfold in front of them.

“He’s quite the monster, that’s for sure,” Raven commented. “Some people forget that the Underdogs rose to their position before the famous Kirk had joined them.”

“Yes, and that only increased the gang position in this town. I tried to convince Kirk to come to our site many times, but he would never budge or take the bite. I wonder how he managed to wrap someone like that so tight around his finger.” Branson let out a big sigh. He could now see that, primarily due to Damion, the crazed Altereds were at their end. action

“They did their job well, didn’t they?” Brandon asked. “I don’t know if this is what Sin wanted us to use his solution for, but if we can get rid of all the Underdogs, then that will be perfect.”

“The reports we have gotten back have been good,” Raven replied. “In each area, all of the Underdogs have been dealt with. Although it’s the same for our crazed Altered, not that we intended on keeping them after this anyway.”

Just then, an axe was swung, and the final one had been hit, sending the last crazed to the gound no longer moving. Many of the Underdog’s men had died, and there were around only ten of them left, huffing and panting.

Damion and Gil made it, so their numbers were now twelve. Honestly, seeing them like this, Brandon thought he could have gone down there with the rest of the Grey Elephant members and take them out himself.

However, to be sure, they would stick to the plan. A phone call was made, and moments later, two more trucks had appeared from both sides of the streets. It wasn’t the end of it at all for Damion and the others.

The back doors of the trucks opened, and storming in now wasn’t just ten crazed Altered like before, but ten from each side, doubling their strength. After a tough battle, they would have to go through it again. Only this time, it would be more problematic.

“It was a good thing we did all that testing.” Bradon smiled.

They had only been given one syringe of liquid, but using small parts of it and realising they could dilate the substance, they found many effects of it. How much liquid was required to turn someone?

If diluted, how long it would take for one to turn, and so on. All of these tests were what allowed them to plan this out, to time everything perfectly—the mastermind behind all of this, Raven.

It was in his scope of possibility that Damion and some outside help would arrive dealing with the crazed in other areas, but they were just sent there to delay and stop back up from coming back here in the first place.

“Boss, what do we do?” One of the men asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Fight for your lives so we can get out of this situation!” He shouted back.

When the crazed Altered changed in, they ran past many shops and other clubs that seemed to have people inside them—scared to come out. They were heading towards the centre as if they were attracted by something. Like a shark in the sea, the scent of blood.

However, a few got a whiff and a scent of something else, some of those that were bleeding inside the shops. They turned their heads and started to claw and hit the shop doors and windows attempting to get inside.

A little away, the channel five van had arrived. They had spotted one of the trucks on their way here and noticed that there was the same abandoned truck where they were just moments ago. Kate had a hunch that it was important.

She just didn’t realise how important it was when several of the creatures had come out from the back of the trucks. Leaving the van, she needed to continue to film, and she did so with her trusty cameraman.

Only this time, she wasn’t so quick to storm the busy street.

“Did the police not reach this area yet? Is there not enough of them? This area has more of those monsters than the last area. If White Rose doesn’t get here soon…’ Kate thought. Still, it was strange because, unlike the place they were just at. There wasn’t a single police officer in this area.

No patrol cars, no nothing. This was why Kate wasn’t so quick to enter the street, even though most of it was clear. Still, she could see a few stray Altered attacking the windows, and she sure didn’t want to grab their attention.

The camera zoomed in on the worried people’s faces, and eventually, one of the Altered smashed through the strong glass. Immediately it pulled out one of the people from the shop. It dragged the person to the street’s centre and dug its mouth into its body.

With the Altered busy eating one of its victims and the shop no longer safe, the door was opened, and crowds started to run towards where Katie was. Around thirty of them stormed through. They had knocked her and nearly her cameraman over.

It was like a small stampede of people, but she couldn’t blame them, and honestly, she felt like perhaps this was a situation she should run away from as well.

When the cameraman regained his footing with Katie, they looked back on the street. They thought they would see the dead or the creature chasing after the group of people, but instead, they saw a man standing there in a black and gold blazer.

His hand, lifting the creature by its throat, its arms no longer on its body having fallen to the floor and around him, others wearing the same black and gold uniform.

“Who are these people that have just arrived, and how were they able to take down that crazed Altered!” Kate reported. “The Uniform, their colours are the same as the woman who helped that Altered hunter! Are they part of the same group?”

Zooming into the Altered holding up, the camera could see a black and gold wolf mask and red glowing eyes underneath.

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