My Werewolf System

Chapter 458

Chapter 458: Auction Start! (part 2)

“You’re going to be an Altered, Boss Kit!” One of his members cheered. “We’ll be able to make the others submit to us and take over a Tier-3 town!”

Overhearing their group, Kai learned that the leader was apparently called Kit, and their strategy was very typical for a low level gang. Rather than improve their own town, they planned to use all the money they had gained to improve themselves and to invade another nearby town. No wonder, they were spending their money without worry. This was also the reason why it was nigh impossible for lower tier towns to rise a tier.

‘Hmm, but the item sold for a lot less than I thought. Either the other guests are smarter than I gave them credit for, or the bidding was mostly done by newcomers like them. The others must be aware that better stuff is coming soon.’

Keeping it interesting, the next item to roll out was not one, but three solutions at once, this time allowing the ones to ingest it to become rat type Altered. This, however, did not seem to stop the people from bidding. After 3 million got passed, some voices from above called out some bids, eventually ending at 4 million.

After a while, a single solution was rolled out, but the screen behind it was showing what type of beast the solution was to come from.

“As you can see in the video, this Altered DNA has great power. This solution is already showing great results in the AFC. He might be a rookie at the moment, but he has been rising through the ranks, so its potential is guaranteed.”

The video showed a man transforming into somewhat of a bull. It gave great strength, and horns growing out the top of one’s head. It also boosted a high amount of endurance, as it showed another Altered from the AFC hit him without causing any notable damage.

‘This… this is the one that we should bet on.’ Kai decided. It should suit Austin perfectly. He was already large and a natural powerhouse when it came to strength.

“The bidding starts at 1 million!”

Paddles were raised, and almost instantly the price had been boosted up to 1.5 million.

For the first time Kai raised his paddle. There was no need for him to say anything, as the minimum bid would always be 10% of the starting one, meaning just by showing his interest, his bid became 100.000 more than the previous top bidder.

“1.6 million to those in the masks!”

“2 million!” Kit shouted, raising his paddle, and glanced towards them. “So this is what you were waiting for, huh? Well, let's see who has the deeper pockets.”

The masked teenager just raised his paddle, not reacting to the clear provocation.

“2.5 million!” Kit shouted with a loud smile, not even caring that he had just outbid someone from the top floor.

“3 million!” The same person bid. He wasn’t one of the Kings, but the leader of a Tier-2 gang, wouldn’t give up that easily, not without putting up a fight. This sign that someone important was really interested in the solution made those on the bottom back off, but not Kai.

“3.5 million!” The Werewolf stated loudly.

‘Damn this guy. This is far higher than I wanted to go, and this is for just one solution. I was really hoping that we could buy another one, or other items… but who knows when we might get another chance.’

“4 million.” Kit outbid him without hesitation, and this raise even silenced the Tier-2 gang leader. Sure, this was a rare Altered DNA, but not a super rare one. He could continue, but at this point it was likely that his peers would make fun of him for overpaying. As such, he simply remained silent.

‘Is he really that keen on winning one over me?’ Kai wondered as the auctioneer was about to accept the bid. Swallowing down his reluctance, he raised his paddle, yet Kit did the same, making the new bid 4.2 million. The masked teenager let out a regretful sigh, yet stayed the paddle.

“Sold for 4.2 million!”

“Hahah, is this the best you fools can do? What type of gang are you running? At first I thought you were buying nothing because you were holding back for something, but it turns out you’re just a bunch of beggars.”

Kai was dying to argue about the stupidity about overpaying for the solution, but he understood that it would just be a waste of time. It would merely make him look like a sore loser. Still, just like many, he expected that despite all the mysteriousness, the Dark Guild would follow the typical auction scheme, of saving the best item for the end of the auction.

With this just being the first rare one, there were surely more and even better solutions to come. The only issue with that was that if they were too good, the gang wouldn’t be able to afford it. In other words, if they wanted to go home with something, they would have to strike soon.

“Okay folks, to keep things interesting, the next item will be a mystery solution. The Dark Guild can guarantee that this type of Altered DNA has never appeared before. However, everything else it up to chance. It might turn you into a slightly stronger human, or incredibly strong. This is the risk that you’ll have to take with this item.” The host claimed as he started the bid.

“2 million!” Kai said straight away, doubling the starting bid from the get-go. Given the description, he hoped that not too many people would be interested in it and this move might make it seem even less interesting.

“You know, you really shouldn't have threatened me earlier.” Kit sneered. “If you had apologised earlier, I might have even forgiven you, but now I'm going to buy every little thing that you guys want!

“3 million!”

Those who had been slightly interested in the mystery solution were now put off. The real show was now the bidding war between those two gangs who clearly had it out for each other.

“I’m warning you, you better back off.” Kai looked straight at him, and his eyes were glowing blue, even fiercer than before. “If you’re that keen on crossing us, I’ll personally pay your sh’thole of a town a visit, and make sure not a single member of your gang will have any limbs left!”

When speaking and opening his mouth, Kai didn’t realise it that the anger had gotten to him, making sharp fangs grow from his mouth, while his nails had turned into claws.

“FIVE MILLION!” Kai shouted at the top of his lungs, turning into a powerful howl.

Seeing this from above, Sin smiled at the sideshow. “Those guys are idiots. Only desperate people would bet on a mystery solution, especially the first one, but I have to admit, that shout was quite intimidating.”

Kai looked toward Kit, his body language telling the gang leader that he would pounce on him the moment he would open his mouth, so he never did.

“Sold for FIVE million to the fellow in the fox mask!”


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