My Werewolf System

Chapter 459 Who gets what?

Chapter 459 Who gets what?

Chapter 459 Who gets what?

When the Howlers heard Kai bid their entire budget on the solution, they could feel their hearts stop for a moment. Even after the gavel was struck down, they didn’t really feel like celebrating. As the one responsible for their finances, they could only hope that there had been a good reason for their de-facto leader’s behaviour.

Kai would be lying if he said that his emotions hadn’t influenced his action in any way, but it hadn’t been fully without any logic. Admittedly, it had been a calculated risk, and if someone had bid higher than them, the Howlers would have been unable to do anything about it. At that point, they might as well have packed their bags, as it would have been the same as admitting their entire budget was capped at 5 million.

The Werewolf had bet on the fact that the others would be holding out their bids due to the Dark Guild bringing out more and better items each time. With this being the first mystery solution, it was clear that there would be more to come. Had this been the final bid, though, then those that wanted to buy something and to use the money they had brought with them, would just use it anyway, even at the risk over paying for the item itself.

Part of the risk was that he had to trust the Dark Guild that this was truly a never before used mystery solution. In that case, even they should be unable to find out what type of Altered one would become if they used it, thus it would make no difference if they purchased the first or the last one, as it would remain a gamble.

“Kai, did we really have to blow our whole budget on that one Altered solution? We have no idea whether it’s good or not. Worst case, we can always get turned.” Mai whispered to him as the auction continued.

It was something all of them had considered. After all, Gary had turned Kai and Olivia, so why not them. Of course, after living through the night of the full moon their enthusiasm of becoming Werewolves had greatly decreased, but it was nevertheless an option on the table.

“It’s far more complicated than that. What happened to us on that day is just the tip of the iceberg.” Kai shook his head, able to talk with her about it since she was already aware about the existence of Werewolves, thus not going against the last Pack rule. “Trust me when I say, none of you will want to experience what it feels like. If it hadn’t been for the circumstances, Gary wouldn’t have turned me, either.

“According to him there is always the chance of something going wrong, and even if that chance is incredibly low, we don’t need to take that chance if it means risking your lives, especially not when there are other ways to increase our strength!”

Of course, there were other reasons for their refusal of turning the rest of the Howlers. It was safe to assume that those in Tier-1 cities, at least the core members that belonged to the top gangs, were all Altered. Admittedly, the Werewolves' bodies seemed strong and comparable to a good Altered, but every gang could use some variety.

Different Altered forms meant a diverse portfolio of strength. What one Altered could do, another couldn’t. They backed each other up, creating a horrifying team, and the Howlers needed to do the same.

What’s more, if all their members were Werewolves, it could invite a different set of trouble.

The bids continued, and the Dark Guild kept everyone on their toes by mixing known Altered solutions with mystery ones, keeping everyone guessing how much of each they might have. Just like Kai had predicted, it didn’t take look for the final bids to cross the 5 million mark. It wasn't the exact Altered Solution they wanted but it was something, and it could even turn out better than what they originally wished to get.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, with this item, today’s auction has come to an end.” The host stated. “We thank you for your patronage and we shall inform you about the next auction through our website. We further ask those who have successfully purchased at least one item today to remain in the auction house so we can finish the formalities.”action

The doors opened and everyone began to exit. Many groups left with disappointed looks on their faces, with some even muttering that it would have been better for them to go to a smaller auction in the future, where there would be fewer people with high amounts of money.

In total, 53 sets of items had been sold today, and yet, only around 16 groups stayed behind, two of them containing Kings, though Sin wasn’t one of them. In a place like this, certain groups were just more dominant with their financial situation. If Kai had tried to remain conservative with their money, then they would have ended up with nothing.

“Please come to the stage where we shall send you the details to send the money into our accounts. Once we verified that your payment has gone through, your items will be delivered to you in person.” The host explained, now surrounded by the other staff members to refrain anyone from trying something stupid.

Kai, with the others, stood up, and so did the No Land Gang, as they were walking down the staircase towards the stage. This was a chance for him to check out the Kings that had paid for a few items.

Walking down, there was a mountain of a man whose former muscles were now hidden behind his large belly. He was dressed in a red robe, and the crown on top of his head was the only item that made one associate him the term ‘King’.

This man called himself ‘King Henry’, though most assumed it was a fake name. Nevertheless, he was one of the few Kings that showed themselves in public. Some even theorised that it was due to Henry’s dress code, coupled with his actions in his prime days, that had led to him taking over one of the Tier-1 cities, that had coined the term ‘Kings’ in the first place.

As for the other one, Kai had no idea who she was. The woman was wearing a small black leather jacket, had long legs in tight fighting trousers and dark boots. Strangely, she had a majestic aura as she strutted forwards in her purple lipstick, her casual gait treating everyone as if they were beneath her.

There was no one else with her, which was the strangest thing. The only reason why Kai suspected her to be a King, was the way even King Henry seemed to treat her as equal. Was she just that confident with everyone around to be on her own?

It was hard to say, although one might be confident in the Dark Guild’s presence. It wasn't the same and if this person was a leader, or even if they weren't, they could be dealt with easily without anyone even knowing.

When reaching the stage, the two largest groups were the Howlers and the No Land Gang, who had brought along more than just one or two bodyguards like the rest. That's also where they made eye contact with Blake Hunt, who looked to have two others around him as well. Although both of them seemed quite a bit older than Blake himself.

“Please use your phones to scan the QR code we’ve prepared for you. It will forward you to a site with the total amount you owe us. Once confirmed, one of the staff will deliver your item.”

Everyone did as asked, and honestly it was hard for Kai to sign away this amount of money, but in the end he had made the choice. Pressing his hand up against his ear, the host nodded with a smile on his face, and members of the Dark Guild appeared from behind the curtain with the items. Some of them had to get their items in via crates since there were so many.

However, the Howlers didn't care about the others so much, instead they were focused on what was in front of them. The mystery solution was in a small, shiny, metal container.

As soon as they had the solution, the group exited the auction house with no problems.

Kai had warned them not to stay too long as he had a bit feeling that either the No Land Group or the Altered Hunters might be looking for a fight.

“Tyler, go grab the car, and let's get out of here.”

In the end, they left the auction house, and later the city with no trouble, and all of them couldn't stop staring at the syringe with the strange liquid inside.

“At least we got one solution out of it… but who should be the one to use it?” Innu asked. “After all, we have no way of finding out what’s inside, and it’s not like we can try again if it turns out to be garbage.”


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