My Werewolf System

Chapter 490 A Tier-2 Deal (Part 1)

Chapter 490 A Tier-2 Deal (Part 1)

Numba didn’t really know what he should do in this meeting, his eyes darted between his father, the gang leader, and his bodyguard. Despite the wild attitude of their host, his swinging arms and creepy smile, Harry Cardenez didn’t budge an inch, his facial expressions not changing in the slightest. He kept his hands together, clearly unfazed by the gang in front of them.

“The Scatterbugs have ruled Notsburg for generations, a truly impressive feat. As a gang this means one of two things, you’ve either managed to earn the respect of most Tier-1 gangs to the point they don’t dare to mess with you by yourself, or you’re under the protections of one of the Kings.

“Now, from what I managed to find out, there is no affiliating to any of the Kings, meaning your gang has actually managed to solidify its position on its own. I hope that putting my business here won’t change that.” Harry began.

On the table in front of him, the man pulled out a name plate that was hidden behind a few items and placed it directly in front of him for all to see, stating the name Slith.

“The name right here indicates who is in charge of the city, and who is in charge of the Scatterbugs. Both things go hand in hand. As someone from the outside, I can why you might be worried about others trying to prevent you from expanding.action

“Well, let me tell you, all the gangs in Notsburg work for the Scatterbugs. I’m sure you have seen the city has more than one casino around the place. We’ve assigned each gang a casino in their area to protect that has been set up and funded by us.

“As long as they do their job properly, they’re paid a percentage of the casino’s earnings as a bonus, and believe me when I tell you that they enjoy that treatment. They all know that it would be child’s play for us to take that awy from them and hand it over to another group. Thanks to this type of symbiotic relationship, our position is more than just secure.

“In fact, just for a bigger slice of the pie, the small-time gangs are more than happy to check, report, or even fight against any gang that thinks too highly of themselves, and dares to try some type of uprising. As for your business, we can offer to work with you directly, meaning you will enjoy the privilege of being protected by the Scatterbugs personally.” Slith said, sitting back in his seat with both hands behind his head.

To be honest, as a prim and proper businessman, Harry was finding the way Slith was conducting himself quite rude, yet he knew that it was impossible to expect proper etiquette from gang members. Nevertheless, it irked him that even those Howlers had shown more decorum.

“I see, you’ve talked about percentages before. In order for us to use your services and set up base here, what would condition can you offer us.” Harry asked.

This was the most important question but it showed he was serious. The Scatterbugs had given him confidence that they could protect the business at least.

“Usually we share 10% of the profit to the business around the area, but since you’re a new partner coming from the outside and my advisors tell me that your numbers look more than promising, I’ve decided to be generous and let you keep a total 20% of the profit!” Slith answered in a grand tone.

For the first time Mr. Cardenez’ hands split, and he placed them on the side of the seat. “I’ve heard you were criminals, but I thought your group would like to do real business. Taking 80% of our profits for all our hard work is madness.”

Several members of the Scatterbugs stared directly at Harry. It was clear that they didn’t like the tone he was using.

“Let me make this clear, you were the one that came into my city. You know perfectly well that without my say so it will be impossible to operate in Notsburg. Look at it from a different perspective, after all, 20% of something is still a lot more than 100% of nothing.

“If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave. Go ahead, continue doing small-time business in your small Tier-3 town. However, if you were satisfied with that alone, would you truly have contacted us and come here?” Slith replied, the smile on his face getting bigger and bigger as he continued.

Harry was silent for a bit as he tapped his finger on the side of his chair, something he did when he was thinking about what to do.

“I believe the two of us are just two far apart. I was looking for a group that wished to treat us like proper partners. In the face of your strength, your city and everything you have built up, the most I’m willing to part with will be 50%.”

Now it was Slith’s turn to consider the counteroffer. The thing was, unlike the Tier-3 cities, the tier-2 had a good life. They had business setup that were already flushing so they didn't necessary need to attract new businesses. There were plenty of people like Harry that were attempting to do the same thing.

However, money was money, and his advisors who were more informed about that side of business, had all agreed that it would be a good thing to partner up. By putting his own man at the helm, they would make a lot of money.

“You know what, I like your spunk. I’ll agree to your 50-50 deal, but on the condition that you moved the entire operation of Cardenez Electronice into Notsburg. Furthermore, all deals going forward will be as partners, including us having a say regarding future expansions into other cities.” Slith suggested. There might be groups that would accept such a thing, but not him.

Harry’s eyes widened. Slith wasn't just asking for a 50/50 deal in this specific deal but essentially the whole company. They wanted them to be exclusive and own 50% of all of Harry’s hard work.

The company that he had built up from nothing. With the smile still on Slith's face it was clear he knew exactly what he was doing, and in a pressure like situation Harry was sure that there might be multiple gangs that would have taken what ever offer had come there way, but they weren't the same.

Standing up, Harry straightened his suit.

“It is time I take my leave, I can see that this whole thing was a waste of time.” Harry looked toward Numba and the Freaks, and started to walk out the door.

The others followed him, heading out of the door, but Slith didn't look too shocked and instead began to laugh.

“If you do change your mind, I will be right here.” Slith called after him as the doors closed. A few seconds later after it was clear they had left the room Slith's smile left his face.

“That man was awfully rude don’t you think?” Slith asked into the rrom.

“Yes, sir!” Several of them in the room answered apart from the man in the haiwan shirt.

“Yes I would have to agree, I think they should receive a nice surprise for being so rude. A gift before they head home.” Slith smiled.


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