My Werewolf System

Chapter 491 A Tier-2 Deal (Part 2)

Chapter 491 A Tier-2 Deal (Part 2)

Numba didn't say a word to his father on the way back to the limo. His father, although a strict and serious person hardly ever showed his temper. Nevertheless, there had been a few times, he had seen father lose it and it had always been related to his business.

Right now, if anyone said the wrong word he would blow the top off his head. The thing was, Numba knew what had set him off as well. The fact that a gang thought that they could just swoop in and take 50% of everything he did. They were trying to rob him and right in front of his nose as well.

They all entered the limo in silence. There was no need to say anything, so it was only Numba and the Freaks in the car, and in the first place, Harry Cardenez was the sole director of the company. There were no other partners, it truly was a company that he had built up from scratch and would continue to do so, with or without the help of others.

“I’m sorry that you had to see that, based on their reputation, I believed that things would have gone a lot smoother than that.” His father eventually spoke up. He then let out a deep sigh trying to calm himself down. “A true shame, but there are plenty of other Tier-2 cities that we can work with. We will just have to go back to the drawing board and see which ones aren’t so influenced by the Kings.”

Numba smiled and nodded at his father. In truth, he was happy that the deal fell through. If Slith was indeed Sty’s father then things would have been bound to turn bad at some point. Judging by how the meeting went, it was safe to assume that both of them were somehow related, both of them being Grade-A arseholes, Numba smirked to himself thinking about this.

The car came to a sudden halt as the driver slammed down on the breaks. It was so sudden that the seat belt locked up around Namba. The next second. the screeching of tires could be heard as the car spun to its side, and skidded across the ground.

Mr Cardenez had brought three cars with him and all three of them had come to a stop.


“What is going on?!” Harry demanded to know.

“Sir, it seems like we have trouble up ahead.” The driver answered.

Looking through the window, there were several cars, around four of them, and standing outside of them were what would only be described as a bunch of thugs, holding onto weapons such as bats, knives and more.

Looking at the location, they were still on the bridge from the casino, to the main area, so it was clear that this wasn’t a coincidence but people being ordered to attack them.

His two bodyguards helped Harry out of the car, while the other Freaks had also left their cards, ready for the inevitable fight. Mr Cardenez slammed the door so hard that it almost shattered when it closed before Numba.

“Father, I can help!” Numba shouted as he got out.

“Don’t worry, Numba, I know you can, but I can't let you get such filthy blood on your hands.” Harry stated. “They think just because I run a business that I don't know how to deal with a few ruffians, well Freaks it's time for you to do your job.”

There were ten members of the Freaks going up against around fourteen thugs. All of them dressed and covered in weird clown clothing. One had pulled out what looked like a scythe from behind. Another pair of nunchucks, and some more. The difference between the weapons the Freaks had and the thugs had was a large contrast.

All weapons of the Freaks seemed to be top quality, some even looking like they had been made from real life animals or creatures. That was because they were, some of them were holding onto Anti-Altered weapons.

“Haha, what the F*ck are a bunch of clowns going to do, get rid of them!” The thugs shouted as they ran across the bridge, they were the first to act.

None of the Freaks were startled, and when the first person came towards them, the man with the scythe swung it right towards one of their legs without an ounce of hesitation. The attack was so fast that the attacker suddenly fell to the ground. As he turned around he could see that his right was no longer attached to his body.

The man screamed, and following him were his companions. The man with numb chucks swung them, hitting one man in the arm breaking the bone on the spot, and hitting another in the chest sending him flying back. It was clear that the Freaks’ grealty outmatched these thugs and soon only the ten Freaks were left standing.

“I can't believe it, I bet these were the type of people that he would have put to protect our business. It looks like there was a silver lining to this whole thing after all.” Harry stated as he and the others got back in the car, and carried on their way home.

Numba, witnessing the Freaks' power, had to admit that he had greatly underestimated them and wondered how he would fare in a direct confrontation.


Inside the casino, Slith received the news that his attempt at stopping the Cardenez group had failed.

“I knew I had a good feeling about them.” Slith chuckled.

“What would you like to do now, sir, should we send the main group after them?” One of the men asked.

“There is no need.” Slith started to sort through a bunch of files that had Tier-3 written on top of them. “It would be embarrassing for a group like us to deal with them personally. Will just give a reason for one of the other gangs near them to sort them out.

“Let’s see, how about this.”

Slith pulled out one of the files and pushed it forward.

“A new gang that was able to rise up recently beat the top gang in their area and took over the town. They must have some strength to do that. Let's see if they can handle it.”

On top of the report, the first letter of the gang could be seen, with the letter H.


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