My Werewolf System

Chapter 492 Solving The Problem

Chapter 492 Solving The Problem

The next day had arrived for the Howlers gang and once again they were without Gary, but it was okay, it wasn't as if the Howlers were planning to go up against anyone anytime soon, and the gangs that would cause disturbances in the past had quieted down, allowing them to take control and work on their day to day business a lot easier.

Inside his normal office, surprisingly it was both Kai and Olivia, and as usual Kai was on his laptop, doing his morning research, gathering news on what the other gangs were doing and seeing if there was any way for the Howlers to expand their business.

“You know you should really get someone else to do this for you.” Olivia commented, looking at her newly painted nails. Whenever I come over you're late by nearly an hour and yet you insist that I'm the one that comes here on time.”

Kai let out a big sigh as he rubbed his eyes due to him looking at the screen a bit too long. As for why Olivia was in the office, it was for their daily training session. Since the two of them were werewolves, Kai thought it would benefit both of them to fight against each other, or to be more precise, to train with each other.

Although there was no enemy, who knew what they would come across in the future. However, even though they were training, other than getting better use of their body, knowing how to fight in certain forms, they didn't feel a rise in strength or power like they had done before, the burst of growth.

“Hiring somebody would cost money, and that is something that we don't have plenty of right now, especially after the auction. I can't even proceed with the plan of making Gary a well known tycoon at this rate. I was really hoping for the deal with the electronics company to go through, but I guess I will have to look elsewhere.”

As Kai continued his research, in the middle of it Olivia had received a phone call.

“Okay, We’ll be there in a moment.” Olivia hung up the phone.

“We’ll be there?” Kai repeated.

“I assume you will be coming. It's Burnham street, they say someone from Notsburg has paid them a little visit and are asking to see the Howlers. A few of our clients used to be from Notsburg, so I know how much of a problem this might be, and with you being the research guru I'm sure you know as well.”

Of course Kai knew, he knew every single city in the country, and Notsburg was a tier-2 city.

‘What do they want with us? Is it a gang the Underdogs were working for? If that is the case, we are not ready yet. We're not ready to deal with a tier 2 gang.’

Cancelling their training session for the morning, both Olivia and Kai had decided to head to Burnham food street. He didn't inform any of the others. At the end of the day, they had come to Slough, and had done so unnoncend.

If they were planning to attack, they wouldn't have asked for a meeting and because it was in their own home territory it was most likely to be a safe meeting. At the same time if it came to it, Olvia and Kai certainly had the skills to escape most situations.


Standing outside with the masks on their faces, Kai looked up at the sign above.

“Of all the places for them to choose from. Brings back memories, huh.”

“Shut up,” Olivia said as she walked forward and pushed open the double doors to the seafood restaurant. A place that used to be the old base of the Pincers.

Bursting through the door, Olivia had made quite the entrance. All of the workers in the shop bowed down as they knew who it was, even with the mask there was only one person with that figure in the entire city.

The restaurant had been cleared of customers, so there was no one else inside, apart from one, a man sitting inside with a suit and glasses. He looked fairly young, like someone who had just graduated from University.

From just looking at him, most wouldn't think he was a gang member, but as Olivia walked over to the four seater table, she also noticed that one of the workers there had a marking on their face.

Of course, the workers in the seafood restaurant weren’t regular workers, they were all members of the Pincer gang who had fighting experience.

‘He’s on his own, and he still decided to start a fight in here, and obviously he made a big enough presence to stop the others from jumping in.’

In this situation, Kai knew he had to be the more calm one, so picking up his pace, he walked in front of Olivia and sat down before she did, opposite the man, and he was doing this for his safety rather than hers.

‘This person, it has to just be a messenger, is this not what I think it's regarding.’

“I have heard a lot about you Howlers, to think that you really do wear masks to hide your face.” The man commented, lifting his glasses up with his index finger. “I would assume that none of you are the leader of the Howlers.”

“We are high ranking members.” Kai replied. “With enough say in the gang to make decisions. Since this was unannounced, our leader won't be able to visit. Unfortunately he is away. I'm sure you would understand since it appears to be the same with your leader.”

Kai gave a smile which could be seen with the type of mask he was wearing, since it only covered the upper half.

“That's good enough for me.” The man said as he lifted up a suitcase that was on the seat next to him. “I have a proposal which I think you would be very very interested in.”

Opening up the case, it was full of the one thing the gang needed at the moment… money.


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