My Werewolf System

Chapter 524 The Groups Meet

Chapter 524 The Groups Meet

The Howlers were baffled at the sigh of the three new arrivals. They were sure that the whole city should know by now that this was a dangerous area, one would only come here if they knew their life was on the line.

“What are a bunch of students doing in a place like this?” Innu blurted out.

“Should we really be the ones saying this?” Marie whispered at his side.

Although it hadn’t been long since all of them had dropped out of school the teenagers sometimes forgot that without the gang they too would have been regular students. When seeing Harry react though it was quite clear that these three weren’t just brave passerby.

“Numba.” Harry said softly at first, but then his eyebrows started to furrow so much that it looked like they were touching each other. “What are you doing here?! Did you decide to disobey your own father?!”

Harry was walking at an incredibly fast pace toward Numba, startling Izzy and Ian at his side.

“Hey, if the old man attacks us, we can at least defend ourselves, right?” Ian asked his childhood friend.

“No, you dofus! Remember, this is Numba’s father and he’s an odinary human whereas you’re an Altered!” Izzy replied back.

“I told you to stay at the academy! I told you to live your life there! Do you think your father can't handle things on his own?!” Harry questioned his son amidst his stride.

“I'm involved in all of this, father!” Numba shouted back. “I’ve been a part of this ever since the day you took me into your family. How am I meant to live a life in the academy when I know all of this is happening? I could… I would never forgive myself!”

The old man stopped there around three metres before reaching Numba’s position. Both Izzy and Ian were somewhat hiding behind Numba who was surprisingly standing his ground.

“Father, it's not just you… they have already targeted me back at the academy. And not just me, but my friends as well. I have personal issues with them. Let me help you!” Numba locked eyes with his father.

Neither one looked away. It was as if they were the only two that were there on that concrete ground.

After a good minute or so, Harry smirked as he pondered out loud. “Just where did I go wrong in raising you?”

“You didn’t.” Numba replied. “You gave me the perfect life and I just wish to repay you for it.”

“You have grown a lot since the academy. It looks like you might have gone through more things than I can imagine.” Harry sighed. “I’m assuming the two behind you are your friends from the academy? Alright, since you’re already here, I’ll place you under Gib in the Freaks, you are to support him and follow his lead!”

One of the men dressed as a clown with a large red nose came over. Gib had two bats on his back, but rather than being made out of wood or metal, they seemed to be grey in colour, and the handle part black. This was an Anti-Altered weapon, albeit a basic one. It just had a slight electrifying power rather than one made from a beast.

The Howlers were a little far away from where the academy students had parked up, so they were unable to hear most of what was said apart from a few angry words here and there. Only Kai and Olivia with their enhanced hearing had heard it all.


‘That person's name… I see why you took a liking to him, Gary, in some ways he is like you. A new business and loyalty from three Altered. I would say if things go well here, we're on a great way to the top.’

While the others followed Gib, Harry and Will were talking to the managers of the factory. They were trying to get a handle on the situation with employees leaving. They needed to come up with a plan to reinstate confidence and also discuss how much production was behind.

While following Gib, it didn’t take long for Ian and the others to notice a group standing by a high end car, who were all wearing strange masks dressed in black and gold.

“Man what is with your family?” Ian asked. “I mean, I thought the clowns were already strange but now these freaks in masks as well.”

Once again, Izzy kicked Ian's shin, causing him to jump up and down rubbing his leg. The one leading them in the first place was a clown and he didn’t look like a happy one, in a lot of cases it was so strange that it almost freaked out Izzy.

“Those guys are not part of my family. I don’t know who they are. Did the gang manage to get some help Gib?” Numba asked.

“Yes, young master.” Gib answered. “Your father managed to receive help from a neighbouring town called Slough. The ones that you are looking at right now are a gang who call themselves Howlers.”

Each one of them stopped in their footsteps as they heard those words, and at the same time looked at each other. Gib had only just noticed that the others stopped following and wondered what it was that he had said that was so confusing.

Immediately, Ian put his arms around the two heads and made the other two huddle up into a circle.

“Hey, I'm not going crazy, right? That clown just called them Howlers and from Slough? Isn’t that the same group that Gary told us he was from?” Ian asked.

“You’re right, but I had no clue that my father was going to ask them for help. I guess this must have happened while we were in the academy.” Numba replied.

“From what you told us though, the ones responsible are the Tier-2 gang Scatterbugs. Any gang would be crazy to help you out. Sorry… I know that was a bit rude but you know what I mean. Does this mean Gary actually managed to convince them to help?” Izzy added.

They all looked over at the Howlers again. None of them had the same hairstyle or colour as Gary, nor did their body frame match them. At the same time, they realised that the number of people from the Howlers was incredibly low.

“If Gary did ask them, then where is he? I mean he left before us, so he should be with them.” Ian claimed.

“I hate to say this, but it looks like the Howlers just sent a token force because Gary asked them. They want to keep Gary on their good side because he's talented.” Izzy guessed. “So they say they sent help but really it isn’t much. I think it's a good thing that we came in the end.”

The group eventually broke off their huddle and continued to follow Gib with a smile, but Numba couldn't help looking at the people in the masks. For a group that had been sent off for what Izzy thought was fodder they looked quite brave.

At the same time, was it true, had Gary been kept back by his gang, told that he wasn’t allowed to come to help out?

‘Thank you Gary, for at least trying. I bet you did whatever you could to help us…so I will do the same.’

They eventually reached their post where there was a small gap in the wall of cars. There were these small gaps throughout the wall. It was to allow their members in and out and only so few in at a time.

This way, the numbers advantage didn’t go so well in their favour. As they stood there Numba had a few more words to say for the others.

“We came here to stop Gary from doing something stupid…but I have decided that I will be staying here, even if Gary isn’t here.” Numba explained. “I have to help out my family no matter what situation they are in, but for you guys it isn’t the same. This isn’t your family.

“If any of you are in danger at any point and time, then please just get out of here.”

The two didn’t reply and instead, Ian went to Gib and whispered something in his ear. After that the gang member called on help from one of the other members of the Freaks.

“What did you ask for?” Izzy asked.

“You’ll see.”

A short while later and the freaks had come back, with some clothes, makeup and red squidgy nose for the two of them.

“With this, our parents will never know we were involved.” Ian explained. “Call me, if you need any help.”

After changing into their costumes Ian couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous Izzy looked but his laughter was cut short by an announcement.

“They're coming, everyone get ready!”



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