My Werewolf System

Chapter 525 Protect The Factory (Part 1)

Chapter 525 Protect The Factory (Part 1)

Harry's factory was currently well guarded, at least more so than the others, for several reasons. For one, a couple of his Freak group members would always stay with him.

Since he was at this location, it meant that the total number of members of the Freaks in this area were around eight. At the same time, it was the larger factory of the two. In all honesty, if Harry had to save one of the two factories, he would have suggested this one simply based on its size.

However, the problem was both factories were getting hit with the same amount of force from two different gangs. Still, it made him wonder when the blonde-haired Howlers member suggested if he had done so knowing these details beforehand.

'I can't be thinking about the other factory right now. We have to put all our efforts into protecting this one!' Harry had made up his mind and knew he couldn't afford to distract himself right now.

"Give me a report on the enemy numbers!" Harry asked.

"I have received messages stating that it looks like this time, the number of attackers is in the hundreds. Several cars and motorbikes have been spotted at the scene. This is the biggest attack from them till now." Will said, his hand trembling nervously.

There were eight members of the Freaks and around twenty guards stationed around one-half of the building, having moved to the direction where the attackers were coming from.

Since the factory was a bit out of the central part of the city, there were only really two directions they could attack from: from the main city roads or, more likely, from over the hill, where one could come from the countryside.

There was more land on that side, and it was harder for them to spot the enemy if they came from that way.

'Even if we have the Howlers on our side, their numbers are more than double compared to ours. Not to mention our people are tired from the constant fighting as well, including the Freaks. Is this their final push to finish us off?'

"Stop the advance, do whatever you have to to stop the advance, and somebody get me a damn weapon. We will fight and take care of these guys until we meet the Scatterbugs ourselves!" Harry shouted, rolling up his sleeves.

"Wow, your dad really is a scary man," Ian gulped, seeing the former's enthusiasm.

"He's not scary," Numba replied in a matter of factly way, "He's just passionate about these things."

The Freaks were in action as they moved out of the small gaps from the doors of cars, while the regular guards stayed behind the wall, waiting for the enemy to come in. It was then that Gib, the leader of the Freaks, turned around to all the others.

"Let us take out as much as possible, and then we will leave the rest to you." Gib looked at the three students, who were now dressed in clown outfits as well, indicating that those words were meant for them as well.

The sound of revving motorbikes brakes being slammed upon as they screeched and came to a halt could be heard. Multiple cars and motorbikes had driven over the grassy fields and were now on the grey concrete.

They had stopped, not wishing to collide with the barrier and could see those in front of them. Just like the reports had indicated, as the members got out of the car, they looked to be around a hundred of these thugs, carrying all sorts of weapons on their bodies.

One large man with nothing on but a tank top and a golden tooth stood in front of the others. They hadn't rushed forward to attack just yet.josei

"Today is the day we finish the job!" The man clamoured, raising his hand that had a brass knuckle worn on it. The others cheered loudly with this, and the sound of a hundred people enrapturing was quite deafening for the others to hear and feel.

There wasn't a moment of a breather for them as they all started to charge in, with those on the motorbike getting the lead as they went forward first. One of them was holding a crowbar and went straight toward Gib.

The motorbike man swung the crowbar, but Gib ducked under it, hitting the man in the stomach, letting his motorbike continue going forward before it skid across the floor and crashed into the wall of cars.

It was an explosive start to the fight. Soon the men had surrounded the Freaks, but just as their reputation preceded them, they were doing well to hold off even though they were outnumbered.

Swinging their weapons, they began the counterattack. They had great stamina; whenever they hit someone, it would do great damage by either knocking them out or taking them out of the fight. However, in the end, they weren't invincible.

Gib was struck in the ribs by a chain, causing him to flinch, and as he did, the man with the brass knuckle from before came and gave a powerful uppercut right under his chin. It was a blow that would have knocked most grown adult men out, but somehow, Gib was able to hold on.

With the Freaks slowing down, it allowed the other gang members to run around them and get to the gap in the cars.

"No wonder my boys couldn't finish you off last time." The man smiled, showing his gold tooth. "Well, it's a good thing I personally decided to come this time. I have to say that after this, we will never have to worry about a day in our lives again, and you can rest in peace as well, haha!"

The man lifted Gib by the top of his curly head of hair and readied his knuckleduster once more as he swung it to the side.

But before he could take the last swing, an explosive bang resounded as if a heavy weight had hit the ground. Then, as the golden tooth man turned his head, he suddenly felt a heavy hit right in his stomach. Intense pain instantly clutched him as his ribs cracked from the impact, and he was sent flying into his own men, crashing into them as he lay unmoving on the floor.

"Is that a…clown with Horns?" The man lifted his head before passing out.

Gib looked up and, standing in his place, was none other than the young master of the company. In a clown outfit, of all things, with horns sticking out of his head.

"You have done what you can, head back to the factory and recover yourself. Leave the rest to us. If you don't follow this order, you're fired." Numba said.

Gib nodded while trying his best to remain calm.

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself, you're not in a position to make those decisions yet."

​ *****

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