My Werewolf System

Chapter 570 A Whole New World

Chapter 570 A Whole New World

A lot of work needed to be done in the casino, and the first call of action was to make everyone aware that the leader of the Scatterbugs was no more. It was fairly easy to do, especially since the Cardenez group, along with the Freaks, had already dealt with most of those inside the casino.

Some members of the Howlers went downstairs and made the announcement, while showing quite a bit of proof, as there were some of the rings being held up on display that only Slith ever wore on his hands.

This had disheartened the people, but even more so, the news would spread out to the entire city. It would take a while though, as there was no easy way for the customers or the gang members to leave the place.

There were a few emergency boats that could be used to transfer the customers back to the mainland, and for now, the Cardenez group were helping with that, as had been ordered by the Howlers.

Kai knew there was a lot of work to be done, and it needed to be done quickly as well. There were multiple problems with what was going to happen. How would the remaining Scatterbug members react, if any of the nearby enemies they had made, or even those just wanting to get on top of an opportunity, the longer everything was going to take, the more chance of disturbances like so would happen.

While Kai was busy searching the entire Casino, Gary and Innu were looking over Midwak. They had brought him to a VIP gambling room that had a poker table in the middle. Away from the main area.

Midwak wasn't tied up or anything, but they had made sure not to give him any food and made him stay away from food as well. Having been beaten so badly, he was out of energy and a werewolf needed to eat.

Keeping him in this state was the safest thing to do and it would be dark for quite a bit more. The AFA students were helping out Harry Cardenez's group, but Harry himself instead was with Kai, as they both had raided the offices along with Olivia, finding all of the paperwork they needed.

"Really, what is the point of keeping this stuff in a safe? Any altered could slash through these things anyway." Gary said to himself as he pulled out the paperwork while his hand started to transform back into what it was.

What they had been searching for were all the deeds, the company files, and more. All of it was in Slith's name, which was in a way quite problematic. In Olivia's situation they had forced her to sign everything over, but in this case, Slith was dead.josei

"I can take care of it." Harry commented. "I have some talented people. There will be quite a big price to pay, but I will take care of it all. After all, you and your gang have done more than enough. You have protected my family members, and my entire business. I never dreamed that this would be the outcome."

For a moment, Kai breathed a sigh of relief, because he had someone he could rely on. So far in the journey of the Howlers he had been doing most of the work like so. He had Olivia who was well versed and his own knowledge for when he worked under his father.

For the first time, he had someone he could fully trust to do things.

'It was a good decision going fifty/fifty on that deal. It looks like we have a great partner for now and in the future.'

Now they only had one big problem left, and depending how it went, it would determine how easy it would be for them to take control over Notsburg or not.

Eventually, all members of the Howlers had entered the private gambling room where Midwak was being kept. Harry, and the others were busy still dealing with the gang members and others and was also quick to mark a call to someone who could sort out the documents for them.

When entering the room, they still felt a heavy presence as Midwak sat in the chair. They couldn't believe it, he had already been beaten, he had no shirt on, and was clearly out of energy but it was his eyes. They always looked like they were ready for a fight at any second.

"You must be getting pretty hungry now, right?" Kai asked, as he sat down. "We know more than anyone that a werewolf's hunger is an unbearable pain, and I'm sure as soon as you get your energy back, you no doubt will try and take us all on."

Midwak chuckled hearing this.

"Do you think I'm an idiot. If I tried to fight him, now while it was dark outside he would have the advantage. You really know nothing about werewolves do you? I can't believe I was beaten by such an amateurish pack!"

Gary hadn't told the others about his evolution, so it was safe to say they were confused but Gary did know and he was surprised as this wasn't the first time Midwak had made these types of comments, and now it was clear that he knew what Gary was.

"You're right." Gary said. "We know nothing about werewolves, but right now, you are in my pack. We are in this together, and it's quite clear that without information from you, that we might all end up dead.

"You… I can tell, you want to live, don't you? There is a reason you want to live, a reason why you fought so hard and wanted to take the Alpha position. Now that you're in my pack, I want you to answer some questions for us.

"For the sake of your survival and the sake of your own goal. Who are you? Why are you an Omega wolf, how many werewolves are there out there, and what do we need to look out for?" Gary asked.

Without realising it, these set of events, would open up a whole new world, that Gary never even knew existed.


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