My Werewolf System

Chapter 571 A Different World

Chapter 571 A Different World

The Howlers were all waiting for Midwak to answer, as they were quite interested in Gary’s past. Why was he a Werewolf, where did they even come from? Although the teenager had confided in them, he too lacked the answers to many questions about his new being. He knew he wasn’t fully human anymore, but neither was he truly an Altered nor a beast. 

In the first place, they weren’t even sure if Midwak would answer their questions. He had no reason to help him, so Kai had offered him access something to eat, sure that this was something the Omega Werewolf would desperately crave.     

They had chopped up the body of one of those who had died during the initial ambush. They weren’t about to risk him regaining too much Energy, so they used a human, rather than one of the Altereds’ flesh. None of them really wanted to disrespect the dead further, but Kai justified these actions by choosing to believe that it was more important to care about his living friends.     

“Do you think food would really tempt me?” Midwak asked with dribble slightly dropping from his lower lip.     

If Midwak, wasn’t going to talk, then Gary would have to perhaps change the rules, but in the first place, it stated that Midwak would have to follow the orders of the Howlers, and something was compelling him to speak.     

“First, you are all idiots!” Midwak declared, his eyes darting towards the bag with the meat. “If you really knew anything about the world, and what really goes on behind the scenes, then you should have continued to stay low, but now your gang has taken over a Tier-2 city.     

“It's not every day something like this happens, and take a wild guess how often a Tier-3 gang manages to pull such a stunt off. All eyes will be on you soon enough, you’ll get investigated because everyone will want to stay cautious off the Howlers.”     

Although this was all true, Gary didn’t regret his decision for even a second. The elated look on Numba’s face, the satisfied look on Kai’s when he had seen Midwak defeated seemed well worth it.     

“What's done is done.” Gary stated. “We’ll have to move forward and will deal with things as they come up.”     

Midwak let out a big sigh. It was unbelievable to him how he could lose to the people surrounding him. The fact that they were utterly clueless about how deep in trouble they were was only serving to infuriate him further. In a way, telling them a little bit of information would make him look less bad.     

“Argh, it’s so frustrating dealing with idiots who don’t even understand how fucker they are.” Midwak cursed. “First off, what happened to me is none of your business, and it won’t help you in any way, so the short version of my story is that I’m a Werewolf who used to run with a different Pack.     

“I’ve never cared too much about our history, so while I can’t tell you exactly how old it is, it’s been around for ages, might have even been around since the first Werewolves. I don’t know about today, but while I was a member, it was MUCH larger than your sorry excuse of Pack. One day I was kic- I left the pack, due to some disagreements, and eventually ended up meeting Slith, who gave me a spot with his Scatterbugs. I stayed by his side because he had a knack for money, as well as for gathering around strong people.     

“Even though, at any point and time I could have taken him out, and taken over the gang, I didn’t because I'm not a fool. He was the perfect smokescreen, helping me avoid any unnecessary attention to myself. I know that the moment I turn up on their radar, they would send someone to take me out. Well, things changed with your leader’s existence.     

“It’s been… heck I don’t even know how long it’s been since there were two Alphas. I’ve only heard about such a thing from some old stories. I guess I should have known that you would amount to nothing more than an anomaly. After all, who be dumb enough to turn you into an Alpha of all people.”     

Gary was trying to hold in his anger, because every time Midwak talked, he did so in a way where he would continuously insult them.     

“To sum it up, you’ve got kicked out from your Pack, which is much greater than ours, and now we have a problem in that the other Alpha will not like Gary’s existence?” Kai repeated, earning himself a nasty glare from Midwak by using the phrase ‘kicked out’. “Where are they, what are they doing and roughly how many Werewolves are there? Do you have any ideas how and why Gary become an Alpha in the first place?”     

Midwak shrugged his shoulders. “How am I meant to know? I just told you that I did all I could to avoid their attention, so I sure as hell didn’t do any investigations into them. From what I know, Alphas are either gained from taking over the position or naturally selected, but there is a tale that is told to all Werewolves. ‘There can never be two Alphas that coexist.’     

“There’s a reason I only heard about two Alphas from old stories, whenever there have been two Packs, they would all eventually clash with each other one way or another. If I had become an Alpha, the first thing I would have done was turn as many people as possible. A Werewolf grows in strength from turning others, and having a large Pack is a big plus for any Alpha. It’s really a travesty, him having this wondrous power, and what did he do with it? There’s a grand total of three of you little whelps!” Midwak laughed as he finished.     

Gary could guess why one would get stronger. He remembered from the system that he would get a Pawn Point for every Werewolf that he turned. At the same time, all those that they beat, killed while he was around them, he would also get additional exp from that as well.     

“Does this mean that the Werewolves will come after us, the second they’re sure of our existence?” Innu asked.     

“After you? Please, how egocentric can you be?” Midwak waved his hand. “You’re neither a Werewolf, nor are you an Altered. Even if you have beaten a Tier-2 gang, at best you’ve evolved from maggots into flies in their eyes. The only reason to pay any attention to you in particular would be due to your axes, so congratulations, you’ve moved up from fly into a rodent.”     

“Is that because they are one of the Kings?” Kai asked, as he had somewhat figured it out already.     

“Thank the heavens there is at least one smart person among you.” Midwak smiled. “See, I knew it was a good thing keeping you alive, I really liked you. I nearly feel a smidgen of guilt now for what I did to you back there. Are you sure you don’t want to work together and betray your green haired friend to become the boss?”     

There was a stern look from everyone in the room when he posed his suggestions. If there was one thing Midwak was sure about was that these ‘idiots’ were as dumb as they were loyal to Gary.     

“You’re right, the Werewolves are one of the untouchable Kings, meaning neither the gangs, the government, the AFA, NIRV, nor the Altered Hunters can do anything to them. The Kings are above all of these, and none of those organisations can touch you.     

“And let me tell you something else, you would be an idiot to think that they don’t already know about you. Trust me, the only reason why they have yet to pay you a visit must be because they have their own troubles keeping them occupied.”         

Gary was slightly confused. Midwak had just stated that the Werewolves were above all of those organisations that were mentioned. Only another King could really compete with them in terms of power and influence, so what trouble would they have.     

“Troubles… you just told us how scary these Werewolves are, so what troubles would they have?” Olivia asked the question Gary was thinking.     

It looked like Midwak wanted to bang his head on the table, but he restrained himself as he looked straight at Gary dead in the eye.     

“You… you're a Dark Warrior, correct?”     

The others were now losing track of the conversation, but Gary knew the name well as he recently learned about it.     

“You are quite a lucky one.” Midwak continued. “Given what you are, they probably won’t outright kill you, you might prove far more useful to them alive. Think about it, Werewolves who have lived for a long time, they essentially have no equal. You might be a pup but I bet you felt it already, given our speed of growth, not even the top Altered stand a chance compared to our elites.     

“So what would give them trouble in this world, and why would you, the Dark Warrior, be given the nickname of the Red Eyed Hunter?”     

‘Red eyes?’ Gary thought. ‘Omega wolves have yellow eyes, Beta wolves blue, red eyes, they are the Alphas…so what… Am I an Alpha hunter?’     

In that room, there was only one person who had somewhat figured it out, but the mere possibility of his answer being true sent shivers down his entire spine.     


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