My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1037 Buried Corpse

Chapter 1037 Buried Corpse


Tan Si was terrified upon hearing that the ghost of his father's mistress knew that they had entered the house. He hurriedly scrambled close to Song Yan as he was afraid of getting attacked when he was not paying attention. Tan Si, who was materialistic never thought that one day he would be scared of a ghost. In the past when his daughters used to say that they saw someone in the house, he believed that they were only talking about an imaginary friend and nothing else. 

But now that he knew that there was something evil lurking in his house, Tan Si was scared stiff. 

" M..Master Song what should we do now?" Tan Si asked. A part of him wanted to go out of the house but he had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to leave and he did not have the guts to leave Song Yan. Who knows if he was to walk out of the house alone, that ghost might attack him? 

Song Yan did not answer, she carefully sensed the fluctuations in the Yin energy around her. The grudge field that was created by the ghost seemed to have levelled up after the death of Lai Li, Song Yan narrowed her eyes before turning to look up at the staircase that led to the second floor. 

Her eyes fell on the black smoky aura that was filling the entire staircase and said, " Stay close to me, Master Tan. If you get caught by that ghost then no one will be able to save you." 

Tan Si would have stayed close to Song Yan even if she did not say anything to him. He walked close to Song Yan and silently followed her to the second floor. Maybe it was because he knew that there was a ghost in the house, Tan Si seemed to have become even more sensitive, even the smallest sound made him scared and jumpy. 

So, when the stair under his foot creaked, he jumped in the air and screamed in terror causing Song Yan to roll her eyes. 

" Calm down," she turned to look at the man who was holding his head with his hands and cowering in fear. " With the talisman that I have given you, you will not die. So stop screaming in my ear."

If possible Song Yan wouldn't have brought Tan Si with her but the grudge was related to his family and she knew that unless someone from the Tan family came with her, the ghost would not show itself. She did not bring the two daughters of the Tan family because she did not want to scare them but now after seeing how much of a scaredy cat Tan Si was, she wished she had brought one of the Tan sisters. At least they were not as scared as their father who jumped at the smallest sound. 

" I bet five million yuan that he will wet his pants when he sees the ghost," Fang Yanli remarked while standing behind Song Yan. Because the grudge field was too strong, she had to appear with Song Yan lest she couldn't control the grudge aura. 

Song Yan on the other hand did not think the same. She continued to stare at the startled-looking Tan Si and then remarked, " I bet ten million that he will faint the second he sees the ghost, there will be no time for him to piss his pants." 

She had seen people like Tan Si, it would be surprising if he could even hold on to his life after seeing a ghost. 

The reason they firmly believed in the material world and did not think of believing in ghosts was that they were terrified of ghosts. Thus, they pretended that the supernatural being did not exist this way they wouldn't have to worry about anything.  I think you should take a look at

However, maybe it was their bad luck but people like Tan Si met with ghosts much more than those who did not believe in ghosts.

Tan Si did not have the slightest bit of idea that Song Yan was making a bet with her ghost servant regarding him. After hearing Song Yan's consoling words, he simply clutched the talisman in his hands, hoping that nothing would happen to him. 

He looked around the staircase on which he had walked many times in the past carefully. His eyes flickered left and right like a rat as if he was hoping for the ghost to pop out of the wall and attack him, with each step he took Tan Si felt that the temperature surrounding him was going down and the more the temperature fell, the more Tan Si's spine stiffened. 

As he arrived at the second floor with Song Yan, Tan Si felt that there was something wrong. Even if he couldn't see the ghost, he felt the change in the atmosphere causing him to take a step closer to Song Yan as he whimpered, " I … I feel that someone is watching us, Master Song." 

Tan Si was still speaking when he suddenly felt a chill climb up his spine and stiffen. Though he did not want to look behind him, Tan Si still turned his head slowly to see whether or not he was scaring himself. 

To his surprise, behind him stood a woman dressed in a white qipao. Her long black hair was fluttering behind her and her intestines were hanging out. There was a deep cut in her abdomen and her skin was paler than a corpse with blue veins sticking against the pale skin. 

When Tan Si turned his head to look at the woman, she smiled at him with a tilt of her head causing Tan Si to yelp. 

" She is here! She is here!" He screamed while hugging Song Yan's arm. 

As he screamed Tan Si's eyes rolled in his sockets and he fell on the ground. 

Song Yan watched Tan Si faint and then turned to look at Fang Yanli before saying, " I won." 

" This one doesn't count," Fang Yanli retorted back with disgust coiling inside her heart. 

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