My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1038 Buried Corpse ——2

Chapter 1038 Buried Corpse ——2


Song Yan did not even glance at Tan Si, instead, she raised her head and looked at the ghost standing in front of her. With her eyes narrowed, she took out a talisman and aimed it at the ghost, however before the talisman could hit the ghost, it vanished into thin air. 

"  She is making use of the grudge field," Fang Yanli remarked as she looked around the entire corridor, once a ghost succeeds in making a grudge field, the entire space would turn into its own world. The evil spirit could make use of the grudge field as it wanted, it could even morph the space and area under its control. 

Song Yan did not say anything, she calmly looked at the end of the corridor where the ghost was standing a few seconds ago and then turned to look at Tan Si who was lying on the floor. Her lips twitched as she took out another set of talismans and then left them with Tan Si. She then turned to look at Fang Yanli and said, "Look for the  centre of the grudge field on the second floor, I will go and take a look at the third floor and the attic." 

As Fang Yanli heard Song Yan's words, she dropped her gaze and noticed the sign made by Song Yan. A flash of understanding washed over her and she nodded before turning on her heels and heading to the room that Song Yan wanted her to take a look at.  josei

Once Fang Yanli left Song Yan kicked Tan Si to the side and then turned to face the staircase before heading to the third floor. As she arrived at the third floor, Song Yan's attention was attracted by a small pup toy sitting in the middle of the corridor, as soon as she stepped over the first step of the staircase, the little toy suddenly turned on. 

It barked and growled causing Song Yan to raise her brow as she looked at the toy before saying in a soft voice, " You seem to be quite used to barking, are you going to reincarnate as a dog?" 

As soon as she finished speaking the toy that was moving and barking suddenly stopped and then twisted in the same spot. And soon in place of the toy stood a human child who seemed to be missing a layer of skin. Its empty eyes stared at Song Yan before it pounced on Song Yan who raised her gun and then shot a talisman at the evil spirit. 

The malevolent child spirit seemed to have realized that the talisman heading towards it, was dangerous which was why it twisted in the middle of his attack and then climbed up the wall before scrambling up the attic. With the small opening at the top of the door, the child rushed inside. 

Song Yan watched the spirit climb up the attic and then slowly made her way to the attic where the Yin energy was the thickest. As she pushed open the door, Song Yan breathed out causing a cloud of white mist to billow in front of her. 

Her eyes flickered around the room. She raised her hand in the air before twisting on her heels and shooting a talisman at the child spirit that jumped up at her from behind. 

" AHHHHH!!" The evil spirit of the child screamed in pain as the bullet talisman hit it. Dark smoke oozed out of its place skin where he was shot before scuttling back to his mother as he hid behind the female ghost.  I think you should take a look at

"Finally willing to show yourself?" Song Yan questioned as she looked at the female ghost who was sneering at her. Its empty eyes were staring at Song Yan and even though the female ghost did not have eyes, Song Yan could feel that it was glaring at her. 

The female ghost stared at Song Yan before raising her feet and rushing towards her. Song Yan noticed the intentions of the female ghost and quickly dodged the attack that was aimed at her, she arched a brow and then looked at the female ghost before taunting, " You are quite quick on your feet, is it because you were once a Xiao San? Quick in breaking the family of others?" 

Who knew whether or not the ghost understood her words but she let out an enraged roar. 

Song Yan calmly stepped aside as she escaped from the clutches of the female ghost, but then she felt movements behind her. Song Yan turned her head and saw the child of the malicious spirit scuttling on the ceiling of the attic, as soon as it saw that Song Yan had caught it. The child jumped from the ceiling, its mouth wide enough to fit Song Yan's head. 

Being attacked from two sides, Song Yan did not have much time to think of a way to escape. She first aimed at the child spirit and then shot the talisman straight at his mouth causing the child spirit to scream in agony, however, because she was focusing on the child spirit, Song Yan missed the opportunity to attack the female ghost giving it the chance to attack her. 

She felt thin and cold fingers wrap around her throat as the ghost pushed Song Yan back against a wall. Her long nails dug into Song Yan's skin causing blood to seep out. 

However, Song Yan remained calm. She stared at the female ghost that was choking her and then calmly stated, " Is this how you died?" Her question agitated the female ghost which further led to her grip on Song Yan's neck getting even more tight. 

Seeing this Song Yan chuckled before saying, " Now Yanli!" 

Fang Yanli had been waiting for Song Yan's command, as soon as she received Song Yan's permission. Fang Yanli summoned the two blue flaming lion claws and then smashed her hands into the wall of the bedroom that belonged to the late matriarch of the Tan family. 

The wall was old to begin with, the second Fang Yanli smashed it with her claws, it cracked and broke revealing a dried-up corpse of a woman in white. 

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