My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 130 The Number You Dialled Does Not Exist.

Chapter 130 The Number You Dialled Does Not Exist.

Au Lisha felt even more guilty and worse after listening to the doctors, she was already blaming herself for not taking care of her daughter when she was sick yesterday. She was so happy that her husband returned that she was only thinking about how she should make him happy while he was with her that she forgot that her daughter was still young and could easily fall sick.

Just a night of carelessness and her daughter fell sick like this.

The doctor have been rushing in and out of the ward for the last three hours and yet they couldn't say anything regarding her daughter's condition, Au Mei was five years old but Au Lisha was not, she could sense that even after a long discussion the doctors couldn't come to a conclusion and nor could they identify the cause of her daughter's illness.

After realising this how can Au Lisha not worry, she panicked and tried to think of every possible with which she could help her daughter get better.

Au Lisha was worried but Song Yan was even more worried though she pretended not to worry about Au Mei, she couldn't turn her back on the little girl whose life was being sucked out of her because of her mother's stupidity. Au Lisha was in the wrong for marrying a sinful man like that and yet it was her daughter who was paying for that sin, despite all that Au Lisha still stubbornly believed that she was in the right.

But in the end, she was Au Mei's mother and not her, she couldn't help those who didn't want her help. So, after the group of doctors left she walked out of the ward followed by Fu Yu Sheng but just as they were going to close the door, a clear and tired voice rang out in the ward.

" Wait don't leave yet." Old man Au noticed how Song Yan was looking at his granddaughter it was a gaze that was filled with sympathy and melancholy like she was watching someone dying in front of her yet couldn't help them. Unlike his daughter who was born and raised in the city, Old man Au was raised in the village by his grandparents who would often tell him tales about people who could see things that were beyond human comprehension. The young generation didn't believe in those stories but Old man Au did, so after thinking about a short while, he stopped Song Yan. " Little girl if you are here, you should take a look at my granddaughter, there is no need for you to let your trip go into vain."

" Father!" Au Lisha couldn't help but shriek in exasperation as she looked at her father. " Don't worry even if we are kicked out of the hospital we can still look for another hospital, you don't have to let her mess around."

Au Lisha has heard many rumours about Song Yan from her half-sister in the socialite's group and neither of them was any good.

"Shut up, if you don't know anything." Old man Au was really unhappy with his daughter's attitude, she was always ready to jump to conclusions and hardly ever used her brain just like her cluster brain mother. " What's wrong with letting her take a look it's not like you are going to lose an inch of your skin if she checks little Mei, will you? Since she says she can wake Au Mei up, what's your issue with her? Just let her do her thing if she can wake little Mei up it's good but if she can't then we won't be losing anything either way."

" Exactly sister Lisha,  I am the one who called Sister-in-law here, why don't you give me some face and let her try waking little Mei up?" Wang Yufan saw that he finally has someone who was willing to back him up and hurriedly chimed in afraid that he will be a step too late in changing Au Lisha's mind, though he was upset with her attitude towards Song Yan, he couldn't let Au Mei die, no matter what a child has nothing to do with their parents' mistakes.

" Yufan, father… why are you two trying to put me in a spot? I can assure you that everything will be fine. I will contact Zhou and let him send a group of experts, I am sure he will be just as worried about little Mei as we are." Au Lisha didn't want to disturb her husband but now that things have gone out of control, she has no other choice but to call her husband.

Song Yan heard her words and sneered with contempt in her voice. " Really then go ahead I would like to see what kind of experts your husband will call, wait…that's not right —— first let us see whether or not you can even contact him."

Au Lisha's eyes widened and her body quivered with fury. " What the heck you are talking about?"

Song Yan simply shrugged and said, " Call your husband and you will find out."

Listening to her contemptuous words Au Lisha didn't want to do as she asked her to do but she also wanted to prove to Song Yan  that her husband was loads better than Song Yan, so she hurriedly pulled out her phone and called her husband, but instead of the familiar ringtone that she was used to listening every time she called her husband, the phone beeped three times and a mechanical voice echoed from the other side——- ' The number you have dialled does not exist.'

Au Lisha couldn't believe what she was hearing, so she dialled the same number again and again but even after calling more than six times, she heard the same answer.

Old Man Au watched his daughter's face turn more and more ashen, so he hurriedly strode forward and snatched the phone from his daughter and called his son-in-law after he heard the same thing as Au Lisha, his irises quivered and he took out his cellphone before dialling his son in law's number only to hear the same mechanically voice.josei

More anxious and fretful he looked at Wang Yufan who handed his phone as well, with trembling fingers Old man Au called the same number again hoping that this time the call will be connected but his hopes were meant to be broken because two seconds later he heard the same thing ——' The number you have dialled does not exist.'

At this moment Song Yan who was silent chose to break her silence as she cocked a brow and smilingly asked, " Were you able to contact him? No, right." Then she turned to look at Old man Au and sympathetically shook her head. " Stop calling him sir, you will never be able to reach him from now on.

p.s: If you want the curse to backfire on Yu Yize, send as many powerstones as you can!!! Gifts are welcomed too hehe! You can also join my discord channel to discuss things you will like to see.

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