My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 131 The Truth Comes To Light

Chapter 131 The Truth Comes To Light

Old man Au stiffened as he looked at Song Yan in surprise, though he had an inkling that what Song Yan said was right he was still stunned when he heard her say it with so much confidence. " Young lady if you don't mind me asking this, can you tell me how are you so confident that my son-in-law will never pick up our family's call?"

Song Yan smiled as she slowly turned her head to Wang Yufan who lowered his head in a flustered manner looking a bit embarrassed and apologetic as he took out the documents that he was carrying to Old man Au. He didn't want to show it to the Au family when they were already troubled but it was better to put an end to this matter lest they kept holding on to the hope that Yu Yize would help them. " Grandpa,  I just found out about this only a few hours ago, I was going to tell you but then I found so it that little Mei fainted that was why I couldn't bring myself to say such a thing, I am really sorry about this."

Old man Au wasn't a fool, with everything that was going on, he was smart enough to piece everything together. However, even if he was the smartest man on the planet and was prepared for the outcome, he still staggered after reading what was written on the documents. If not for Wang Yufan who rushed ahead and pulled Old man Au up, the latter would have really fallen to the ground——however, it seemed like Old man Au couldn't see anything anymore much less feel what was happening around him, allowed Wang Yufan to drag him to the couch as he slapped his thighs and started crying. " Ruined, everything is ruined!"

He was so upset that he lost his temper with his daughter too, he picked up the documents that Wang Yufan handed to him and threw them harshly on Au Lisha's face. " Are you happy now? Satisfied? I told you … I told you that the man was no good but you didn't listen to me, now look at this mess that you have made! Tell me what are you going to do now?"

Old man Au didn't want to be this harsh on his daughter either but the blindfold of love was so tightly wrapped around her eyes that she couldn't see such a simple thing now, look at this what kind of sin was this? That man already had a wife, a ten-year-old son and was living a lavish life with his family in another country then what about his daughter? She was degraded to nothing but a mistress —— a third party in another man's life!

Au Lisha already had a bad feeling after seeing her father's reaction, she knew that whatever was written on the documents was nothing good but she still picked up the papers and one by one read through them. However, she could only read three pages before the papers fell on the floor and she dropped to her knees, her face a mask of utter disbelief. Shaking her head, she looked at her father who was staring at her in disappointment. " No father, this has to be a mistake… Zhou...Zhou cannot do this to me! He married me, I am his official wife… he loves me, he will never hurt me or our daughter, believe me, father."

Old man Au not only did he not sympathise with his daughter but he also raised his hand and slapped her hard. For years he was willing to pamper his daughter but she was really such a fool, the proof was in front of her and yet she was denying it saying that Lin Zhou wouldn't do anything like that to her, was she stupid or was her brains filled with water?josei

" You stupid girl, for whom you are crying?" snapped Old man Au as he once again slapped Au Lisha on the other cheek, he wished that these slaps were enough to wake his stupid daughter up from whatever dream she was living in because this was nothing but foolishness on her part. " What Zhou? Who Zhou? The Zhou that you love and adore so much simply do not exists!"

This sentence was the last straw that broke the camel's back as Au Lisha let go of her father's hand and slid down on the floor as she cried loudly. Song Yan looked at Au Lisha's pitiful condition and didn't feel anything, neither was she happy to watch the woman who cursed her cry nor was she sympathetic towards Au Lisha, she had so many people who loved her and yet she placed all her faith in a man who came in her life only to hurt her.

Trusting someone was okay but blindly putting all your trust in someone was not.

No one had the energy to deal with Au Lisha's sobs, Old man Au turned to Wang Yufan and asked, " How did you find out about this matter, I have been looking for his information for ages? Yet I couldn't find it."

Wang Yufan shot a furtive look at Song Yan and when he saw that she didn't make any move to stop him, he cleared his throat and answered Old man Au, " Its sister in law, with her powers she saw that older sister Lisha's hair was green, so she warned me about it and asked me to look into the matter, and she was also the one who gave me the lead only because of her was I able to find that man's real information," then he thought about something and sighed. " But I was still a step too late, that man managed to escape and I couldn't do anything to stop him."

Listening to Wang Yufan's words Old man Au's head buzzed as his gaze darted to Song Yan who was calmly standing next to Fu Yu Sheng, " Escaped? Do you mean to say that my granddaughter…my Mei falling sick has something to do with him?"


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