My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 351 She Asked Me To Forget

Chapter 351 She Asked Me To Forget

" Okay wait hold on!" Zhou Yuan raised his hands and placed both of the forefingers on the side of his temples and said, " Let me sum it up for us, you had a mania whisperer by your side, but you couldn't remember her and then she made you do things that you did not want to do, lastly you killed someone and your husband watched you do it?"

Song Yan nodded her head causing Zhou Yuan to shriek in frustration as he said, " No honey, that's not possible, if you have killed someone then you would have been caught. Like even if you were a child then as a punishment for killing a child you would have been sent to the juvie right, that's how things work in this era right?"

" Stupid," muttered Song Yan as she tilted her head with a drunken smile. " I said that I swung a heavy rock at the head of the child but I never said that he died from it. At most he fainted because of the heavy blow."

" But you just said that he died——"josei

" If she can whisper in my ear to kill that child do you think that the woman couldn't have whispered in the ear of the body as well? I don't remember what happened after that incident, all I know is that I was suspended and that Fu Yu Sheng started avoiding me from then on."  Song Yan rubbed her forehead feeling more and more annoyed by the minute. " Now that I remember it carefully I never understood why I chased after Fu Yu Sheng, he was rich but so were others and there were many men I could have chosen from but for some reason, I went after Fu Yu Sheng and even after being rejected so many times I didn't let him go."

She dropped her hand to her side as her eyes flickered slightly, " I can't remember getting married to him nor can I remember consummating our wedding night, all I can remember is the aftermath. I always thought that the reason I couldn't remember it all was because it has been so long but now I think about it carefully, I don't seem to have any idea what was going on with my life."

" Then when you said that he consummated his marriage with a ghost… you meant that …" Fang Yanli tentatively asked already having a good idea about what Song Yan was going to say.

" The longer you spend time with Mania whisperers the more they become close to you, I told you that they eat the souls of those whom they found appropriate human shells. After staying together with her for so long it doesn't surprise me that she became my own shadow, most probably she was already attached to my soul by then … she must have walked down the aisle with me and she must have consummated the night with me as well… after all, she hated seeing others happy and together, snatching those moments would have made her quite satisfied."

Now that Song Yan caught hold of the fleeting memory of her nanny, she could remember that the woman stood by her side every freaking second of her life, even when she ate or slept that woman was next to her all the time like a second shadow.

" Fu Yu Sheng must have thought that I was suffering from schizophrenia but now that he knows what kind of things exists in this world… I am afraid that he must be having a tough time stomaching the information." Song Yan smiled and stood up from the couch as she started walking towards the bedroom but then she paused and turned to look at the two ghosts with a frown." That bracelet that Qi Genghis was wearing, has either of you seen something similar to that before?"

" No."

" I haven't."

Both of them replied at the same time causing Song Yan's eyes to narrow down. That bracelet did have the presence of that woman but it was very faint like it has been diluted something that struck her as ominous, she has completely forgotten what kind of psychopath that woman was, seeing the pain of others made her smile while the smile and happiness of others made her so mad that she would start craving blood.

" Zhou Yuan, go and trail Qi Genghis, find out where she got that bracelet from and if you don't get anything from her go and trail after Ji Haoyu" Song Yan ordered as she turned her gaze at Zhou Yuan with a sharp look in her eyes. " Make sure that you find out the source of that bracelet if not then I fear that the coming days are going to be rather bloodied."

Anything that had to do with that woman was sure to bring nothing but disaster.

Zhou Yuan agreed while Fang Yanli floated after Song Yan and asked the one last question that she has been dying to ask,  " Yan Yan, why did you forget about that woman if she was that dangerous?"

Song Yan paused in her stride as she remembered the one memory she could make out perfectly and said,  " Because she asked me to forget."

When she met with that accident, Song Yan wasn't just a victim of her luck being snatched she was also punished by the heavens for raising a thing that shouldn't have existed in the first place if not for her, she made that woman her shadow and most probably after having consummated her night with Fu Yu Sheng, she only made that woman even stronger with Fu Yu Sheng's Yang energy.

This was why both she and her son had to die maybe for once they would have escaped the calamity that Song Lan brought on them but they couldn't escape the punishment of that woman entangling with their fate.

At the time of the accident, that woman was strong enough to leave her and that was why she hadn't hesitated to leave her sensing that she was dying. That woman might have been worried that Song Yan would chase after her with all the resentment that she had at the time of her death, which was why she told her to forget everything… and like a fool Song Yan has forgotten everything.


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