My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 352 Stop Running

Chapter 352 Stop Running

Dedicating todays chapter to MsSheii, elorinczy, neotheo82, Nerdy_Rh, miervan, batzmaru.

" She better hope that she never meets me again or else," she was going to destroy that woman once and for all. She wasn't a generous woman, to begin with, and now that she has remembered the existence of that woman, she will surely hunt her down and end her very existence.

Fang Yanli shivered to see the fire that was lit up in Song Yan's eyes and hurriedly turned to look at Zhou Yuan who was already looking like he was heading for the gallows and for once shot him a sympathetic look. If this poor guy didn't find out the source of that bracelet then Song Yan was going to flay him alive.

" Yan Yan …I …that …" Zhou Yuan must have sensed it too because he opened his mouth to say something but then Song Yan turned around and looked at him with a gaze that was sharper than the sword that fell on his neck and Zhou Yuan trailed off muttering in a very soft voice, " And if I could not locate the source of that bracelet then?"

" Then?" Song Yan smiled but this time even the ever-cheeky Zhou Yuan couldn't say a single pickup line. " If you don't find out where that bracelet came from then Zhou Yuan, I am gonna make you experience how it feels to burn in the fire of hell."

"I will find it out even if it costs me my ghost life mam!" Zhou Yuan saluted Song Yan and then immediately vanished in thin air leaving a subtle chill behind.

" Yan Yan," as soon as Zhou Yuan vanished Fang Yanli turned to look at Song Yan she asked, " Then does that mean Fu Yu Sheng is married to a ghost woman as well? If that ghost marriage exists then…."

" He is slowly dying." Song Yan closed her eyes as she picked up the blanket that Fu Chen has thrown away and carefully covered her son up. She has been so wrapped up in her own hate and anger that she never saw that Fu Yu Sheng was getting weaker and weaker after she died.

She had been the last fragment that stopped Fu Yu Sheng's marriage with the ghost settling down but after she died that woman became the 'only wife' and sucked all of Fu Yu Sheng's Yang energy, if she wasn't wrong, the last time she saw Fu Yu Sheng he looked a lot older than he was, at that time she thought that it was the pain of losing his only son but who would have thought that it was because of her that he ended up getting caught up in that cycle.

" So why did he marry you?" This was something that Fang Yanli couldn't understand. " Does he have some sort of fetish where he likes his wife being covered in blood or something?"josei

Song Yan lay down on the bed and closed her eyes as she shrugged. " Who knows maybe he never wanted to marry me either."

" Oh this is gold," Wang Yufan pushed open the door to his room with one hand while he was carrying a tray in another. He walked towards the tea table and set down the rice crackers and green tea that he found in his apartment and looked up at the man who came knocking on his door so late at night. " What happened? Why did you come rushing to my house so late at night, what scared you this time?"

" I am not scared," Fu Yu Sheng picked the teacup from the tray and took a sip of it, trying his best to look as unaffected as possible. " I was …I just had a lot on my mind."

" Yeah, Yeah…" Wang Yufan rolled his eyes as he spread the extra mattress and pillow on the floor and lay back down on it with all his limbs stretched like a star. " Remember when you were sixteen you came running to my house because something happened at the school and you didn't even leave at night, in the end, elder brother Chu has to come and pick you up. It was an interesting sight, to see the ever-calm brother Sheng look like a terrified sheep."

Fu Yu Sheng picked up the pillow from the bed and threw it at Wang Yufan who caught in between and looked at him with a slightly sly look on his face. " Don't tell me that sister in law kicked you out of the house, did you make her mad?"

" Something along the lines," Fu Yu Sheng closed his eyes after eating a few rice crackers and then turned to face the wall on the other side leaving Wang Yufan to mutter to himself about how he should keep his wife and how he was lucky to have such an awesome wife.

'Awesome wife huh?'

Song Yan's voice echoed in his ears as he covered his ears with a pillow along with the creepy voice that once rang in his ear on the night of his parent's accident.

' You will never be able to escape me.'

'Stop running like a coward!'

He really has been running away like a coward wasn't he?

The next morning when Song Yan woke up she was surprised to find that Fu Yu Sheng was in the kitchen making omelettes and rice balls, when she opened the door of the bedroom, she saw him lightly glance over her and then as if nothing happened last night she heard him say, " We are going to the Wu family for lunch, so get ready for it. I have prepared lunch for Chen Chen and we will drop him at your sister-in-law's place after he  is done eating and——"

" Yu Sheng breathe,"  Song Yan had to put a stop to his constant rambling seeing how hard he was speaking, she could see that he was really tensed, as for why she didn't get a chance to find out as Fu Yu Sheng took his apron off and placed the omelettes and rice balls on the table along with egg drop soup. " Drink this and warm yourself up, I have something that I need to take care of in the office."

He rolled down his sleeves and then smiled at her but she could see that the smile he shot her was a lot weaker than before in fact, it looked rather strained.

" There is some work left that——"he was still speaking when Song Yan picked up the salt shaker and threw it at him. " Stop running, coward."

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