My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 730 Locked Her In ——2

Chapter 730 Locked Her In ——2


When the people in the dissection room heard Cui Li Ling's words they all thought that she had gone a bit overboard but then when they heard Song Yan's words they felt their mouths drop open in surprise. It wasn't that they did not expect Song Yan to retort but the thing was that compared to Cui Li Ling who was a woman of no character and had always acted like a shrew in front of them, Song Yan was far more classy in their eyes.

For a woman like Song Yan to say ' Call me father', everyone could see just how pissed off she really was at the moment.

Especially, Old Master Yan who has watched Song Yan from the day she got married to the Fu family, even though they did not stay in the same city. He was an old veteran who thought that he could see through anyone in just one glance and according to his understanding, Song Yan was a very delicate young woman who never even raised her voice, just what did Fu Yu Sheng do to her that this woman who did not even use to raise her voice started cursing like this?

Even Yan Guo choked at Song Yan's shocking words, he stared at his sister-in-law and turned to look at Commander Chen and Commissioner Lin whose faces were covered in shock with their mouth hanging open—— his second brother on the other hand was looking at Song Yan with a thumbs up.

" Put it down," hissed Yan Guo as he slapped his second brother on his arm and then turned to look at Cui Li Ling whose face was ashen while her aunt and uncle stared at Song Yan in disbelief. Their shock was understandable since this was the first time anyone talked to them like this, a nerve was bulging in Cui Li Ling's forehead as she stared at Song Yan while biting her bottom lip. Her fingers were clenching and unclenching as she stared at the woman in front of her silently wishing that she could scratch that pretty face of Song Yan who was daring enough to say such things to her.

Song Yan waited for Cui Li Ling to speak but when she did not, she tilted her head and then stared at Cui Li Ling's unsightly expression with a smile on her face. She hooked a brow up and cheekily grinned at Cui Li Ling before asking, " So? What will be it? Are you going to agree with the bet, Miss Cui? I hope you are not going to retreat now that you have realised that your thoughtless actions have consequences as well?"

Cui Li Ling was already angry enough to wring Song Yan's neck but when she heard Song Yan's belittling voice, her face twisted for a moment before her eyes fell on Song Yan's empty hands that did not have a single scar on them and she gritted her teeth before smiling as she nodded, " I promise, as long as all the three medical examiners get well, I promise that I will respect the bet.."

" All right then, I hope you will have the same attitude later on," Song Yan commented as she turned to look at Old Master Yan and said, " Grandpa Yan, I will go and treat the medical examiners, please make sure that no one interferes no matter what you see happening inside the room."

Old Master Yan took another look at Song Yan who was standing in front of him and then turned to look at Cui Li Ling. For a moment he did not know whom to worry about, Cui Li Ling was a troublesome woman and she will really not sit tight if Song Yan failed but at the same time, he was glad that Song Yan did not let Cui Li Ling play her according to her tune.

To think that there was a woman who could not only silence Cui Li Ling but even make her entire head steam like a dumpling straight out of the pot.

" Will you be all right, Yan Yan?" Old Master Yan was worried because Song Yan was empty-handed, he was the one who called for Song Yan. If something happened to her what will he say to Fu Yu Sheng?

He thought for a while and suggested Song Yan take his two sons with her.

Song Yan, however, shook her head and refused, as she said, " There is no need, Grandpa Yan. I will be fine on my own if Brother Guo and Brother Niu come with me, I will have to look after them as well."

Yan Guo and Yan Niu: "..." what are we? Kids?

Her words caused Commander Chen and Commissioner Lin's faces to twitch while Cui Li Ling laughed derisively and then snickered, " You really don't know what is good for you, do you? How can you be so stupid! To think you even caused your brother-in-law to lose his hard-earned position."

Song Yan who was walking towards the dissection room did not even look at Cui Li Ling and shot back, " So you do know that the position is earned by my brother-in-law with his hard work yet you keep coveting it?"

Her words caused Cui Li Ling to choke on air as she almost spat blood out of her mouth but she stopped herself when she saw Song Yan walk inside the dissection room and close the door behind her.

Seeing her go inside, Cui Li Ling narrowed her eyes and sneered in her head. She hoped that Song Yan will be torn into bits by the three medical examiners, she really could not wait to see the woman screaming in fright.

But to her surprise, Song Yan did not scream in fright, instead, she calmly looked at the three medical examiners, and as soon as she walked inside the room, the parasitic demons inside them sensed another human with fresh blood and flesh walk in, the eyes of the three medical examiners turned completely white as foam started to drip down their mouths.

They all stood up from the ground and jerkily started to move towards Song Yan.josei

Old Master Yan sensed that something was wrong which was why he immediately shouted, " Yan Yan, get out of there!"

But someone was even faster than him, the figure darted towards the dissection room in a hurry but instead of opening the door and pulling Song Yan out, the figure closed the door and tightly secured the lock making sure that Song Yan will not be able to come out.

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