My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 731 Hiatus Notice …

Chapter 731 Hiatus Notice …

I m receiving hate comments on a daily basis which has gone way too far, I am too tired of working hard only to receive hateful comments with a few positive ones. Please do understand that authors are humans too, if you keep on acting like this, I will put this story on permanent hold like dragon queen and many other books. Unless I want to pick it up, if you are following me from the start you will know that this book has never taken two days off in past two years —— not once. So, I am not asking you to support me but stop with the hate. I am seriously contemplating to just stop updating this book.

" Cui Li Ling! What the hell are you doing?" At first Old Master Yan was too stunned to speak when he saw the woman move, he thought that maybe Cui Li Ling still had some humanity left in her but then to his surprise, the woman did not help Song Yan instead she locked her inside with those three inhuman things! What the hell was wrong with her?

Cui Li Ling however did not budge from her spot instead she looked at Old Master Yan and calmly said in a voice filled with mockery, " What? Did she not say that she can take them down? I am just making sure that she holds her side of the deal and nothing else, lest she runs out of the room." She paused and then added, " And Second Madam Fu has already come in contact with those three medical examiners, it would be too dangerous to let her come out now."

Old Master Yan was simply speechless when he heard the words of the woman, he wished he could hit Cui Li Ling but before he could do anything, he saw Song Yan take out a yellow talisman from somewhere. His gaze got fixed on the yellow talisman with blood-red arrays drawn on them, he was not the only one even Commander Chen and Commissioner Lin were looking at the array while Cui Li Ling sneered and said coldly, " This woman really knows how to pretend."

Commander Chen was going to order his men to drag Cui Li Ling away, thinking that maybe Song Yan was tricked by some old swindler and was trusting that piece of paper too much, even though his mother did not like Song Yan very much, his father and Old Master Fu were still colleagues who worked in the army together but before he could even open his mouth, he saw Song Yan throw three different talismans at the three medical examiners.

And lo and behold they saw the entire room get filled with nothing but fire, but instead of the flaming red fire, the flames that were burning inside were the hottest blue causing even Cui Li Ling to stumble away from the door as she was afraid that she will be burned together with the people inside the room.

"What's this? What is going on? Is this how she is going to deal with the things inside?" Cui Li Ling screamed at the top of her voice as she scampered away from the door of the dissection room, her voice was screeching as she rushed to her uncle and aunt and then tugged on her uncle's arm while screaming loudly, " Uncle you need to stop her! If you don't then I am afraid that she will kill everyone including us! No——— No what we need is to get out of this place right now!"

As Cui Ling Ling screamed she looked out the window of the dissection room, the flames were now raring wild inside the room, no one could even see Song Yan much less the three medical examiners but they did hear the screams of the three men.




" She is crazy! She has lost her mind! I told you that something was wrong with that woman but you all did not listen to me!" Cui Li Ling screamed at the people who were standing in the dissection building while she stared at the fire that was flickering inside the dissection room.

" What are you waiting for now? Do you want to get burned together with her as well?" Cui Li Ling further went ahead and yelled at the people, she turned her head and looked at the window that was slowly getting blackened. Before she shook her head and said, " I am getting out of here, aunt, uncle let's get out of here!"

But as soon as she walked out towards the room, the flames that were burning inside the dissection room suddenly vanquished and the screams of the three men stopped as well. The door that was locked by Cui Li Ling also opened on its own, as Song Yan stepped out of the room looking unharmed. Not even a single strand of her hair was burned much less scorched ——

" What the——"

" They are fine now," Song Yan announced as the people in the dissection room turned to look at the blackened window that was now getting cleaned on its own.

The three medical examiners who were screaming in pain looked completely unharmed with their wounds healing on their own at a rapid pace, while the things that were burned were none other than the three corpses that were sticking together with the three medical examiners.

There were piles of spiders and snakes that were burned to the point that was still smoking on the floor, the three medical examiners were still groaning in pain and muttering about their skin feeling hot but other than they seemed to have regained senses and were looking at the people weakly as one of them said, " Get us out of here."

This scene caused the mouths of the people to drop as they all turned to look at Song Yan who shrugged calmly. Their three views have been shattered today and that wasn't all even their worldview has completely turned upside down.

For a very long time, there was no sound in the room other than the moans of the three medical examiners, as everyone was stupefied.

Only Cui Li Ling who was looking at the sight in front of her shook her head and then said with a stuttering voice, " I…Impossible, T…This is freaking impossible!"

Song Yan on the other checked the vital life force of the three medical examiners while Fang Yanli looked at them with a carefully assessing gaze. Fang Yanli stared into the eyes of the three medical examiners and then said, " Their life force is only affected slightly, the injuries inside of them will heal on their own since they are minor injuries."josei

With a nod, Song Yan withdrew her gaze and then turned to look at Old Master Yan ignoring the agitated Cui Li Ling and said, " They are perfectly fine, please take them to the infirmary and give them a basic first aid, Grandpa Yan."

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