My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 741 Almost Bit Him ——2

Chapter 741 Almost Bit Him ——2

Song Yan knew that Fu Yu Sheng was not going to let go of her not when he was teased brutally by her father. She heaved a sigh of relief when her father did not stop her from taking Fu Yu Sheng with her and left the dining table before walking out of the Yan family's residence.

" Mine!" Fu Yu Sheng muttered while holding Song Yan who rolled her eyes and said, " Yes, Yes, yours. Now lift your weight a bit. You are really heavy."

How come she did not know that this man was this heavy before, she was almost staggering under his weight!

Song Yan had a hard time dragging the drunken man who, even though Fu Yu Sheng tried to stand on his feet he would only stagger and then almost fell on his face countless times, seeing that the man was wasted, Song Yan could only pull him along with her while groaning under her weight.

When the two of them reached the Fu house, Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong who were still kneeling immediately brightened when they saw Song Yan and shouted, "Sister-in-law? Are you coming back?"

" No," Song Yan dragged Fu Yu Sheng to the couch and dumped him there where Old Master Fu stared at his wasted grandson and was speechless. How come his grandson was this bad at drinking? But when he remembered the time of his youth, Old Master Fu cleared his throat and then turned to look away.

" I only came here to bring Yu Sheng back home, he is too drunk to even stand up and since I know that you two are incapable of doing so, I can only pick up this task," she added when she saw Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong on the floor with their hands raised in the air. " You two look like you are having a hard time?"

"Sister-in-law, please make second brother understand that we did not mean to be rude to you," Fu Rong was literally dying under the weight of the plates that were sitting on her knees. " I am willing to be your dog, all your life but make him stop! I cannot withstand this anymore!"

Fu Yu Shen too was almost on the verge of fainting since he had been kneeling on the floor ever since morning, he looked at his sister-in-law and cried, " Please make your husband understand that I will have to give up on my leg if I continue like this! I cannot lose my legs, sister-in-law! I still need to make sure that this family has another heir!"

Song Yan was amused by their expression and then shook her head, " I understand what you are saying but …" She pointed to her husband who was on the couch and then said, " I cannot talk sense to him at the moment."

No sooner did she say that than both Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong withered like sunflowers who haven't seen the sun for days and sighed, " All right get up… if your brother says anything then say that I gave you permission to stand up and if he has something to say then he should say it to me."

Immediately, the light returned in Fu Yu Shen and Fu Rong's eyes as they looked at Song Yan and echoed one another,

" I love you, sister-in-law!"josei

" I love you more than I love my branded purses sister-in-law!"

Fu Yu Sheng, who was lying on the couch immediately sat up straight and then shouted hoarsely, " Who dare to say that they love my wife? I will rip your tongue out! Come out!"

Fu Yu Shen: "..."

Fu Rong: "…." We forgot that our second brother is super possessive of our sister-in-law.


Song Yan left the three siblings with each other and then returned to the Yan family she knew that her father must be waiting for her and sure enough as soon as she pushed the door open of the house, she saw her father sitting on the couch. Old Master Yan was looking at him with a dubious look and asking,

" Old Ming, you are saying that this is all because of Yan Yan's talisman?"

"It's just an illusion I am still the same old Song Dong Ming," her father replied, noticing the door opening, Father Song looked at his daughter and asked, " You took back that kid to his house?"

Song Yan nodded and then replied, " Yes Father, I brought him to the Fu house and left him there before coming back." She was slightly worried that her father will hold this matter against Fu Yu Sheng which was why she immediately raised her hand and then explained to her father, " Dad he was drunk tonight …if he was not drunk then he would have not said such words."

" Of course, I know that," Song Dong Ming sneered as he closed the book that was in his lap. " Your husband is not as gutsy as to go against me like that."

Song Yan: "..." No, he is just that gutsy, he is just pretending to be friendly as a golden retriever.

Song Dong Ming did not know what his daughter was thinking but when he thought about how his son-in-law was willing to stand up against him for his daughter, a bit of his anger washed down and he turned to look at Song Yan with a softened expression and then said, "It's all right, you don't have to worry about anything, I will not hold this against him, you can go and take a rest."

Song Yan's eyes widened when she saw that her father was willing to let this matter slide but seeing that he was being unusually good-tempered, she nodded and then went to the second-floor without saying anything more.

In any case, she was relieved that her father was willing to give Fu Yu Sheng a chance. With that thought in her head she turned on her feet and then went to her room, the second her head hit her pillow Song Yan closed her eyes and dozed off. Tonight was even more tiring then dealing with ghosts.

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