My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 742 Corpse Of An Old Woman

Chapter 742 Corpse Of An Old Woman

When Song Yan woke up the next morning, she thought that everything must have settled already which was why she took a calming shower and then went outside her room when she smelled the scent of food coming from the kitchen, she thought that it was Old Madam Yan but to her surprise when she came down the stairs, she saw her husband seriously frying the sausages that were cut in the same of octopus with omelettes and porridge cooking on the other three stoves while Old Madam Yan stared at her husband pitifully.

' Oh, he must have remembered what he did last night,' thought Song Yan while looking at her husband who was pouring his heart and soul into cooking breakfast for her father who was now sitting at the dining table while discussing something with Old Master Yan who did not look anymore surprised upon finding his dear friend looking so young.

Song Yan definitely hit the point, Fu Yu Sheng indeed remembered what he did last night and when he first remembered the memories of the last night he wanted to jump off the railing of his balcony but then he remembered that if he jumped then his father in law will definitely marry his wife off to Yan Guo which was why he changed his plan and came to the Yan family to win the heart of his father in law through his stomach.

Old Madam Yan who did not expect to find Fu Yu Sheng on his knees while kowtowing in front of Song Dong Ming was given the scare of her life and that scare only got even worse when she saw Fu Yu Sheng suggest that he will cook breakfast for their family but before she could refuse, she heard Song Dong Ming agree and could only watch the poor man work harder than ever while cooking to please his father in law.

Fu Yu Sheng who cooked seaweed soup and whatnot together with this and that was sweating profusely but when he brought the dishes out he smiled at his father-in-law enthusiastically as he announced loudly, "Father-in-law let's have breakfast, I cooked everything that you like." He placed the dishes on the dining table one by one and when his gaze fell on his wife, his smile widened even more as he shyly placed the special chicken shredded porridge that he prepared for his wife after slaving away in the kitchen since morning and said,

" I prepared this for you, Yan Yan … I know you cannot start your morning without some meat. Don't worry though I have prepared it carefully while keeping an eye on spices and it's not heavy at all!"

Everyone turned to look at Song Yan who blushed furiously while lightly glaring at her husband, " You didn't have to work so hard." She raised her hand and took out her handkerchief before wiping the sweat that was coating Fu Yu Sheng's forehead. " I could have eaten what others are eating."

Song Dong Ming's brows knitted when he saw his daughter caring about the man when he just prepared a simple chicken porridge for her in the morning. What was this? Why was she wiping his sweat? Did she forget all the sweat that she shed when she was giving birth to Chen Chen? Did that man wipe her sweat when she was pushing his child out? His eyes narrowed as he looked at his sausages and then announced loudly, " I want fried rice with bacon, eggs and sausages."josei

Immediately, Song Yan who was wiping her husband's sweat paused and turned to look at her father who already had enough dishes that could have pleased an Emperor in front of him and then said, " Dad you will not be able to eat so much——-"

" I couldn't take last night's insults as well but did I kill myself?" Song Dong Ming countered and Fu Yu Sheng who was targeted again immediately raised his hands and very naturally and solicitously said, " I will make the fried rice for your father, would you like shredded chicken in it as well?"

" I want to ..but shred it fresh." Song Dong Ming nodded as he ordered Fu Yu Sheng who nodded along and said, " Right you are still recovering so you cannot eat the cold meat."

" Then the cold one——"

" I will eat it… you can give whatever you dislike to me, we can not waste food."

Song Yan: "..."

The entire Yan family: "...."

Yan Guo looked at the porridge that smelled delicious but had no meat and then raised his head to say, " I want some freshly shredded chicken as well."

" Go and eat dung!" Fu Yu Sheng who was marching inside the kitchen scolded Yan Guo at once who looked at him speechlessly and then said,  " You insulted me as well!"

" Your face is one of those who are made to be insulted even your mother cannot stop herself from insulting you." Fu Yu Sheng countered as Yan Guo looked at his mother who looked away.

Well, she was indeed guilty of this since she often teased her son for looking like a little monkey.

Yan Guo: "….." That's it! I am preparing my adoption forms!

Old Master Yan had been petrified last night when he found out that the young man whom he thought was the adopted son of Song Dong Ming was actually Song Dong Ming himself! But now that he discussed with his family and thought and pondered everything along with the parasitic demons, he realised that what his friend did was not even that surprising and treated Song Dong Ming like an old friend.

He patted Song Dong Ming on the back while teasing his son and then said,  "That's right, this special treatment is just for Dong Ming! After all, he is Yu Sheng's father-in-law."

Yan Guo rolled his eyes as he took a huge bite of his porridge and decided to ignore everyone around him. It was better to focus all his attention on food, at least food will never roast him!


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