My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 753 What Else?—-2

Chapter 753 What Else?—-2


  The entire family agreed to this and dragged the unlucky Fu Yu Shen inside the house while Fu Yu Sheng used his thick skin to its maximum ability and got himself invited into the Yan residence by calling Yab Bao, big brother again and again until the man relented. 

Song Ling Yan who was carrying his sister looked at the man who was following him with a smile and muttered, " What a sucker." 

" Why, thank you for the praise, brother-in-law," Not only did Fu Yu Sheng not get angry instead he smiled even more brightly as he looked at Song Ling Yan who glared at him and then said, " It was not a compliment!" 

While the younger generation made trouble in the living room, Old Master Yan brought his friend to the study along with Song Dong Ming and introduced the two of them. At first Old Master Fu did not want to believe it but when he met the sharp gaze of the youngster in front of him which was very similar to that of his in-law, he had to admit that this man was Song Dong Ming. 

After he was done telling about Song Dong Ming to Old Master Fu, Old Master Yan turned to look at Old Master Fu and then after some hesitation said to the latter, " Old Fu do you really think that it was just a coincidence that the Chen girl found your grandson in trouble and helped him?"

Old Master Yan was a man who saw through people at one glance, he watched Chen Xi grow up in front of him and he knew that the girl was anything but kind and selfless. She was a girl who was calculating and shrewd, when she was young, she would often come to his house and snatch this or that, in fact, she brought pretty much everything with her that she liked and when she was caught, she would cry and make a fuss which caused Old Madam Chen to say that she was young and a child who did not understand many things and asked them not be calculating with a child. 

Thought that was what Old Madam Chen said, Old Master Yan had a feeling that Chen Xi and her sister were far more mature than they made themselves look, the fact that Chen Chu Chu knew when to speak and what to speak, was enough to tell him that the girl was different from others. 

And there was another thing—— their gazes, though the two sisters smiled and giggled a lot, their eyes had some sort of haunted feeling in them, which spooked him many times.

Though as they got older, the two sisters became better but he still got a weird feeling from them, he did not believe a word that Old Madam Chen about coincidence. In fact, it always struck him as weird, even though Chen Chu Chu was old and had work done on her face, she could have married anyone with just her background alone, so why was she hung up on marrying Fu Shu Chang?  josei

And not even a week passed by since Fu Shu Chang met with an accident and Chen Xi suddenly became his saviour out of nowhere. Shouldn't that girl wish to see the Fu family suffer because that was how Chen Xi was, this selfless act of hers was simply not going down his throat. 

More importantly, if this matter was made known and Chen Xi tried to suck up to Fu Yu Shen … there is a chance that many people will support her. After all, she almost died saving Fu Yu Shen! If he refused her advances, he might be called ungrateful along with the entire Fu family since they were already a target because of Chen Chu Chu. 

" I think there is something weird, I don't think of so many coincidences as fated ones, Old Fu" Old Master the head of his cane and spoke in a solemn voice as he stared at the horizon, his gaze deep and perturbed. " There is something …I don't know what but I have a feeling that there is a reason why those Chen sisters are hung up on revolving around your grandsons and that reason might not be good!" 

" I think so too," Song Dong Ming crossed his legs and looked at Old Master Fu with a heavy gaze. " If this was before I will certainly say that Master Yan was thinking too much but I worry that his instinct is spot on this time, those Chen sisters seem to have some weird air around them, I saw them from afar but they almost made me remember Chu Lian…she too has the same air but theirs is much stronger and denser. I will suggest that you keep your grandsons on tight watch, Old Master Fu … because you never know what might be lurking in the dark, I can be wrong but you should keep your grandsons away from those two sisters." 

As he spoke, Song Dong Ming dropped his gaze and looked at the small insect that he had crushed under his foot. Because of the talisman that Song Yan gave him, he was able to detect a demonic aura with a glance and saw this thing latching onto Old Master Fu's shoes earlier, it took him quite a lot of time to catch hold of it by attracting it with the jade bracelet that he received from a master when he was young. 

Old Master Fu came from the Chen house, where else can this thing even come from, if not for the Chen house? As he thought about it Song Dong Ming narrowed his eyes and then said, " With what happened with Shu Chang, it won't be stupid of you to keep an eye on everything that is going around you, Old Master Fu…maybe you will be able to realise why your grandsons are so attractive to those two sisters." 

This was something that has been bothering Song Dong Ming for quite some time, though he did admit that Fu Shu Chang and Fu Yu Shen were good-looking men,  but such things were hardly ever attractive to demons —— so what else was there? 


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