My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 754 How Close

Chapter 754 How Close

Old Master Fu also thought the same, celestial master Gu once told him that even though his grandsons were blessed they will have a lot of troubles that they will have to face when they grow up and what Celestial Master Gu indeed came true. One by one all his grandsons were affected by supernatural trouble!

Seeing the expression on Old Master Fu's face changed Song Dong Ming and Old Master Yan could only lament his poor luck, 

In the living room of the Yan residence, Fu Yu Sheng looked at his wife who was frowning, he did not say anything to Song Yan but he truly wanted to ask why did she have to trouble herself by helping that woman Chen Xi?

Fu Yu Sheng did not have a good impression of that woman called Chen Chu Chu and neither her sister left any good impression on him. With everything that happened with his elder brother, he couldn't wait to haul his family out of this military district and never return. He thought that with the curse dealt with he and his family were finally free of that Chen woman's clutches but who would have thought that after one of his brothers was able to get away from that woman, the other one will fall into the trap that was laid by the Chen sisters. 

That's right, Fu Yu Sheng was absolutely certain that this was a trap laid by the two Chen sisters, there was no way someone like Chen Xi would save his brother and that too so selfishly. He did not believe in coincidences and especially the ones that struck as weird to him. 

His gut was telling him that this sudden coincidence was nothing more than a deliberate plot that was laid in front of Fu Yu Shen and his family. 

Fu Yu Sheng looked at the ugly expression of his wife wishing that he could bring her into his embrace but when he saw his brother-in-law who was sipping on tea right across him while keeping an eye on him, he could only give up and ask his wife in a soft voice, " Are you still thinking about what happened in the Chen family?" 

Song Yan nodded solemnly, she already had a bad feeling when she found out that a woman like Chen Chu Chu was involved with her brother in law which was why she made use of everything that she knew to take care of the curse that was sticking inside her brother in law's body but who would have thought that she would not even get a chance to breathe and Chen Xi would latch onto Fu Yu Shen. 

Although Fu Yu Shen had a fiancée, Ning Yu, after today, there was a chance that his engagement that was supposed to happen might be endangered. After all, Chen Chu Chu had no qualms while sticking to a married man, Fu Yu Shen was still single though Ning Yu was his betrothed, and the two of them were yet to hold their engagement ceremony. 

With Chen Xi's actions of saving Fu Yu Chen, there was a chance that rumours about Fu Yu Shen and her might start spreading in the military district and from what she knew Chen Xi was stubborn and much more on the wilder side when compared to her sister if she truly wanted to latch onto Fu Yu Shen and asked him to repay with ….. 

Her eyes flashed with worry, this matter needed to be handled carefully, if not Fu Yu Shen will be called ungrateful and Chen Xi was a public figure, she could bring far more damage to their family than Chen Chu Chu. 

Song Yan pondered over for a few minutes before she turned to look at her husband and then said, " Do you know why you and your brothers are often attacked by creatures like these?" 

At her question, Fu Yu Shen only shook his head in confusion. 

"That's because you are born with the aura of imperial emperors and princes, you might not be aware but your fortune if taken care of properly can bring many benefits to living and dead alike… I have been researching and I found a thing called ' Pathway for the imperial ones,' in a book," Song Yan wanted to see why exactly the Fu family was affected by the ghosts and demons so much and why these creatures were attracted to them which was why she asked her master to send her a pdf version of a book that was hidden deep in the library of the Gu family. 

Which he sent earlier this morning and Song Yan skimmed through it, she took her phone out and then skimmed through the pages while showing it to Fu Yu Sheng.  josei

" Apparently the ones who are born with this aura can break curses no matter how severe and can even muddle the sins of a person, all one need is to suck the yang energy of these people completely," Song Yan told her husband who looked at the script on her phone and swallowed before asking, " And how do they suck the yang energy?" 

Song Yan turned to look at him with a confused look in her eyes as she replied, " By having close contact with the one who is born with the imperial emperor aura." 

" How close?" 

" As close as one can get." 

" Oh fck eww," Fu Yu Sheng covered his mouth and gagged, he did not know what kind of demon those Chen sisters were but the bottom line was that they were not even humans, and for his brothers to have close contact with them —— Fu Yu Sheng shuddered, he was getting chills just thinking about it. 

Song Yan ignored his gagging motion and continued, " It explains why the two Chen sisters want your brothers though, its because their key to the afterlife lies in the hands of your brothers and even you…as a matter of fact ." 

" Oh hell no," when Fu Yu Sheng heard that those Chen sisters might come after him, he shook his head and looked at his wife in disgust. " I will chop my thing off before it goes anywhere near them… I have no interest in getting close with those things." 


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