My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 811 Sacrifice

Chapter 811 Sacrifice

Song Yan only thought that the blood tree did not grow a fruit yet but now that she saw Hu Shan's condition, she was quite sure that the blood tree which was being raised by the two Chen sisters had indeed grown fruit and that fruit was now being used to create venom to transform good and healthy looking people into zombie vampires. 

The last time when she met the zombie vampire when she was dealing with Wu Genji's case,  she thought that it was being used by a dark cultivator as a familiar but now she had a very good idea what and why that Zombie vampire was being raised by someone. 

Seeing that the people in the living room was looking at her with a confusion filled look on their faces, she knew that they did not understand anything which was why she told them about the existence of the blood tree and blood tree fruit which was now being used to create venom to create zombie vampires. once they finished listening to her explanation, their expressions changed at once. 

"Sister-in-law, are you saying that Hu guy is now …a zombie vampire?" Fu Yu Shen asked as he looked at the smiling man in the image which was displayed on Ning Yu's phone and could not help but shiver. 

Just what kind of place this world was turning into? There were demons walking on the surface of their world and if that was not bad enough, zombie vampires were also thrown into the mix, who was causing so much trouble!

Song Yan nodded grimly when she heard Fu Yu Shen's question. " I am sure that Chen Xi and Chen Chu Chu created some sort of drug from the venom which she created from the blood fruit. This drug must be much more potent than the ones which can be found in the black market which explains why Hu Shan is being so adamant to take care of Chen Xi, he must be addicted to that drug!" 

Though she was only making a guess, Song Yan was 80% sure that her hunch was correct, Hu Shan's sudden favour and Chen Xi getting the brand ambassador role despite being just a B-grade actress showed that there was something weird about the matter. 

If not for addiction what else could make Hu Shan lower his head in front of Chen Xi like a dog? 

What was more, the sunken eyes and sickly complexion of Hu Shan were enough to give away his serious addiction. 

When Fu Yu Sheng and the rest heard her words their expression could not have turned any more uglier. Especially Ning Yu's who was looking at the smiling man in the image with a complicated look on her face, on one hand, she felt sympathetic but at the same time she thought that Hu Shan deserved it, why else did he dabble his hands in such a cruel thing like addiction? 

" I really did not expect that something like this took place, it seems like those Chen sisters cannot be left loose for long," she told Fu Yu Sheng who nodded after understanding the threat they were facing now. They only thought that needed to take care of Chen Xi and Chen Chu Chu but now that they were facing another problem they did not have enough time to drag this matter for long, in case Chen Xi and Chen Chu Chu end up harming more people and that blood tree bore another fruit then there was a chance that this matter might become even more severe.

" I have already talked about this matter with Yan Guo, he said that he will start investigating the company which sent teachers and nannies for the two sisters, he might already be at the company." Fu Yu Sheng told Song Yan as he remembered the conversation that he had with Yan Guo last night when he was at the Yan residence. 

On the other side of the city, Yan Guo brought his people to the small company which looked dilapidated and really odd, its window was boarded up and even though there was a big 'open' sign there was no one coming inside the building in fact they could not even see a single person inside. With the dust piling on the window and the door, the shrine which was built in front of the company looked exceptionally weird since it was the only thing which was clean and completely devoid of any speck of dust.

" Chief Yan, are you sure we are at the right place?" One of the soldiers could not help but ask, though the place did have an open sign from what one could see the place was long abandoned! 

Yan Guo frowned, he had spent the entire night searching about the companies which were used by Old Master Chen and Old Madam Chen to hire nannies and tutors for Chen Chu Chu and Chen Xi, the name of ' Light Ray' popped at the first place since this was the company from where the Chen couple hired most of their nannies and tutors. 

From the reviews this place was obviously good years ago but now this—-josei

" We are at the right place," Yan Guo answered, though this company looked oddly different from the images which popped in the internet results, he was sure that he arrived at the right place. 

He had asked one of his contacts to make a small report for him and from all the companies from where the women vanished or went missing, this company had the highest numbers, it was only right that he investigated this company first and foremost!

With his people following him, he stepped inside the company and then walked towards the end of the corridor from where a red light which was looking oddly was coming. As soon as Yan Guo and his people pushed the door which was left ajar, they came face to face with a sacrificial ritual.

In the middle of a circle which clearly looked like a demonic sign a woman was tied with her hands above her head and legs spread wide apart, she was completely naked and on top of her was another woman, she had black hair, black clothes and when she raised her head —— her glaring black eyes which were dripping with blood stared at Yan Guo sinisterly.

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