My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 812 Sacrifice——2

Chapter 812 Sacrifice——2


When Yan Guo saw the evil thing which was sucking the life out of the woman who was slowly turning from a young woman to an old one with her eye sockets already empty as she tried to scream but the thing which was on top of her was already chewing the tongue of the woman who was used as a sacrifice.

Yan Guo could see that the woman wanted to cry but she had no eyes or tongue to make a sound or let out even a single tear. All she could do was struggle but her limbs were so tightly tied that she could only move a little as she moaned in pain. 

Blood was dripping from the side of the woman's mouth while the woman with bleeding eyes chewed her tongue. With the sound of her chewing the already eerie room turned even eerier and to make things worse, the black-eyed woman swallowed the bleeding tongue in a gulp before tilting her head and smiled at Yan Guo.

Her smile caused her pale face to stretch from one side to another which made Yan Guo's hair to stand up, but before he could even let out a scream, he saw the thing pounce in the air and head straight towards him.josei

Song Yan knew that there was a chance that Yan Guo and his team might face something sinister which was why she handed them grade A protection talisman. 

Even Yan Guo was slowly getting used to such things after seeing the parasitic demons and the morphed bodies of the three medical examiners.

Thus, even though he was scared enough for his legs to turn jelly, as soon as Yan Guo saw the thing pounce at him, he raised his hand and then whipped out a talisman before throwing it straight at the woman with short black hair and bleeding black eyes, this woman was none other than Hei An De when she saw a talisman flying towards her, she sensed that something was wrong but because of her momentum, it was too late for her to dodge.

The talisman got stuck in the middle of her chest and glowed with a brilliant white light causing Hei An De to open her mouth and let out a mournful scream as she fell to the ground and then rushed in the opposite direction, seeing this Yan Guo took out a few more talismans and then threw in her direction fluidly, he did not know what that thing was but seeing that it was causing harm to others, it was only right that he made sure that it was 'hurt' enough to stay low for a while.

Hei An De did not expect a human to be so prepared thus, in the small room she could not run away and ended up getting injured before she pounced inside a portrait and then vanished. 

Once she was gone the demonic circle stopped glowing, the red light vanished and the room returned to its usual state. 

Yan Guo breathed a sigh of relief and then turned to look at the man who was sitting in the corner with a terrified look on his face, he was trembling from head to toe but Yan Guo was quick to notice the scratches on his arms and face, this man who was the owner of this company with surname Qin and name Xu was obviously behind the kidnapping and sacrifice of this woman.

The soldiers behind Yan Guo were obviously terrified of what happened just now but they did not dare to show it on their faces, with a loud collective gulp they moved inside the room and then untied the woman who was on the ground unfortunately they were still a step too late.

" Chief Yan, the woman is dead!" One of the soldiers announced and before Yan Guo could say anything the old man, Qin Xu heaved a sigh and clapped his hands over his head as he stuttered, " Goo…Good that she is dead, or else that … that thing would have killed my family! My grandson! Oh, my granddaughter! Don't take my grandchildren! I …I will do anything!"

Qin Xu was obviously very scared though it seemed like he was used to offering sacrifices over the years, he seemed still very uncomfortable. His eyes were flickering and he was trembling like a leaf in a storm, his words did not make any sense as he wildly cried for his grandchildren.

Though Yan Guo was upset and furious with the man for killing a young woman, he could not simply arrest a man who was not even in the right sense of his mind which was why he turned to his soldiers and had them pull Qin Xu to his feet and drag him to his office where they helped him sit down as Yan Guo walked inside and then poured a generous amount of water in the glass before offering it to Mister Qin who was still quaking. 

" Here mister Qin, drink this," said Yan Guo as he helped Qin Xu take the glass in his hands but the man was simply distraught, as soon as Yan Guo let go of the glass, the entire thing fell on the ground and with a smash broke into pieces.

Qin Xu let out a blood-curdling scream as he jumped up from his chair and then rushed to the cupboard in his room where he jumped inside and tried to hide himself, " They are here! They are here!" 

" He seems to be in shock," the right-hand man of Yan Guo told his chief who nodded and then asked him to bring a tranquilliser. 

Since they were soldiers they did not have the right to administer tranquillisers but the medics did, they rushed inside and then used the gun to shoot Qin Xu. It took a few minutes for Qin Xu to fall unconscious and only then did Yan Guo walk forward and then took out the phone of Boss Qin and dial the number of the so-called grandson and granddaughter of Mister Qin. 

He needed to know just what made this honest-looking man who couldn't even withstand such a gore sight take such a step.

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