My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 814 The Incidents Of The Past ——2

Chapter 814 The Incidents Of The Past ——2

When Yan Guo heard the words of Qin Xu, he couldn't help but be vaguely suspicious that what happened in the Qin family was related to the Chen family and the women who have went missing. 

He then asked Qin Xu to continue speaking and found out that weird things in the Qin family started to happen ever since they came into contact with the Chen couple.

Back then their company was just starting and they were really satisfied when they found out that someone as prominent as the Chen couple wanted to hire tutors and nanny from their company. 

The Old Master Qin did not know that he was getting into trouble from which he will never be able to escape, after the Chen couple hired a tutor and nanny nothing happened for a few months but then one by one, both women vanished. 

With the two women running away of course Old Master Chen and his wife were not satisfied they asked for an explanation but even Old Master Qin had no idea why the two women would suddenly leave without saying a word. 

After finding out that the two women vanished, Old Master Qin contacted the families of the two women but to his surprise neither the nanny nor the tutor went to see their families, in fact, it was as if they vanished in thin air. 

However, the Old Chen couple insisted that the two women stole some expensive things from their house and asked for a new set of tutors and a nanny at a discount for compensation when Old Master Qin refused they threatened the Old Master Qin with a police case. 

Old Master Qin only started this company to earn money for his family, he did not wish to get into a police investigation which was why he agreed to the request of sending another tutor and nanny with a good character this time around. 

Though this deal was a losing one for the Qin family, because they did not wish to get into trouble with the police case they could only suffer in silence but then the new nanny and tutor also vanished after a few months.

This time Old Master Qin along with his son and daughter-in-law thought that something was wrong which was why when the Chen couple came to ask for trouble again, Old Master Qin sent his daughter-in-law as the nanny of the two Chen sisters. 

They thought that the Chen family was behind these incidents and that there was something wrong with the character of the Old Master Chen but what they did not expect was that there was something even sinister lurking in the dark. 

As Qin Xu mentioned her mother, her expression could not help but turn even pale as she took out a handkerchief and dabbed her eyes with it as she continued speaking and told Yan Guo that after her mother went to work in the Chen family everything was all right for a few months but then on a night with no moon, they received a call. 

The person on the other side was her mother who was screaming in pain telling them that there were monsters living in the house of the Chen family. At first, they all thought that she was only playing a prank on them but——

" I heard the sound of chewing, whatever was behind my mother was eating her alive …even till this day I can…I cannot forget that sound." 

As she spoke, she raised her hand and then rubbed her palms on the back of her arms as the small hair on her arms stood up straight,josei

She breathed in and out trying to adjust her emotions before she continued telling Yan Guo what happened after her mother vanished.

" My father went to save my mother," Qin Xu spoke with a mocking smile on her lips. " Even though he knew that whatever was hiding in the Chen family might not be human, he still went to look for my mother and after that, he never returned." 

The disappearance of his son and daughter-in-law caused a huge impact on Old Master Qin. He closed the company and stopped appointing tutors and nannies. 

" We thought that everything was over, we returned after leaving the ashes of parents' clothes in the ocean such that they will be at peace but then …." 

" Then…?" Yan Guo who was listening seriously prodded Qin Xu to continue speaking and the young woman did continue as she said, " We found that portrait in the company." She pointed to the picture which was in a frame, in the picture two women were sitting side by side on the bank of a river. 

At first glance, it looked completely normal but then Yan Guo realised that it was the same portrait in which that demonic thing vanished. 

His expression changed but Qin Xu did not notice instead she continued speaking, " We did not buy this portrait and no one knew where it came from, all we know is that it appeared here in the middle of the night one day. My grandfather tried to track it down but the surveillance camera stopped working on the very day we left the house." 

" My grandfather did not think much about this portrait since it was just a picture what harm can it even bring? Which was why he left it alone. One night when my grandparents were cleaning the office of this company since it has been closed, my grandfather only casually mentioned that he wished his new business would be successful in front of that portrait and blood started to sip out of that very portrait." 

At this point Qin Xu was trembling just like her grandfather as she tried her best to continue speaking, " And what came out was a woman in black … I don't know how she looks only my grandfather who managed to survive told me bits and pieces. That thing killed my …." She choked up and then started crying again. " She killed my grandmother right in front of my grandfather, she even threatened that my grandfather will lose everything that he has if he does not continue to sacrifice young women every month!" 

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