My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 815 The Illegal Orphanage

Chapter 815 The Illegal Orphanage


Qin Xu still had some lingering fear when she remembered the vivid description that her grandfather gave to her when he was retelling her what happened that night, it left a scar on their hearts and they were terrified of the unknown which was why her grandfather continued to run this company where he interviewed young women and hired them as nanny and tutors, he did not hire much but only six or seven women at a time such that they will be able to sacrifice one each month. 

After Yan Guo finished listening to the tale which Qin Xu told him, his mood was very complicated. He could not stand the fact that so many young women had been killed just like this in the name of human sacrifice but at the same time he also understood why Old Master Qin took this route, he had lost his daughter-in-law, son and wife in the hands of the unknown, of course, he was scared of losing his grandchildren. 

But there was no way Yan Guo will be able to turn a blind eye to the killing of the young women which was why he asked his men to bring Old Master Qin to the military district and have him sent to the reformation building.

" Officer you…" Qin Xu was really alarmed when she heard Yan Guo's order, she thought that the honest-looking officer would leave her grandfather after she told him everything but Yan Guo still sent her grandfather to the reformation centre. Why! 

" Miss Qin, please do understand that if your life is precious, so is everyone else… you have no idea how many women have gone missing because of your grandfather's antics. Maybe some of the families are still looking for their wives or daughter to return, a punishment is inevitable! I am sorry." After speaking he did not wait for Qin Xu to say anything and just took his leave.

Once he was done investigating the light ray company, he went to the other companies as well from where the Old Chen couple hired the teachers and nannies, he even visited the families of the young girl who went missing after befriending Chen Chu Chu and Chen Xi and everywhere he received the same response——

Something was wrong, very wrong with the Chen sisters. 

In fact, when he went to Zhang Chengdi house who was Chen Chu Chu's best friend in high school, her mother burst out in tears as she started crying as she scolded Chen Chu Chu fiercely,

" She is a demon, I am telling you! Back then I could not do anything because the Old Master Chen suppressed the news and made it impossible for me to find my daughter! His wife was even more ruthless saying that my Di Di ran away with a wild boy as if! My daughter was so kind and humble, yet one day she went out to meet with that girl Chen Chu Chu and never returned… I know that she was the one who was behind that incident but unfortunately for me and my daughter, that Chen girl had an alibi and she was able to wash away the responsibility with ease!"

Madam Zhang wiped her tears with a handkerchief and sniffed before continuing, " They say that the girl is really good but I say that she is simply a demon! She gave my daughter a photograph and ever since then my daughter became weird, she started sleepwalking and would leave the house many times in the middle of the night, when we tied her up, she would scream and yell to be let out! If that girl is not a ghost then what is she?" 

When Yan Guo heard that Madam Zhang also had a photograph, he immediately asked for it but Madam Zhang shook her head and replied, " I wish I could give it to you but that frame can not be picked up." 

As if to show him that she was speaking the truth, she asked him to follow her to the bedroom which belonged to her late daughter upon arriving at the room, Yan Guo was surprised to find a bunch of talismans sticking to the door.

" That frame sometimes bleeds on the night of no moon, we do not wish for that evil thing to come out which is why…" if they had more money Madam Zhang would have moved out of this place long ago, it was such a pity that they were so poor that they could not even afford a new place. 

She opened the door and pushed it open only to reveal a dirt-covered room which was filled with more and more talismans, before pointing to the end of the room where a frame with two women sitting on a table and drinking was hanging, "It's that one." 

Yan Guo's breath hitched but he still walked inside and tried to take the frame off but just as he expected the frame did not budge. 

In the end, he could only return with a picture that he clicked on his phone, when he arrived at the Yan household, he heard his mother scolding his father for not stopping the Chen family from moving into the house which was next to theirs and almost slipped. 

What was this? Was the Chen a bane that they can never avoid? Why were they following them like a ghost? 

Yan Guo wanted to take a bath and eat something but upon finding out that the Chen family was living so close to his family, he could not care less about a meal and then rushed to the Fu family. 

As soon as he pressed the doorbell, the door was opened by the housekeeping lady who asked him to come inside, but as soon as he stepped inside the house, he was surprised to find a gloomy atmosphere hovering on top of the members of the Fu family, it was only when he stepped inside did Song Yan raise her head and smiled at him, " Brother Guo, you are back? Come sit down, Aunt is preparing a sumptuous meal for sister Ning." 


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