My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387

"I'm not afraid if that rouses suspicion.At most, it'll just force Joyce to personally get involved.That's even better in my books."

Harvey analyzed the matter calmly.

"Alright, but I can't shake the feeling that this response is too nonchalant.We need to present it in a way that makes them see that you're unaffected.Otherwise, I think they'll look into my background and expose me.If that happens, Joyce will definitely notice."

"You've got a point.We can put on a show for them.We cannot allow the restaurant boss to figure out who you are."

Nicole looked Harvey in the eyes as she said this.


"We cannot meet outside the plaza anymore.We need to find a new place."

"I'll leave the arrangements to you then.Just inform me later."

"Alright, I'll see to it right now."

As he said that, Harvey got up and left the room.Nicole sat in the office, thinking for a good while before getting up to do her work.

The clock kept moving, and soon it was lunch break.

Jared called as scheduled.

"Have you figured out where to eat for lunch?"

Jared's voice rang out from the phone.

"I have.There's a pretty good restaurant on the Eastside.Let's give it a try."

"Alright, come down then.I'm waiting downstairs."

"Already? I thought you hadn't left yet."

Nicole sounded a little surprised.

"Gotta be a bit more proactive when I'm asking a beauty out for lunch."

"Enough cheek.I'll come down now."

Nicole hung up and walked to the elevator, taking it down to the lobby.

Getting into Jared's car, Nicole showed him the restaurant details on her phone.

"This place."

Jared then inputted the details into the GPS device and reminded her, "Alright, put on your seatbelt."

The car slowly crove into the bustling Eastside.

Jared peered at the building and asked, "This should be the place, right?"

Nicole immediarely looked over.

"Yup, that's the one."

Jared then parked the car, opened the door for Nicole, and the two walked into the restaurant.

As this was the first time they were at the restaurant, the manager did not know them.However, he could tell from how they were dressed that they were rich folks.

"Welcome! Please come in.May I know what you would like to order?"

Nicole looked at the crowd inside the restaurant and spoke as she walked.

"Just give us a selection of your specialty dishes."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you have a quieter spot in the restaurant?" Jared asked.

"We do.Please come upstairs," said the manager as he led the way.

After arriving at a quieter spot in the restaurant, the manager looked at Nicole and asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

"We're driving, so just water will do."

"Sure.Please sit down and relax.We'll be serving you soon."

The manager left then.

Jared looked at Nicole and asked, "So this is the so-called 'pretty good' restaurant you talked about?"He recalled the rather noisy crowd downstairs.

Nicole could sense Jared's irritability and explained, "This place may be a little noisy, but the food is pretty good.You'll know I'm tight once the food is served."

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