My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388

"Alright then."

Since they were already here, it would be rude for Jared to rebuke Nicole, so he sat down and patiently waited for the food to be served.

After a while, a waiter came to Nicole and Jared's table with a platter of specialty dishes before carefully placing it in front of them.

"Bon Appetit."

Nicole picked up one of the delicious pieces and held it up to Jared.

"Give it a taste."

Seeing that Nicole was trying to feed him, a smile appeared on his face as he ate the food.

"Not bad," Jared commented.

"See, I told you so.This restaurant's food has to be pretty decent to be so popular."

Nicole then took a bite as well.

The two chatted as they ate.

And for some reason, the topic shifted to the McCarthy family, and Nicole looked at Jared as she said, "I had dinner with Martin yesterday, and I heard something really important from him."

"Martin? What sort of important news can he bring?" Jared asked nonchalantly.

Martin was nothing but a reclusive researcher to him.

Nicole gave Jared a serious look.

"It seems like you still don't know Martin well enough."

"I'm sure you already know about the McCarthy family's marriage plans with the foreign forces, right?"

Nicole looked calmly at Jared.

"I do.What about it?"

"Then do you know why that Adam family from overseas would want to marry into an out-of-favor McCarthy family?"

Nicole's gaze was full of meaning.

"Tell me."

Jared raised an eyebrow.He, too, had been investigating this matter recently.

'Could Nicole know something I don't?"

"I heard that the McCarthys were targeting the Adam family because the latter was branching out.So their marriage ties are more utilitarian and not as strong as we've imagined."

Nicole told Jared everything Martin had told her.

"I see."

Jared was even happier to hear this than to eat good food.He finally had a way to deal with the McCarthys now.

"Nicole, do you think this information is reliable?" Jared asked somewhat worriedly.

"I heard it from Martin himself.

It shouldn't be fake."

Martin was her friend and would not have given her false information.

Jared continued to try to verify the information.

"Then where did Martin learn about this?"

Nicole found herself unable to answer Jared's question.

Perhaps she was too excited when she got the information and forgot to ask Martin for the details.

"That, I don't know.I'll ask him when I go back."

"No need.If the information is true, I'll find out after some investigating.Martin wouldn't feed you fake information, so there's no need to worry," Jared said to reassure Nicole.


Seeing that Nicole was still not enthused, he sat beside her and said, "No need to think about it.Real or not, bringing it up is important."

Those words amused Nicole.

"I'm not a child.You don't need to humor me."

"You're always a precious girl in my heart."

"Oh, you!"

As the two chatted, Joyce appeared.

The manager had arranged for her to sit to the far right of Nicole, with her back facing Nicole.

There were a few other tables of guests between them.

Since Jared was seated by Nicole's side, he did not see her enter the place either.

Joyce pointed at a few dishes on the menu.

"I want these few dishes.Serve them up, quick."

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