My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575

Chapter 1575

Feeling a stabbing, searing pain in her hand, Norah let out a scream at once.

‘'Goodness this hurts like hell!'

"Don't be so nervous.The tenser you are, the more it hurts.You'll feel better if you relax a little."

Nicole raised her eyebrows, pretending to be calm.

Only Nicole knew where the most painful points were, and she pierced them well enough to make Norah's hand numb.

‘'Don't blame me for being cruel, since you have the guts to come back and disrupt our family's harmony by acting all pitiful!’

"Another needle should do the trick just fine."

Nicole continued to smile gently, seemingly harmless to everyone and everything but to Norah, who was in so much pain that she struggled to even breathe.

"No, no there's no need to! One is enough!"

Norah pleaded.

‘One more needle, and she definitely will pass out for sure!' Nicole thought.

"Norah, please.Be a good girl."

Gloria frowned and looked at Norah, he genuinely concerned about her.She then took Norah's hand and gave it to Nicole.

"Here you go, Nicole."


Nicole smiled but it was then that Norah saw right through her smile and noticed the bone-chilling coldness.

‘With this needle, I might kill her" Nicole thought.

Norah watched as Nicole raised the flashing cold needle glistening under the sun rays of the sun and decided that she could not take it anymore.

She was so frightened to the point that she shoved Gloria away.

"I don't want to be pricked anymore!"

Gloria staggered after she was pushed by Norah, and though Samuel was stunned, he was fortunately able to keep his mother supported just in time.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

Samuel frowned and glared at Norah.

‘'What is she doing? Nicole is kind enough to help her feel better.She doesn't know how to be grateful and she even pushed mom, who cares about her the most right now!”

Then, the atmosphere in the room changed.

Everyone in the family looked at Norah, feeling that she was going too far.

Nicole's face turned frosty, as she stepped forward to keep Gloria supported.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Gloria has a soft nature and a very delicate body.

Such a push must have startled her.

And surely enough, Gloria's complexion turned pale.She held onto Nicole and said, "I'm fine...just a little shocked."

Instinctively, Nicole felt for Gloria's pulse, after which she gave her mother a prick with the needle.

"It's okay mom.You were startled, and your heart is racing, so I gave you a needle.You'll be fine soon."

"Okay, okay..."

Gloria stroked her chest and sat down again.

Soon after, she began to feel much better.

For a moment, everyone stared at Norah with hatred in their eyes.

"Norah, our mom cares so much about you.How could you push her like that?"

Stanley lost his temper.It was only then that Norah realized her actions had caused a domino effect, which had caused an outrage within the family.

Her heart wrenched in pain.

‘'Before this, I was the princess of this family.No matter what I did, my brothers would always forgive me.But now? I accidentally pushed her and everyone is glaring at me with such hatred"

Seeing this, Norah could not help but to shoot Nicole a glare.

‘It was her who had taken all my brother's love for me.She is the reason as to why they have started to treat me like this!'’ However, knowing that she no longer had the right to burst out in anger, she could only whimper and force a tear out from her eyes.

"I'm sorry...I'm really fine now.I got too nervous a moment ago, godmother.I'm truly sorry..."

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