My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576

Pathetically, Norah knelt in front of Gloria, and in a low voice, she said, "It's my fault.I know that I am no longer a part of the Riddle family, but I really have nowhere else to go, no home to return to.I know that in this world, there's only one person who still cares for me.And it's you, my godmother..."

If these words were uttered long ago, Gloria would have given in to Norah easily.

However, that shove had made her come back to her senses, and while she said that she was not feeling well, her strength did not seem to have waned.

Before this, she had always taken their relationship into consideration and had taken care of Norah.

Gloria even agreed to let Norah stay at her place the last time the latter asked.

Later, however, Daniel and Nicole had told Gloria that Norah's parents had already been discharged a long time ago.

It was at that moment that the old lady realized that the current Norah was not the same person as before.

Gloria knew that she had made the wrong choice the last time.

And now, she could not sideline Nicole for Norah anymore.

With that in mind, Gloria bit her lips and tried her best to remain rational.

"Norah, I really do pity you and your parent's situation.How about you take a rest for a while as I speak to your dad on what we can do to help you?"

Hearing that, Norah was stunned.

It had taken her so much to get rid of those two leeches and return to Gloria's side and Norah had expected Gloria to back her up like she had done before.

Unexpectedly, however, Gloria's attitude had already turned cold in just a short span of time.

‘What a mean witch Nicole is! What power does she possess that has made these people who had been living with me over the past decade side with her?" she fumed.

"Are you not worried about me anymore, Godmom?"

Norah pinched her thigh, and tears began to flow from her bloodshot eyes.

"I really have nowhere to go now.My parents' bodies are still nowhere to be found.I don't even know where else I could go now... Seeing that Norah was still putting on a show, Nicole snorted coldly in her heart.

As it stood, everyone in the family already knew that Norah was acting.

They could not help but wonder if she really thought that her acting skills were still good.

However, Gloria was able to remain calm and logical, and that was what Norah had never expected.

Seeing that Gloria was not willing to take her in, Nicole deliberately said in a questioning tone, "Your parents' bodies are nowhere to be found.In that case, why did you rush here? Those who don't know might think that you're dying to return to the Riddle family."

That sentence caused everyone present to feel the chillness in Nicole's words as they turned their gaze at her.

Sean and Steve were the first few who had made that observation with a degree of suspicion.

They looked at her as their eyes became frosty as well.

Meanwhile, Stanley was the one who believed Nicole, as her analysis was quite logical.

At that moment, even Samuel and Spencer fell silent.

Norah never thought that Nicole would be this mean to her and expose her in front of everyone.

Unfortunately, there truly was no way out for her.

‘'l finally escaped from those two by risking my life and becoming a murderer.No matter what happens, I must stay here at the Riddle family manor!' Norah fumed.

With that thought in mind, Norah immediately cried.

"I did not! Nicole, how could you slander me like that? You are the precious daughter of the Riddle family.Everyone knows about this.No one cares about me.Even brother, mom, and Dad cares a great deal about you.All I want is just a temporary place to stay in.Can't you be a little more merciful?"

Although it seemed that Norah was crying her heart out, she had actually placed the blame on Nicole with just a few words, framing the entire situation as if Nicole was nursing a deep hatred for her.

If this had happened long ago, Norah knew that the family would be guilt-stricken by those words.

Even Samuel would stand up for her.

But at that moment, Samuel stood in front of Nicole and said to Norah, "Norah, how could you say this about Nicole? If she really is merciless toward you, why would she even bother trying to relieve your pain?"

"That's right, Norah.You don't have to watch what you eat, but you have to watch what you say,"' Samuel finished, his gaze sharp and piercing.

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