My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577

It had been really annoying to see Norah sobbing and crying in the way she was, and in fact, the family were dumbfounded, unable to figure out when she had started behaving like that.

"You really should not have said that about Nicole," Sean said in a deep voice.

As for Stanley and Spencer, they were just sitting there, staring at Norah coldly.

They too, thought that it was unfair for Nicole.

Seeing that all her brothers that used to protect her were protecting and standing on Nicole's side instead, Norah's heart began brimming with jealousy.

‘‘Why? It has only been a few days.Why are they treating me like I'm an enemy? I could still accept it if they were just ignoring me and shielding Nicole a little.But now, I don't even have the right to tell Nicole off?!' she seethed.

It was at that moment that Norah realized that she no longer held the same degree of significance in the heart of the Riddle family.

Even her very last defender, Gloria, could not protect her anymore.

At that point, Norah was left completely perplexed.

On the other hand, Nicole was extremely grateful to her brothers for stepping up.She seldom spoke to them about anything that had happened previously.

But whenever someone targeted her, the brothers would protect her once they found out about it.

The feeling of being protected by her brothers was exceedingly warm and touching.

As Nicole came back to her senses, she decided that she was already tired of dealing with Norah.

"Dad, Norah is a Riddle too.As she is facing a unique situation, let's arrange a hotel for her to stay in.That way, if anyone spreads any rumors, they'd know we have already shown kindness and mercy.Once the truth is out and if Norah needs any help, we'll think about it then."

Hearing Nicole's stand, Daniel decided to let down his guard down.

"Alright, we'll do as you say."


Norah yelled, having never thought that Nicole's words would carry some weight.

'Even Daniel listens to her now?"

‘That's not right.When she came back, I heard that the family had organized a banquet.

Mr.Riddle Sr.has also begun to look highly upon Daniel and the family now.

Shouldn't Daniel be carrying himself with greater dignity in the eyes Mr.Riddle Sr.? Why are they still listening to Nicole?’ Norah wondered.

Daniel frowned and looked at Norah.

"Norah, we will help you take care of the issue concerning your parents’.

But, this is the Riddle family.

With your identity, it's not really suitable for you to stay here.

For now, you should follow Alfred to the hotel and stay there.

As for the rest, well, I must say, although we were your adoptive parents, we hope that you'll not call us godmom or god pa in public anymore.Just call us Aunt Gloria and Uncle Daniel."

Daniel had wanted to say these words during Norah's previous stay.

It was just that Norah had already left.

Since Norah had returned on her own volition, she could not blame Daniel for being mean.


Norah's face turned pale.

It was just a term of endearment, and yet, Daniel no longer allowed her to use it.


Gloria uttered, feeling that Daniel was being a little too cruel.

It was then that Sean spoke, 'Mom, leave this to me.I'll see to it that Norah's parents are found in the flesh, regardless of whether they are dead or alive."

Hearing those words, Norah subconsciously shivered.

‘Why does Sean's presence feel so scary?’ she thought.

After eyeing Norah's guilty look, Sean and Steve looked at each other.

Then, Steve told Norah, "Don't worry.After all, we are your brothers.We'll be sure to conduct a thorough investigation.Who knows, your parents might still be alive.Don't you think so?"

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