My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1651

Chapter 1651

Chapter 1651

Chapter 1651

Nicole's pupils shrank by a little.

Although she knew that Fiorella had done some truly outrageous things, she totally did not expect that the incident at the bridge was her doing.

But now that she could thoroughly think about it, the notion of the dark organization having committed the atrocity against her was one that was far-fetched.

Therefore, the only person who could spend such a fortune just to make an attempt on her life was Fiorella.

"She had the nerve to hurt my woman, so it's only natural that I did whatever I could to ensure that she did not get away with it," Jared said with a sullen expression on his face.

Nicole squinted her eyes.

"I wouldn't have allowed her to get away with it if I knew it was her, either.

But you actually destroyed her face.

That's really brutal." This revelation somewhat surprise her, for Jared should not have gone as far as he did.

"T was the one who lit the fire, but she was the one who burned her own face." Jared replied.

He had heard everything that had happened and felt that the woman was extremely foolish.

Nicole had a dumbfounded look on her face too.

"Well, in that case, she really is a shmuck." ‘It was just a fire on the outside, and she somehow managed to disfigure herself.

She is really an idiot,’ Nicole thought.

Concurrently, in the hospital, Colton and the others were waiting for Fiorella to wake up.

The doctor had said that it would be a major problem for her if she did not regain her consciousness today.

They had been waiting for over two hours now, and eventually, Mrs. Fisher caught sight of a few twitches on Fiorella's hand.

"Her hand is twitching!" "Call the doctor!" Colton ordered at once.

Mrs. Fisher ran out to summon the doctor upon hearing that.

At this instant, Fiorella's eyes too began to twitch as she slowly opened her mouth.

When the doctor had arrived in the room, he quickly performed on her a series of inspections before heaving a sigh of relief.

"She's fine now.

Her condition has stabilized.

You might want to discuss the matter of skin grafting with your family." After he had said that, the doctor shook his head and strode out of the ward.

Fiorella, who had just woken up, began to react when she heard the words, 'skin grafting’.

"Skin grafting...

what skin grafting?" she asked, her voice weak and hoarse.

Mrs. Fisher immediately poured her a glass of water.

"My dear, have a drink first before you speak." Fiorella took on a few slow sips of water, and that was when she felt a searing pain at the top of her lips.

It was at this very instant that she realized that she was wrapped up like amummy.

She then suddenly recalled everything that had happened before: the flames around her, and her skin scorched to the point where her face was beyond recognition...

This left her stunned.

"Mom, Dad, what happened to me? Why am I wrapped up like this?" "Fiorella...

don't get agitated..." Mrs. Fisher held onto Fiorella as her eyes reddened, not knowing what to say.

As Colton saw his daughter in the state she was, he could only sigh and say, ''Fiorella, I need you to calm down before I tell you about your current condition.


it won't be good for your body.

Ww Seeing how her parents were attempting to keep her calm, she could already guess what had happened.

In a quivering voice, she asked, "Mom, Dad, I'm disfigured, right? RIGHT?!" Much of her skin had been burned away, and she was in complete agony.

She could even feel the searing pain in her face as of now.

'I must've been disfigured! ' Noticing that her daughter had realized everything that had transpired, Colton could only nod with an aching pain in his heart, unable to utter a word.

Fiorella was stunned as if she was hit by a bolt from the blue, and with a screech, she went berserk.

"No!!!" Fortunately, Mrs. Fisher had already latched onto her before she could move around.

"Please don't do that, honey! Your wounds had only just healed! What if you rip them open again thrashing around like this?!" It was only then that Fiorella ceased struggling as she grabbed onto her mother.

"Mom, how can I not panic? I'm disfigured...

And no matter how good a cosmetic surgeon is, I can never go back to looking like how I used to be!" Indeed, even if there was a skin transplant, her entire body had already completely festered away.

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