My Wife is a Hacker by Summer

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

The current medical procedures would still leave a trace behind even if the skin grafting was successful.

In addition, she did not want a face with plastic implanted into it.

“Why did you even rush out? If you had just hid in the house with us, you wouldn't have ended up like this.

At most, the manor would be up in flames," Colton scolded.

Fiorella was taken aback and she immediately thought of the perpetrator behind the fire.

'Mom, have you gotten any evidence? It is Jared! It must be him.

He was the one who must have set our house on fire!" Colton immediately frowned.

"They left no tracks at all.

We don't even know where the gasoline came from! Furthermore, the surveillance cameras around the manor had been disabled, so we have no proof at all." Fiorella's eyes were bloodshot.

"You're saying that you have no way of getting back at him for me?" ‘Jared did this to me, and I've no way of getting my revenge?!' she seethed.

"We don't even know who started the fire, so how are we even supposed to get back at the person?" Colton asked.

Although Fiorella was suspecting Jared, her father thought that Jared would not stoop to that level just to do that to her.

“Huh? It is Jared Johnston! He must have found out that I was the one behind Nicole's accident at the bridge! That was why he torched our manor, trying to burn me to death!" Fiorella let out a bloodcurdling roar, her voice hoarse with fury.

As soon as he heard that, Colton was appalled.

"You... were behind the incident where Nicole fell off the bridge?"

He had somewhat known about that incident and he had even derived a sense of schadenfreude from it, but he had never thought that Fiorella was the mastermind behind the entire operation.

‘Isn't that just asking for trouble?" he wondered.

'And trouble did find her, so much so that she is now disfigured!' “How can you be so foolish?!" Colton stood up in rage.

"How can you strike out against Nicole before we've even gotten those against her on our side?" Fiorella's eyes widened.

"You... You're blaming me?"" She had suffered such a grievous injury and not only did her father not hate Jared for that; he was also casting doubts on her.

“How can I not blame you? If you hadn't made an attempt on her life, our ten- million-dollar manor wouldn't have gone up in flames! And you wouldn't have been disfigured!" Colton's shouted, his heart aching as he uttered those words.

He had really been driven to tears due to her idiocy.

The Fisher Manor was an old building that had stood erect for more than two hundred years and was worth tens of millions.

No one had expected it to be burned down by a fire just like that.

Now it was nothing more than a pile of rubble, ruined and utterly beyond repair.

Initially, he had felt sorry for his daughter and had temporarily forgotten about the fact that his home was now gone.

But now that he had discovered that the source of all of his troubles was the result of his daughter's idiocy, he wanted nothing more than to strangle her.

"Did you know that your grandfather has fallen ill out of anger after he found out that the manor has been burned to ash?

! It is also because of this, that a third of the shareholders that had originally wanted to collaborate with us, had decided to withdraw because of our poor show of hospitality!" Colton continued.

Initially, the plan was to gather enough allies in an effort to team up against the Riddles and the Johnstons.

‘Well, now great! Everything has now been destroyed by the fire! Talking about all of our plans going up in flames!’ To add salt to the wound, Fiorella did not anticipate that those shareholders who had already agreed to collaborate with her would turn their backs on her now.

The pain in her eyes were so intense that she was on the verge of crying blood.

"Jared Johnston...

Nicole Riddle...

I'll take the two of you down even if it's the last thing I do!" she cried.

'Just you wait, I'll definitely send the two of you together to your deaths!" Noticing that his daughter was still raving like a lunatic, Colton got up angrily.

"Don't you try to do anything stupid! Just stay in the hospital and heal up from the skin graft! Also, you won't need to bother with the company anymore!”

If he had known that this would happen, he would have just kept Fiorella out of the family after he had disowned her.

‘She's literally the source of all my woes!' Colton turned around and stormed off without looking at Fiorella.

"Dear!" Mrs. Fisher was frozen for a moment.

The last thing she expected of her husband was for him to stomp out of the room in anger just like that, and so much so that he no longer even bothered with his daughter any longer.

“Don't call him back! He's not my father!" Fiorella roared as she looked at the door in a frenzy.

"He had already severed his ties with me when I ran into trouble last time.

With how he is treating me now, I'l] have you know that I have no father!"

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