New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1154 - Internal Fights Are Common Everywhere

Chapter 1154 - Internal Fights Are Common Everywhere

Even though going from one dwarf town to another just to inform the town leaders about the change in the contest rule, seemed a little trouble, Ajax didn't feel anything; instead, he felt like it was fun.

Moreover, he could get to see how different dwarf towns were doing because he was the protector, he needed to check it.

However, before he could move towards his third dwarf town, Ajax heard a roar from the inner world that made him stop in his tracks.

'Looks like he finally woke up.'

The roar belonged to none other than the divine dragon and with an excited look on his face, Ajax summoned him out of the inner world.

Whenever the divine dragon feels excited or angry, he would roar to his heart content to let his emotions out.

"So, are you happy or angry?"

Even though it was obvious that the divine dragon was extremely happy for some reason, he still asked the dragon with a slight smile on his face.

"I am happy."

Using his huge wings, Twilight pulled Ajax to himself as though he was hugging him.

"Are you planning to kill me or what?"

After letting the divine dragon hug him for some time, Ajax said to the divine dragon to annoy Twilight.


However, Ajax was slapped by the divine dragon's wing for his words.

"So, what do you think?"

Twilight asked with a funny look on his face.

"It's great that you are back without any harm."

Ajax decided not to make jokes with the divine dragon anymore and slowly diverted the topic.


Spreading his wings, the divine dragon roared at the sky as though he was giving a pose to the heavens.

"Stop posing and tell me why you are extremely happy? Did you have enlightenment?"

Ajax asked while maintaining some distance away from the divine dragon.

"I heard you stored 50 high-level demon kings' corpses for me before going to sleep. So, when I woke up now, I remembered about it and I was excited about my meal."

The divine dragon explained to Ajax the reason for its excitement.


Ajax was speechless when he heard the reason for the divine dragon's excitement and happiness and muttered, 'So, he was spying on my conversation with Alder to see whether I will be saving his share of demon apostles' corpses.'

When he thought about it, Ajax didn't know whether he should laugh or cry at the divine dragon. So, he didn't say anything in reply to the divine dragon's words.

"So, where did you store my meal?"

The thing is, Twilight was hoping to break into the king realm by consuming the 50 corpses of the demon apostles. So, he couldn't wait to eat them.


Seeing that the divine dragon was only focused on eating, Ajax could not help but sigh; however, when he thought about how powerful his divine dragon might become after consuming the 50 demon apostles, Ajax felt a little excited.

"All the corpses are with Alder. You can find him and take your share of the demon apostles' corpses."

Soon, Ajax informed the divine dragon about the corpses and asked, "By the way, how did you escape from the demon apostle?"

It was not only Ajax's doubt but all his summons wanted to know the answer to this question. So, Ajax hurriedly asked it because he knew the divine dragon would fly away to find his meal.

"There was a high-level primordial demon king that stopped the demon apostle who was taking me away. Before I could realize it, the demon apostle started fighting the primordial? demon king."

Soon, the divine dragon explained how he escaped from the demon apostle as he continued, "While they were fighting, the demon apostle was distracted a little. Taking that as an opportunity, I started flying towards the ground along with the magical net before contacting you."

"Another high-level primordial demon king?"

Ajax raised his brows as he didn't understand why would a high-level demon king fight the demon apostle when both were the primordial demons and work for the primordial emperor.

'Looks like internal fights were not limited to humans...haha.'

However, Ajax soon remembered how Jostruth and other high-level demon kings fought among themselves, Ajax concluded it as another internal fight between the two high-level demon kings.

"Anyway, I am getting benefitted from their internal fights."

Ajax revealed a slight smile on his face because he didn't care why they would fight among themselves as long as he benefited from it.

"Master, I will leave now."

Soon, Ajax heard the divine dragon's words and nodded his head.

It was already a surprise that he stayed back to reply. So, he didn't take any more of his time.


Soon, the divine dragon flew towards the devourer eagle king who was guiding the devourer eagle generals in devourer the king realm corpses near the protector castle.

'Since there are still 10 more hours left for the world to get upgraded to the normal world, I will cover all 100 dwarf towns.'

So far, he only covered two dwarf towns and that leaves him with 98 more dwarf towns. So, he decided to fly on his ancient protector sword.


14 hours back,

In the outer space of the obsidian naga world.

"Tagrek, you disappointed the primordial demon emperor by your work. Moreover, you attacked me, who was currently on an important mission."

The demon apostle who took away the divine dragon angrily said to the fifth high-level demon king under the primordial demon emperor.

"Stop speaking nonsense. The emperor betrayed me and the other four demon kings under him by sending you to kill us."

Target was so angry looking at the demon apostle as he rushed towards with two legend grade short swords in his hands.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Tagrek."

Even though the demon apostle didn't know whether the other demon apostle killed the other high-level demon kings or not, he acted like he didn't know anything.

Other than the two missions 'Killing the human' and 'Bring the divine dragon', the demon apostles had a side mission and it was to kill the five demon kings.

"I know everything and how the primordial demon emperor wanted you to kill us as he thinks we are not useful to him anymore."

He didn't want to attack Tagrek as he wanted to send the divine dragon back to his emperor; however, who would have thought that Tagrek learned about their side mission and started attacking him, which made him release the divine dragon.

"Since it has come to this, let's fight."

Soon, the demon apostle and Tagrek started fighting until the obsidian naga world was blasted into tiny debris.


Since they were in outer space, they were able to escape the huge blast; however, the debris caught them as their entire body was covered in injuries.

"Damn can this world be destroyed?"

The demon apostle was shocked looking at the empty space where the obsidian naga world used to be.


However, before he could think about it, a short sword pierced through his throat as Tagrek spoke. "Don't lose your focus amidst a fight." historical


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