New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1155 - Arrival Of The Demon Emperors

Chapter 1155 - Arrival Of The Demon Emperors

In the grey dwarf world.

'This is the last dwarf town that's left for me to visit and inform about the change of rules.'

Ajax was flying on his ancient protector sword as he looked at the distant dwarf town.

For the last four hours, Ajax was flying on his ancient protector sword from one town to another as he informed the town leaders about the change of rules.

'This town belongs to Rurbeak, right?'

Ajax still remembered the first time he was teleported to the grey dwarf world as he visited the nearby dwarf town which he was once again visiting now.

Even though he didn't have much of an opinion on this dwarf town, as a protector, he should not make things difficult for this town.

'They were weak and fearful by nature. So, they didn't help Rurbeak when he needed them.'

Ajax shook his head and stopped thinking about the events that happened in the past in the town.

"As expected, Rurbeak won the contest by refining a mid-level heaven grade weapon in his first try itself."

"There was no need for this contest in our town as we already knew Rurbeak would win it already."




All the town members were praising Rurbeak and started bootlicking to be in good books.

However, what they didn't know was no matter how much they praise or bootlick him, he would be not doing any favours for them.

"Lurmer, other than Rurbeak, pick another two participants who performed well in the contest."

Just as Lurmer was about to send everyone away, Ajax landed beside Lurmer as he ordered Lurmer.

"Protector Ajax."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ajax out of nowhere, everyone fell to the knees as they greeted him just like any other town resident.

"Okay, master."

As for Lurmer, he didn't kneel; instead, he bowed to show respect as he nodded his head before picking two young dwarves who performed very well.

"You two will be second and third place winners of today's weapon refining contest."

Soon, Lurmer picked two young dwarves, making them excited because they were not expecting to win in this contest because of Rurbeak.

"Everyone, stand up."

Ajax asked everyone to stand up before saying, "There will be an important event in six hours and I want everyone to come to my castle."

"Everyone means everyone including toddlers, women, old and handicapped."

Ajax ordered everyone before leaving the town on his ancient protector sword.


Everyone was confused with Ajax's words; however, they nodded their heads and didn't have a problem going to the protector's castle.

"Hey, Rurbeak, do you know what event it is?"

Soon, some of the young dwarves asked Rurbeak because Rurbeak was the follower of Protector Ajax and they hoped he would have some insider information.


However, Rurbeak didn't have a single clue about the event. So, he shook his head and left for his room.

The same thing happened with Lurmer as everyone asked about the event; however, Lurmer was just like Rurbeak, shook his head before going to his room to take some rest before going to the protector castle.



As for Ajax, he was flying towards the protector castle as he muttered, 'It will be a nice surprise for everyone when they see the upgradation of the grey dwarf world with their own eyes.' historical

The event Ajax talked about was none other than the upgradation of the grey dwarf world to the normal grade and as the inhabitants of the grey dwarf world, Ajax wanted everyone to see it.


Soon, he could see the devourer eagle kings and the devourer eagle generals who were all munching on the obsidian naga king corpses.

"Alder, how much longer will it take for them to break into the king realm?"

Even though Ajax guessed that it would take a couple of days, he wanted to know the answer from the devourer eagle king.

"In another 10 or so hours, the third devourer eagle general might break into the king realm, master."

Alder replied as he continued, "After that, everyone one will start breaking into the king realm with an hour two gap."

"So, overall, it would take around 24 hours, master."

Alder gave the rough approximation of the breakthrough of the devourer eagle generals.


Ajax nodded his head as he informed, "By the way, in less than six hours, this world will be upgraded into a normal world. If you want to see the process, you can fly to the protector castle."

Pointing at the protector castle which was a couple of kilometers away from their current location, Ajax said in a little louder voice. So that the divine dragon that was consuming its meal along with the devourer eagle generals, could hear his words.

"Sure. I need a little break from eating all these. So, I will definitely come there to watch."

The divine dragon paused his eating as he looked at Ajax and replied before resuming its eating.


Ajax was speechless with the divine dragon's words as he silently thought, 'You are a divine dragon, not a devourer dragon.'

However, he didn't say it out loud as he said his goodbyes before leaving from there.

'I will be waiting here for the next five hours.'

While saying that, Ajax took out the cultivator's law stone and started cultivating while sitting in his special training hall.


Time continued to pass and in a flash five more hours passed by.

In the endless space,

"Brother Brokas, looks like that human is more arrogant than I thought."

The huge primordial demon emperor Trokas looked at the debris of the obsidian naga and said to Brokas with an angry smile on his face.

"We will let him know that he messed with the wrong demons."

Brokas was also angry looking at the debris.

Even though the obsidian naga world was just a smaller world, Brokas was frustrated with the continuous destruction of the smaller worlds in his territory.

So, he came out personally to take care of it as his apostles or demon kings were useless in killing that human.

"Brother, look, except for that small grey dwarf world, all the worlds around it were destroyed. Do you think there is something wrong with it?"

Even though Trokas didn't have much thinking power, the grey dwarf world was clearly visible from their location and there were no other worlds, making him suspicious.

"I don't think humans will be foolish enough to hide in that world."

However, Brokas felt it was not possible; however, he continued to say, "Let's go and see."

He didn't want to take any chances and decided to check the grey dwarf world.


Just as they flew a free thousand kilometers, the primordial demon emperor sensed a familiar presence and asked the Trokas to stop the magic leaf.

"Brother, is something wrong?"

Trokas asked Brokas with a confused look on his face.

"There is a rat hiding nearby, let's go and have a small chat before entering the grey dwarf world."

With an evil smile on his face, Brokas asked Trokas to fly in a specific direction.


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