New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1156 - [Bonus ]Intelligent Tagrek

Chapter 1156 - [Bonus ]Intelligent Tagrek

Somewhere in the endless space,

'Damn it...these mindless demon apostles are more powerful than us, the demon kings.'

Tagrek was flying in the endless space on his magic leaf whale cursing the demon apostle just a few hours ago.

'Before the emperor sends more of his demon apostles, I need to get away from this territory and take shelter in the Great void emperor's territory.'

In his current situation, even a low-level king could kill him. So, he just wanted to get away from the primordial demon emperor's world.

As for why he chose the Great void demon emperor's territory to take shelter was because everyone knew the primordial demon emperor and the great void emperor was not on good terms from the beginning.

If not for the fact that the human emperors were becoming too powerful, the other demon emperors were stopping them from fighting until they killed a couple of human emperors.

Also, as for why the Great void demon emperor would give him shelter was because he was planning to inform about the divine dragon along with other secrets of the Primordial demon emperor.

'But, I need to escape from this territory.'

Even though he was exhausted, he poured more of his demonic essence of nature as the fuel to speed up the magic leaf.

"Well well well, isn't that your loyal demon king?"

All of a sudden, Tagrek heard a familiar voice that made him anxious as he knew whose voice was that and increased the speed of the magic leaf even more by using the demonic blood essence.

"You think you can escape after betraying me?"

There was another familiar voice and as soon as that voice ended a silhouette appeared behind Targek, standing on the magic leaf.

"You bastard. It is you who betrayed us when we are doing everything you asked us to do."

Tagrek knew that he could not escape because the silhouette belonged to none other than the primordial demon emperor.

At first, he was shocked why the emperor himself came out of his world just to hunt the human; however, after remembering the destruction of the obsidian naga world, Tagrek felt that humans must be very powerful leaving the emperor no choice but to come for himself.

"That's right! So what?"

The primordial demon emperor didn't bother to listen to Tagrek's nonsense as he pierced Tagrek's chest to bring out the heart before destroying it.

"Brother Trokas, let's go."

Once he finished killing Tagrek, Brokas appeared on Trokas's shoulders as he asked his brother to fly towards the grey dwarf world.


Trokas raised his eyebrows when he heard Tagrek's words; however, he still nodded his head as he followed his brother's orders.

"Brother, is it true that you ordered the demon apostles to kill the five demon kings working for you?"

Along the way, Trokas asked Brokas after some hesitation.

Even though Trokas couldn't think much, he knew there was something his brother was not telling him. So, he asked about it.


Brokas sighed at Trokas's question as he replied, "There is a divine dragon with that human and the five high-level demon kings that look after my territory tried to covet it. So, what do you think I should do?"

"Kill anyone who disrespects the emperor's orders or betrays him."

At first, Trokas was shocked when he found out there was a divine dragon in this territory and he was angry when he learned that the demon kings he trained wanted to covet the divine dragon from his brother.

"That's why I ordered my demon apostles to kill them; however, my main mission for them was to kill the human and capture the divine dragon."

Brokas replied as though he did a favour to the five demon kings by not actively hunting them.

Moreover, Brokas thinks that his demon apostles must have killed the other four high-level demon kings and Tagrek must have escaped with several injuries.

However, what he didn't know was it was Ajax who not only killed the four high-level demon kings, but he also killed 99 of his demon apostles.

Just like how Ajax was ignorant that the primordial demon emperor was close to the grey dwarf world, the primordial demon emperor was clueless that all the demon apostles he sent to hunt Ajax were killed by Ajax instead.

"Brother, you need to get that divine dragon and become the demon emperor from the prophecy."

As a powerful demon emperor himself, Trokas knew about the prophecy; however, he never cared about the power and that's the reason why he didn't fight with Brokas for the territory and let him have the territory and the army.

As for him, he was freely venturing into smaller and normal human worlds and destroying them for fun and rested in the greater primordial demon world.

"As long as you support me just like always, we can dominate this entire 'Cluster', Brother Trokas."

Brokas was really glad to have a brother like Trokas who unconditionally supported him.

"No problem."

Trokas revealed a slight smile on his face as he sped up his magic leaf towards the grey dwarf world.


A few thousands of kilomters away from the border of the Primordial demon emperor's territory, an injured Tagrek could be seen flying on his magic leaf at an incredible speed.

'Damn it...he destroyed my demon avatar. I need to get out of this territory before he could find out that I fooled him.' historical

Tagrek used his demon avatar as a decoy to escape from the other demon apostles because he knew the primordial demon emperor would not send just a single demon apostle for any mission.

There would be at least 100 of them and sometimes, he would even send 1000 of them to a simple mission.

As for how many demon apostles the five demon emperors have under them only known by them.

However, what he didn't expect was the arrival of the primordial demon emperor himself. So, he wanted to get away from the territory as soon as possible.

'If I didn't give my demon blood essence to the demon avatar, he would have doubted something was not right and found out about the avatar. Looks like I did that right thing by following my gut.'

The only thing he was happy about was, he was successfully able to fool the primordial demon emperor; however, he was not overconfident regarding it lasting for long. So, he was speeding up to the exit of the territory.

However, what he didn't know was, the primordial demon emperor didn't want to waste too much time with his ex-loyal demon king. So, he killed him before rushing towards the grey dwarf world to check whether the human was in it or not.

If not, he would be searching for all the nearby worlds.

"Once I leave this territory, I need to find a world in the prohibited region before finding the great void emperor. I hope I can survive until then."

Target knew how dangerous the prohibited region was; however, it was not his first time entering. So, he was hoping nothing disastrous would happen to him in that region.


I hope you enjoy the Bonus chapters.


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