New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1284 - Registration

Chapter 1284 - Registration

"Young master, are you here for the registration?"

Before Darbaudr could even try to bribe the royal servants, a voice came from the back and all the royal servants were surprised when they heard those words.

Because the owner of the voice was none other than the head of the royal servants who ordered them to reject any new registrations.


They were speechless at the actions of the head of the royal servants; however, they didn't say anything because he was their boss.


Ajax nodded his head and replied to the middle-aged man because that question was directed at him.

"Even though the registration time is over, I can make an exemption for the young master."

With a huge smile on his face, the head of the royal servants acted politely in front of Ajax.

"Oh. Thank you."

Ajax didn't know whether the middle-aged man was always this good to everyone, nevertheless, he didn't bother much about it because he just wanted the registration to be done as soon as possible.

"Don't thank me. Geniuses like you are required to participate in the contest and that is the reason why the royal family is hosting their contest."

While maintaining the huge smile on his face, the head of the royal servants started the registration process.

"Young master, please place your hand on this stone."

Soon, one of the royal servants summoned an irregular shaped shining crystal and asked Ajax to place his hands on it.


Ajax nodded his head and placed his hands on the stone; however, there was no reaction from it.

"Young master, please introduce yourself, like name, age, cultivation and if you are a summoner, then how many elemental spirits do you want to register. By the way, only the elemental spirits that are registered can be summoned in the contest and if you summoned other elemental spirits during the contest, you will be disqualified without giving any chance."

The head of the royal servants politely asked Ajax to introduce himself.

"My name is Ajax and I am 16 and I come from Zrochester province. Currently, my cultivation is level 2 elite general realm."

Ajax introduced himself as he continued, "Yes, I am a summoner."

"Slait and Quarris come out and show your faces."

While giving out his details, Ajax summoned his two earth elemental spirits from the inner world.

"Everything the young master has said until now has no lies."

The royal servant that was holding the irregular shaped crystal replied to the head of the royal servants.

'Looks like I am right, he is definitely a genius.'

Hearing the royal servant's words, the head of the royal servants was excited because the reason why he changed his attitude earlier was that he felt Ajax was some kind of genius.

There were a few reasons why he came to that conclusion before Ajax could even introduce himself.

One, the battle barbarians, who would not follow anyone' orders were following a young man. What's more, they were even showing a great respect to him by calling him 'Young master'.

Two, the aura emitted by the huge eagle was so powerful that he didn't doubt the spirit beast was a king realm spirit beast.

Also, he was very sure that it was not a regular king realm spirit beast.

The third one, the most important one was, the young man was accompanied by a space realm elemental spirit.

Even though he was not sensing any cultivation from the space elemental spirit, it only made the head of the royal servants even more worried because only high-level cultivators and beings could do something like retracting their complete cultivation, making others think that they were just mortals without any cultivation.historical

'The space elemental spirit can fool anyone; however, not me.'

The head of the royal servants thought to himself as he started to call Ajax respectfully.

However, after learning that Ajax was from the Zrochester province, he was shocked to the core as he didn't expect that someone from Zrochester province could have servants like the battle barbarians, a king realm spirit beast and a space elemental spirit with unknown cultivation.

Actually, he would have straight away rejected if someone else from the Zrochester province came at this hour; however, the head of the royal servants could clearly tell that Ajax definitely had a good backing. So, he made an exception without thinking much.

"Young master, I will note down these two elemental spirits. But I suggest you add another one or two elemental spirits because the contest this time is going to be very tough."

Marcus registered Ajax's complete details and at the end, he stated that Ajax was an earth elemental summoner and wrote down two elemental spirits 'Slait' and 'Quarris'.

Also, he didn't forget to give a suggestion to Ajax regarding registering more elemental spirits.

It was common sense that Ajax had more elemental spirits in his spirit consciousness. So, he informed Ajax about the top geniuses participating in the contest.

"Actually, I thought to use only one elemental spirit but I am giving the participants some face by registering the two elemental spirit names."

Ajax replied with a slight smile on his face, making Marcus think that Ajax was very arrogant.

'Another arrogant young master. Who cares, as long as he becomes popular after this contest, he will definitely remember me for making an exception in registering his name.'

In Marcus' eyes, there are only two types of participants. A 'genius' and a 'trying to be a genius'.

Ajax was clearly a genius and he just wanted to enter into the good book of Ajax and later enjoy some benefits if Ajax made it to the top.

If not, he had other geniuses whom he helped previously by giving them special treatment.

So, he was not worried about it as he already selected a few youngsters who are going to enter at least the top 100 in tomorrow's contest.

"As you wish, young master."

Marcus nodded his head and sent Ajax to a good resting quarters after completing the registration.


A Bonus Chapter for every 100 Golden Tickets.

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